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girl anachronism

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Posts posted by girl anachronism

  1. Jesus suffering fuck.

    I wanted to give you some positive rep for this as Stevie's constant forth-spewing of mind blowing nonsense must really be making you a suffering JESUS fuck, but alas it won't let me. The intention was definitely there though! :up:

    • Upvote 1
  2. I used to really enjoy Optimo, we spent many a Sunday night at the Sub Club dancing like nobody was watching, I'm really sad to see it go. I was home at the weekend so missed the last one, which is a shame as that playlist looks incredible. I really hope Twitch and Wilkes get some new exciting project on the go.

    It was definitely a fun way to spend a Sunday night and was responsible for many, many slow starts on Monday mornings. It appears that the folk at Hillhead Bookclub http://www.hillheadbookclub.co.uk /music.php were big fans of Optimo and it looks like they have guest DJ slots, so hopefully that might turn out to be a really cool venture.

  3. *bites fist* I always liked that guy. Didn't I always say Stefan had a lovely sunny smile? Don't bother readng back, I definitely did.

    You definitely did. I also recall saying how the green in his hoodie really brings out his eyes. I think we both agreed he was much more handsome than that other guy that "sings", and pretty buff too.

  4. Squire Jazz bass...

    Sorry to steer this slightly off topic, but are these any good? I'm thinking of picking up a bass to learn but I am reasonably clueless when it comes to basses. I've already been playing guitar for years. I noticed the Vintage Modified Jazz bass, it's one of the few that are available left-handed. I probably wouldn't want to do too much with it, just play at home and eventually maybe practice with some friends.

  5. The name of my new band is broken rain ... we havent uploaded anything yet but we are recording on saturday and i shall upload the new stuff then ... look for a new thread to take over the net ;)

    i shall create a new thread for my new band on saturday at some point :)

    As opposed to intact rain?

    Recording already? How long have you been a band?!

    Something about learning from mistakes?! ...well, good luck anyway.:up: Death metal ain't my thing though, grunge 4 lyfe I'm afraid.

  6. Air-Sexy Boy

    Minnie Riperton-Les Fleurs

    Fruit Bats-A Bit Of Wind


    French Kicks-Abandon

    Gotan Project-Criminal

    Je Suis Animal-Sparkle Spit

    Neil Young-Down By The River

    Rilo Kiley-Pictures of Success

    and a bit of a guilty pleasure that always makes me feel summery- Lauren Laverne-Don't Falter

  7. Lots of people care. Facts are more fun when they're right.

    Anyway, you lot are being ridiculously harsh to Stefan, so don't get uppity on me just because I've read a Kurt Cobain biography.

    Totally, I don't dig the '$pd anymore, snide remarks and hissy fits just aren't grunge. You're all being rubbish. :down:

    (Stefan doesn't seem to be too upset about it though, he doesn't care about being popular and admired, 'cause clearly he's the most grunge*.)

    *How to Be Grunge - wikiHow

  8. I think I saw Jon in Stereo in Glasgow tonight.

    If I did, it was an absolute stalk: he has no idea who I am, I really don't have much of a clue who he is, I don't think he even saw me, I didn't talk to him, and the only reason I actually was able to recognise him was because of his "at first I was like..." pictures in the $huttr$pd thread.

    Edit: Must have been, just realised Curators were supporting The Primitives.

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