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About some_kinda_hate

  • Birthday 09/07/1988

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  1. not that expencive! I can't wait WHEEE XXxxXxx
  2. Yeh, get someone to wax it..I would *trust me, I'm qualified in waxing any part of the body lol* but.. if you're going to do it yourself, you will have to stretch the skin like mad so it doesn't hurt like fuck
  3. Animals are a lot nicer than most humans nowadays anyway. At least they don't go about bombing everything. Meh, stupid people can be sometimes. It's those who cause pain who deserve it the most!
  4. hahahahhaa aw man, that amused me, she has very bendy vertebraes! ooh no, the funniest part is when she sits on her head bahahaha
  5. yay it got it when I did wouldn't it be nice by the beach boys
  6. I got enya, Grace kelly, glenn miller *whothehell lol*
  7. nah he/she isn't a mink, if you just want one episode *plus the companys making millions anyway* then let him do it without the nasty remarks. I bet even those who go about calling people that, download themselves. Everyone I know downloads things. I do it all the time. It's part of the joy on using the internet.
  8. it's frigging cute, funny hat hehe, but I'm allergic to them also..and scared of them like..they attack me for no reason scratch, bite, pounce.. eep :o but aye, still cute x
  9. Happy birthday to yoooou, happy birthday to yooou, happy birthday mr elwoodddddd, happy birthday to yooou! Hope you had a good one! Ally x
  10. aw darn you missed it tis next to game in the bonacord center *also beside the natural world* but no fear! the shop re-opens soon at the shop between the ace cheap bookstore and the clinton cards *think it is?* shop lots of changes for the upstairs part in the centre, I know that the natural world is going forever though x
  11. yus ah that mouse dies as a legend for it proved that animals will no longer take shit from older people whome want to kill them :o
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