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Posts posted by Patch

  1. Hey there Andy. Good luck with that. If you need someone to fill in on guitar or vocals temporarily til you find someone (sort of like a session musician) then give us a shout. Also if you still want to do that acoustic thing we were talking about ages ago then give us a shout.

    Take care

    Keep jammin'

    Simon aka Patch

  2. Moving into halls in Aberdeen is fantastic. I stayed at Hillhead in the self-catered flats. Yeah, they were nothing especially (physically. The catered flats were quite spacious and classy in comparison) but made loads of friends etc. Having said that I'm not originally from Aberdeen so maybe it was the experience of being somewhere different. Though there were friends who I met here who were from Aberdeen or nearby. But I think I had an advantage in the fact that it was more exciting exploring new places and meeting new people so in some ways Glasgow sounds like the best option in your case. Hope all goes well for you

    Keep jammin'



  3. Hey, would also be up for playing some classic rock tunes. Either singing, playing guitar (probably rhythm but depends how hard the tunes are) or a bit of both. At the moment thinking along the lines of

    All Right Now- Free

    Layla- Derek and the Dominoes

    Don't Fear The Reaper-Blue Oyster Cult

    Should I Stay Or Should I Go- The Clash

    and other great tunes from anytime period. Basically anything which you are up for. And if I can't play it to start with then I'll go away and learn it.

    Let me know whether you are still interested or not

    Keep jammin'


  4. Hey Ryan. Don't worry I'm not going to give your night any bad press. I had enough trouble trying to promote the place when I was working there. I will be out on Wednesday and may pop in after the open mic at Drummonds. By the way can I have a shot on the decks for old times sake? I'll tell you what I'm playing. I won't do a stupid thing like play Five or something (though if there's a crowd there from Moshulu I don't think anyone would notice or complain seeing as it's a Wednesday. Still remember the night Rob and other Moshulu staff members went to Imagine and Rob bought me a tequila. Classic).

    If not then I'm requesting "Rebel Yell" by Billy Idol and "She Sells Sancturary" by the Cult.

    If I don't make it on Wednesday good luck with the night!

    Keep jammin'


  5. Hope

    I was in Drummonds on Wednesday night for the open mic and this guy is playing guitar on stage and he announces the last song he's playing is by Funktree. Naturally I cheer as I like the band. My friend and I (we've both seen them play live with Shed 7 last year) looked at him and started debating whether it was the actual guitarist from the band or not. So I asked the host of the open mic and he confirmed it. So I spoke to the guy (who funnily enough was playing on one of the machines like the last time I spoke to him) who informed me that the band are still going and are hoping to play some time next month.


    Keep jammin'


  6. Stealing our crown

    It won't be as great as when I used to do it with my friend Steve (the first two guys ever). I remember those glory days. But knowing Ryan these nights will be really good. I have been to a few of his nights and he does pick some good tunes. It's just a shame that the place is so under advertised. And that's why no-one goes. We had about 50 people until closing time on our first time and that was purely through word of mouth. And considering it's not much bigger than the back room of Moshulu that's not bad going.

    Also he plays rock music. Like Steve and I used to. None of this rock song, Kylie, Five, Cher, attempt at a rock song nonsense.

    If you like your rock music go.

    Keep jammin'


  7. Agree

    Well, if it really is you in charge then it should work. It's just I was unsure whether it would be you or Sultan running it as he was wanting to have live bands in there for ages. Even before you started DJ ing there. And even the bar staff have made complaints about being paid there (though they may have left). And they seemed to do no work at all! I actually think you'll do a good job. Good luck with it. Hope to see you in town some time soon



  8. You'll probably be expected to bring your own PA system. And just about everything else (if I know Imagine you'll have to do and pay for your own advertising as well). I used to DJ there (the first to bring rock music to that place with a friend of mine) and a word of warning if you want to get paid make sure you speak to the boss first. One better, do what no-one has done before and get it in writing. Otherwise things can get out of hand. I used to play downstairs (guitar + singing) in the Small World Cafe Bar and I still haven't seen a penny of that 160 for playing from 9pm-closing time for almost two weeks. And that was in the summer holidays of 2004!!! You have be warned! On the otherhand I did get paid for DJing at least for some of my nights(which I did afterwards) and that was because I did speak to the boss directly (my guitar play was arranged by one of the bar staff who needless to say no longer works there. But he was actually one of the cooler bar staff).

    But it's one of those places you really need to see for yourself. Also it does have the added bonus of having two floor so you could (as I suggested to the boss once) have a band playing at the top floor and then have some rock music playing on the first floor (a DJ obviously) afterwards till the club has to shut. Man, me and my money making schemes. I should have mortgaged my flat and bought the place myself.

    That's my view on the subject but I believe you should make your decision.

    Keep jammin'


  9. Hillhead is not far from my flat. Basically to get to hillhead walk up King Street (if you are coming from Union Street) past the BP Garage. A few metres on there is a set of traffic lights. Cross the road and turn left. You should find yourself walking past a builiding called The Aberdeen Officer Training Corps. Keep walking up the hill. Then you will see a group of flats on the other side of the road. Cross the road here to the otherside where you see an obvious entrance. Et voila. Or just get the no.20 bus.

    By the way if yourself or Andy are wanting an extra guitarist for a jam session (probably a rhythm guitarist) then let us know. Even just for a laugh. My flat can get quite boring at times. Sorry I haven't been in touch with you recently, Andy, hope we can still jam.

    Keep jammin'


  10. Oh the joys of living in Hillhead! I remember those days. I actually live not far from there (next to the BP garage King Street) so if you are ever up for jam... I have an electric, acousitc guitar and amp. I also write songs/sing. So if needed I would be willing to contribute in that area. Though would be willing to play just guitar or just sing or both. Most probably best suited as a rhythm guitarist.

    By the way have the got a new drum kit in the practise room there? Just remember it being in tattered pieces when I was there.

    Keep jammin'


  11. I'm a guitar player/singer. Can't play that many guitar solos so I'd probably be best suited as a rhythm guitarist or singer/both. Here are some suggestions of stuff I would be willing to play

    All Right Now- Free (and I can almost play the solo)

    Should I Stay Or Should I Go-The Clash

    Wild Thing- The Troggs

    Man On The Moon/Everybody Hurts by R.E.M.

    Mr Jones- The Counting Crows

    That's just some of the stuff that I can play + sing at the same time (I'm sure I can think of more later but I'm a bit rushed just now). So other stuff I would be up for doing includes The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Oasis, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Foo Fighters, Thin Lizzy, U2, Direstraits etc.

    If you could PM me your list of the stuff you would like to play because I am quite flexible when it comes to covers (and would be willing to learn more). Are you going to have an actual drummer or will be using a CD (not fussed either way but I know some cover bands do this) and how much would we be playing/owning a week?

    Keep jammin'


  12. I play guitar/sing and would be willing to do either with you (e.g rhythm/lead guitar but like you say I'm no Satch when it comes to lead guitar so you may have to be patient). I also write some of my own material. I'm not in a band at the moment but have played quite a bit as a solo artist (e.g. at open mics) in public if that helps.

    I am away for Christmas but should be back for 30th December. So let us know if you are up for a jam any time after that.

    Keep jammin'

    Simon aka. Patch

  13. I'm a guitarist based in Aberdeen itself. So if that's of any used to you then let me know. I'm assuming it is going to sound a bit like the Drop Kick Murphy's/Real Mackenzies then? Don't know many tunes in that genre at the moment but would be willing to learn. Though I do know the Wild Rover and 500 Miles by the Proclaimers.

    Oh, and with much persuassion (offers of alcohol normally help) I can play the bagpipes as well. But would prefer to stick to the guitar.

    Keep jammin'


  14. Sounds cool to me. Will it be more of an acoustic or electric thing (or a bit of both?). Anyhow my amp is currently sitting in the Small World Cafe Bar and my boss says it is cool for me to play in the bar whenever. In fact he is looking for bands of your description to play there. But I'd like to play elsewhere as well (he's a bit of a dodger is my boss so getting paid can be a hassle. Also he'll want us to play all night long. NOT an hour or two. I have warned you) So if you want to get together that would be a good place just for a mess about as opposed to an actual performance.

    Got any good places in mind? Good pay?


  15. Could possibly be interested. I'm a guitarist and singer and like the idea of doing covers. Not fantastic at lead guitar so if I was to play it some of it would be improvised. What are you influences?


  16. Yeah, I've written a few. The problem is that some of them need a bit of work and others sound okay as acoustic songs but I'd love to get some lead guitar on top of them or just expand on them in general. I've also got a few riffs to fool around with and improve on but no lyrics for them. If you want I'll play a few of them. I'm probably bringing down my friend's electric guitar (it's pretty much been given to me) but no amp. I believe they have amps to use at Captain Tom's. Do you have a guitar tuner? I think it might need it (I've been playing my acoustic recently).

    Keep jammin'

    Patch aka. Simon

  17. Do you want me to play the guitar as well? I'm thinking of Should I Stay Or Should I Go by the Clash (it's quite an easy one to play) and Drive My Car (or Ticket to Ride) by the Beatles. If you can't manage those songs then something by R.E.M. (preferably Everybody Hurts) or Counting Crows (Mr Jones) or Teeenage Kicks by the Undertones.

    Keep jammin'


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