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Posts posted by Fluffy

  1. lovley building though. Old factory or mill i think.

    there are two tates in London, it is the new one that shows the modern stuff.

    The other one is showing Monet (cant remeber who else) right now. I would love to go and see that

    I like some modern art, but most of it, esp the stuff that appears in the papers is plain crap. Prefer the old classics mainly though.

  2. I used to work for BT on the service desk (before it was taken over by HP and moved to India)

    I have to disagree about call centres not working. Last company i worked for in the call centre the customers really enjoyed speaking to us. I suppose its all in the training and ethics you are taught

  3. No, she isnt re-training to be a chef (pity) but she and hubby have confirmed that they are expecting a baby.

    She is 3-4 months up the duff. Maybe she will get rid of that ugly little dog now!

    Now isnt that just perfect timing for their little show of the cameras coming in and filming them.

    Who's taking bets on a weird name!

  4. i know neil said it isnt a real court but what legal stance do they have? i mean, should a-m win, can neil demand a public apolgy? or if the band should win, can the *judge* order a pay out, or for the site to be shut down?

    i remeber reading in the paper the *judge* is a lady who has been in thr legal buisness for a number of years but i dont know if she is a solicter, barrister etc...

    i dont know much about the local aberdeen bands as i have only been to aberdeen twice, but it will be intresting to see and hear both sides of the story!

  5. I saw the most beautiful dog in the states that looked like a fox. Can't for the life of me remember the name of the breed though.

    ... and no' date=' it wasn't a fox.

    EDIT: - Shiba Inu


    Aah! What a cutie, I'll get one when I'm a responsible homeowner and all that jazz.

    aww its lovley! i dont know the breed but there are these massive white dogs, they look like a huge cotton wool ball. they are so cute!

  6. I know alot of you alose use firefox but something is bugging me!

    maybe iv only just noticed this, but a tab has apperd when only one window is open.

    i have just downloaded the new firefox 1.0.2 so it could be that, but like i said maybe iv only just noticed (im sure it wasnt like that before)

    it used to be just a window open, and if i opened a new tab/page, then the 2 tabs would appear. does anyone know how to turn it off so that if only one window is open no tab will appear. (its probarly something really simple)

    i hope that made sense...


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