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Skull Commander

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Posts posted by Skull Commander

  1. I managed to catch status quo. It was a sub pub performance with god awful vocals. I have never heard them sounding this rough before. A highlight of there performance was a glimpse of the crowd doing the old "one facing the other with hands on hips movement", that is so beloved of quo fans!

  2. Anytime I've ever pre ordered a new album from play it has arrived at least 3 days after the release date:down:

    I usually get things bang on time but I'm still waiting for my tomahawk album. Play does seem to have got a wee bit tardy with new releases in recent weeks......

  3. Seriously, citizens advice bureau or a proper solicitor for this kind of stuff. Why you'd follow advice given here about something as serious as paying maintenance for your kids (although I get that it's not the original posters kids) I dunno.

    It's a new government scheme to gradualy phase out citizens advice bureaus, solicitors, doctors, and eventaully all the emergency services. One stop forums!

  4. She was stolen last night and im gutted......I phoned the police and was informed by a callcentre lady that a police officer will be allicated to it sometime in the next few days :S .....Is this correct?.......Surely by 2 days time my bike coulb be abroad lol.......

    Thats harsh. It's time the police pulled their collective finger out their arse and started to do what they are meant to.

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