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Posts posted by Fluffy

  1. i think this kind of thing has a lot to do with the way you've been raised.

    i think that is a huge factor. growing up, my nana was always baking for her family, and my mum always worked part time, so she was home when we got home. i was raised with pretty much tradional values and i want to pass that on to my family.

  2. I missed the last half hour' date=' was there a big cliff hanger to start the next series?[/quote']

    the cliff hanger was one of the nurses kids ran away. she was going out with Luca.

    umm, Dr.pratt went to see his dad, and carter left (sniff) but he will be back for guest epiosdes and the last ever one appartnly.

  3. i would get a clip around the ear, which worked until i got to my teenage years.

    when i was little my mum and dad were reluctant to hit me, but they had no other way. they tried to take something away, and i would be like "ok, take it" and not be botherd. i think i almost drove them mad... oh the memories! :)

  4. My problem with the death penalty is that if you hang someone then when eveidence 15 years later proves they were innocent after all' date=' there's no going back. At least you can compensate someone who's wrongly convicted for spending 15 years in jail if he's alive.

    And why do we jail people for non payment of fines and fraud anyway???[/quote']

    because we have a shit system

  5. after reading scariest thing, i ask you, what is the best thing that has happend to you?

    for me, it would be i think either my niece being born and getting to be with her alot as a baby (she also hated me for the first 6 months, but she seems to like me now)

    or going out with the man i am with now. soppy i know, but i love him lots... most of the time..

    what about you?!

  6. anyway, back to prisons. yes, being seculded from friends and family etc isnt nice, but prison isnt meant to be.

    Prisoners have it too good. own tv's, massages! what have we come too. even their sentaces are laugble. if you are given life, it should be life.

    it is sad when someone is convicted who is innocent and they have to go through being sepreted from loved ones.

    its even sadder when a rapists and murders etc get set free, and someone who just didnt pay their council tax etc gets locked up! jail the people who bloody deserve it!

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