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Posts posted by Stroopy121

  1. Oh yeah, I listened to Tupac - Until the End of Time, too. Loved some of it but I just struggle to really get into it. I think I might be on the same page as Soda here where I'm just more into the modern stuff. As for recommendations LemRas, Scroobius Pip and Childish Gambino got my biggest thumbs up. I did check out Because The Internet too and it's a great record but I still prefer Camp - I was able to get into it a little more, follow the lyrics and it felt like he was telling a story.


    I enjoyed The Ecstatic, but probably just about as much as Black on Both Sides - I can appreciate that it's a good record, just not something I'd be in a rush to listen to.



  2. I'm not quite sure how to react to a post rating scroobius pip and and childish gambino albums higher than 36 chambers and black on both sides.I don't feel good about it.


    Stroopy, I think you might prefer Mos Def's The Ecstatic more.



    Haha, I should note that my interest in hippity hoppity is very much still in its infancy so my opinion is (more so than usual) that of someone who doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about!



  3. Been listening to lots of hippity hoppity lately.



    Scroobius Pip - Distraction Pieces


    Love this record. Thoughtful lyrics, great music with some cool pop-rock influence in there. Amazing.







     Childish Gambino - Camp


    More great lyrics. Brutally honest stuff, a lot of though-provoking stuff about feeling stuck in the middle ground, too white for the black kids and too black for the white kids. Great, great record.







    Travis Barker + Misc. -  Can a Drummer Get Some


    Pretty shit, really.







    Notorious B.I.G. - Greatest Hits


    Didn't know where to start with Biggie, so went for Greatest Hits. Really solid stuff, I love the music here. Has  a really cool, pop/funk-driven feel. Like Stevie Wonder or Marvin Gaye in places. Bit heavy on the misogyny in places, but some really insightful and interesting stuff here. Will be listening to more.








    Wu-Tang Clan - Enter the Wu-Tang-36 Chambers


    Good, minimal beats, focused energy and really tightly put together. Seems to lack a little substance in some places, but I really enjoyed it.







    Mos Def - Black on Both Sides


    A little too sound-scapey for my taste. I prefer more minimalism or more aggression. This wasn't my cup of tea stylistically the sort of thing I tend to gravitate towards, really. A great record that I just didn't enjoy





  4. Boots-on-ground in Iraq I think is almost a given and occupation of Iraq, invasion of Syria or some kind of disproportionate response - I'll be honest, I don't think that this is what's going to happen because it's smart or sensible at all - what I meant was that the words Cameron used about "full spectrum response, at home and abroad" suggests military action/reaction/intervention to me.



  5. When I signed up however-many-years ago, it was because I had a new band and I needed a spot to start promoting it, finding out about what gigs were on, who to talk to about getting booked etc... Now that there's a Facebook where that stuff is all handled, if I wasn't a member here I wouldn't feel any real need to sign up. There are even Facebook groups for selling gear and looking for bands/musicians so the main functions that pulled me to the site are obsolete. I'm just here now because, as has been said before, I like teh bantz.



  6. By "war" you mean "ground troops"? We're already bombing IS in Iraq, no?


    I'm not in the UK at the moment, but I tend to think the opposite. Cameron wanted to ?(at least) bomb Syrian gov forces a year or so ago after the chemical strikes, and both Labour and much of the Tories voted against it. So not only did the the Syrian gov. get to continue bombing kids and sectarian cleansing, but now the moderate opposition there is gone and in place is an extremist, sectarian bunch of armies across Syria and Iraq (and hitting elsewhere, ofc); not only that, but the "secular", chemical bombing dictator is now quietly preferable to that. I think a large part of the blame for ISIS can be laid, as well as at the doors of the Syrian and sectarian Iraqi goverments, at much of the Labour and Tory parties, and Obama. 


    Yeah, I guess full-scale occupation is more in line with what I was meaning.


    I'm not 100% sure I follow your point - are you saying that part of the blame lies on Tories, Labour and Obama because of a lack of action before?



  7. It might just be the hardcore leftie in me, but I can't help but feel like all the anti-Western extremism comes from this same attitude. We're stuck in a chicken-and-egg loop where there are terrorist attacks which cause unrest here, which causes subtle racism and anti-Islamic sentiment, which causes disenfranchisement among non-radical followers of Islam leading to those people being sucked in to an anti-Western rhetoric and so on.


    It's particularly sad because when you look at the EDL, Britain First, UKIP and all these other mainstream movements condeming "radical Islam", it's exactly the same mob mentality. Dylann Roof is a Christian Extremist in the same way that the gunman here is a Muslim one, but we still see it fit to blame their religion and not ours. Frankie Boyle (I think) made a great point about something similar where some Pakistani men were found to be raping kids (in the UK) and the media said it a "cultural thing" with them, even though the age of consent in Pakistan is the same as it is here.. It's not a cultural thing, it's not a racial or religious thing, it's a "some people are fucking awful" thing and we need to stop trying to draw these big dividing lines that are meant to keep us seperate from the "bad guys" because that attitude just allows evil like this to flourish!



    • Upvote 1
  8. Obviously it's absolutely horrible what happened over there - for anyone who wasn't aware, a gunman (or gunmen, it's unclear how many attackers there were) opened fire on a beach in Tunisia killing 38 (confirmed so far) people - full story here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-33307279



    David Cameron has responded in a typically Prime-Ministerial fashion - we must fight terrorism etc, but there's a part of his response that sounds a little odious to me:


    'Full-spectrum response'

    Writing in the Telegraph, Mr Cameron said that as the identities of the dead continued to emerge the full "horror" of events was becoming clear.

    "But we will not be cowed," he said. "To our shock and grief we must add another word: resolve. Unshakeable resolve. We will stand up for our way of life.

    "So ours must be a full-spectrum response - a response at home and abroad; in the immediate aftermath and far into the future."


    He said the Islamic State group used social media as its "primary weapon" and police and security services must have "the tools they need to root out this poison".

    Mr Cameron - who will chair another meeting of the Cobra emergency committee on Monday morning - said it was also vital to confront the "poisonous ideology" behind attacks like that carried out in Tunisia.

    "We must be stronger at standing up for our values - of peace, democracy, tolerance, freedom," he said.

    "We must be more intolerant of intolerance - rejecting anyone whose views condone the Islamist extremist narrative and create the conditions for it to flourish."


    Am I the only one who reads that and thinks there may be another war in the middle-east on the horizon? And that this is pointing towards greater privacy infringements when it comes to social media? I don't want to sound too tinfoil-hat about it, just interested in hearing others' thoughts about what they think our response will/should be?



  9. Considering that it was announced at the AGM on the 6th of June and no doubt all over twitter of you follow them, then as mentioned in the P&J on the 8th then it's at least two weeks late.

    Just wait until you find out the current Brewdog bar is going to be turned into a BottleDog.


    What's a bottledog?



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