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Posts posted by tranzmute

  1. Put it into context' date=' the majority of people were fine. Thats why no one bothered to revolt. Big ups to Rosa Luxemberg and crew but they were destroyed because popular support was with the Nazi's. I'm not agreeing with what the Nazi's did, but if you look at it in a purely pragmatic way, it was rather ingenious.[/quote']

    What ingenious????? in sadistic, disturbed and depraved way.?

    Read up on the childcare practices of pre-nazi Germany and you will find the cause mate. people used to beat their babies...in order to give them "control" over their emotions. Hay presto the same generation turn into cold sadistic killers/ Thers nothing ingenious about it ...it s depraved

  2. I would be one of those passing socialists.

    Yet you can't really argue with Hitler' date=' pragmatically, if you weren't a jew, a socialist or a gypsy things would be pretty darn good. Goering was a smart man too, my favourite nazi as it were, his Nuremberg defence was ace.[/quote']

    also if you wernt mentally ill, disabled, different in any way, u'd be ok hey. WISE UP

  3. well thats really fantastic

    hahaha you are hilarious!

    anyway' date=' if its possible to stop your sides from literally crumpling with the severe laughter induced by that thread....getting back to the point.

    The urgency of before is over now, but i'd still be interested in finding out good pizza deals.

    [b'](Not Birdman)

    glad to brighten up ur day. try that pizza hut deal with the 4 varieties of pizza...its yum

  4. I really like it as well. post 9/11 effect is evident. Its pretty mellow in parts. plastic sun is one of my alltime fave tracks.

    I havnt listened to it in a while. I had it on constantly about two years ago but I would say its mayb my least fave sonic youth album. I rate 1000 leaves and experimental jetset....as two of the best

    but theya re all ace in my opinion

  5. Sorry but I don't consider myself as coming from a 'rough home' just because my father used a form of discipline. I personally agree with his actions and believe your views are misguided. If he had beat the shit out of me for no reason that's a different matter.

    Why do people seem unable to distinguish in any form or fashion? Is it too complicated to think of things in differing situations? It was the same in the capital punishment thread. It's too easy to generalise every conceivable situation.

    I have known people in my life who were totally mollycoddled by their parents and used to run away from home to get what they wanted and their parents would buckle and buy them whatever. They were also some of the most violent people I have ever met. Maybe they were just that way inclined no matter what but I can't help but think lack of discipline is a key part of it.

    Anyway' date=' I see in todays paper some poor wee 5 year old was possibly hung from a tree by a gang of boys and girls. had deep rope burns on his neck. It would be interesting to know their family situation, I bet all 5 of them weren't from 'rough' homes. :down:[/quote']

    . I was just trying to make the point that not all people end up violent if they are victims of physical punishment. But to make my point clearer I would say families in which parents physically chastise their kids are 'rough' simply because they use violence. (whether it be excessive or not).There doesnt have to be poverty.

    Am not having a dig at you I hope it doesnt come across that way, just I have quite strong veiws on how we treat kids.

  6. I think there's a marked difference between a clout round the ear from your parents for misbehaving and setting fire to someone/beating the shit out of someone/being generally anti-social and filming it on a mobile phone personally but no matter' date=' each to their own opinion.[/quote']

    Violence begins at home in whatever shape or form. I think you are totallly misguided in your opinions on discipline. Kids can only learn respect and kindness + empathy for others if they get that at home. am not saying people from rough homes arnt capable of empathy ...but generally to hit your kids only leads leads to them having psychological issues and certainly doesnt teach anyone a lesson..

  7. it would be perfect if thoughs neds didnt try and take beer off us every time im down their

    I wittnessed such things once when I was there with my loved-ones. I couldnt beleive it. The drunker -bozzer-radge tried to hit the lad when he wouldnt give him some beers. Ive never been back since

    and as for things to do...the winter gardens...........loveley floral scents.

    Seaton park on a sunny day + the third world centre on a rainy one

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