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Everything posted by Chicken!

  1. yes, but if you're refering to Red XIII then what you said was only your view. It was never confirmed in the game so therefore is a possible "plot hole".
  2. Although the storyline was confusing whilst playing it I found that it all seemed to make sense once you've completed the game. The only thing I was slightly confused about was when you see Red XIII with some baby things of the same race in the final cut scene.
  3. Starfall were good. I didn't like the other bands though. What I found funny was that when Luke made that mistake the guy that pointed it out seemed to take it really seriously and looked pretty offended.
  4. Theres a great clip on newgrounds.com about FF VII.. I think its called "random encounters" or something like that. However, I can't be arsed looking for it but if you want to see it then you know where.
  5. That bloody mailing centre took me ages to find! Moogles play a good part in FFXI too.. and the chocobos in it are great. To be honest, I thought FFXI wasnt going to be that great but I bought it anyway. Its better to not think of it as a Final Fantasy game as it doesnt really compare to the others... and is completly different, being an online game and all. Its an additive game though and I found that it was worth the money(although the monthly fees really piss me off).
  6. yes.. Final Fantasy.. I'd have to say FF VII is the best cause the storyline was soooo good and Sephiroth was cool. FF VIII was pretty good too. The junction system wasnt that confusing... it just took a while to get the hang of. Anyone here play Final Fantasy XI?
  7. Hrmm.. I'll probably go to that. I've not heard of any of those other bands though.. I hope they're good.
  8. I use to get text messages from The Shack all the time saying things about free entries and what was on that night. It was annoying. I reckon that'll stop now. Thank god.
  9. Army of Darkness doesn't deserve a sequel.
  10. Depends on what else you're wearing. Do you really care that much if you look gay?
  11. I was listening to Bon Jovi earlier which is pretty much as low as I'll go..... In music terms that is
  12. If I had any money I might actually buy that. Good luck with it anyway.
  13. The original was too good. They can not possibly hope to make a remake worth seeing.
  14. Interview with the Vampire was a great movie.. then some idiot went and made Queen of the damned which was almost as bad as the vampire movie with Bon Jovi in it. The only reason Underworld was good is cause Kate Beckinsale is hot. Van Helsing was just awful. Thats pretty much most of the vampire movies I've ever seen.
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