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Posts posted by EchelonDivision

  1. I got attacked today by a seagull. I had just finished my weekend job at Sainsburys when I was walking through Garthdee and saw it flying low directly towards my face, so I ducked. It circled me, screeching and squacking as it went, came back round and dived at my head again, trying to peck as it attacked.

    I found myself running from this bird as it attacked me for the seventh time in a row, trying to shite on me and hit me head with its feet.

    I thought it maybe had something against Sainsburys uniforms, then I realised it must have been protecting its young or something.

    Anyway, I'm going back to the spot where it attacked me tomorrow with equipt with an umbrella and a pellet gun to kill all its babies.

    The pecky shites!

    Has this happened to anyone else? It's really weird.

  2. See the thing is he hasnt actually done ay bad things to other people..NOT bad in this day in age

    1)The accustaion of him injecting that girl is aparently false..She injected herself went into a slump they were pulling out the needle....

    2)A lot of junkies inject each other its part of there ways :S

    2)He hasnt killed anyone ...Abused anyone.......Or broke any laws other than possesion of drugs

    3)The only bad things he does are to himself

    LONG live pete

    He's glorofying the use of illegal drugs ffs! Besides this, he's a fucking cock.

  3. If you have any serious hayfever symptoms off the shelf meds are not strong enough and if you are a child or Student thats poor' date=' prescriptions are free

    I think it's 6.10 at the moment[/quote']

    Prescriptions are 6.50.

    Asda's own make Antihestamines contain exactly the same ingredients as brand name products which are 4 times the price. This is similarly true with Anadin Extra, Asprin, Sudafed etc., you can get the SAME thing in Boots for a quarter of the price.

  4. Especially not since they have the US to back them up on everything. Israel have ignored over 60 (almost 100) UN resolutions against them so far' date=' about 30 others have been Vetoed by the US to help out Israel.

    The whole situation is fucked up and nobody is going to help unless they can benefit some how. One thing I hate is the way most people see Palestinians as terrorists and Israel as a vitcim state.


    This topic is pretty usless these days, you're better off finding a way to actually do something yourself...even if its just a donation to the Palestinians through a charity, they NEED it.

    and to answer this - "Who has the right to kill innocent people?" - Nobody on earth has the right.

    Ironically, it is against the law in Britain the help the Palestinian cause under new Anti-Terror legislation.

  5. It's not murder if God is on your side. (Which of course he is.) You can't argue with God's logic.

    No. Religion is the means to stop ALL wars' date=' if we just got everyone to be Christian then there wouldn't be any wars.[/quote']

    Rubbish. Religion is the cause of most wars and hatred. Religion will almost certainly be the reason for Nuclear War in the middle east.

    Israel does not care about peace. It cares about control.

  6. Anyway what should the International community do to stop this conflict?

    Nothing. Britain and the US has armed Israel with Nuclear Weapons which they have threatened to use against the US, Pakistan, Iran, Iraq and the Soviet Union already. Any attack on Israel would be answered by a Nuclear, Chemical or Biological response.

    Since Britain invented the State of Israel, it has continued to massacre Palestinians and then call them Terrorists.

    Israel is the most volatile state on the planet. No nation would interfere.

  7. Like I said' date=' I'm no fan of Dubya, but I can't believe he'd sanction something as financially crippling and demoralising as 911 as an excuse to start a war. No, sad (and worrying) to say, it was a piece of tactical genius by some very resourceful terrorists.[/quote']

    Not just to start a war, but to start several simultaeneous theatre wars anywhere in the world, in the name of 'terror', without the other country having attacked the US or her allies.

    There may soon be another major terrorist incident which will be blamed on Iran/Hezbollah and pave the way for the tactical nuclear strikes against Iranian Nuclear sites.

    Whenever there is a crime, the perpetrators are always the people who have most to gain from such an incident. The US have gained more from 9/11 than any other country on the planet.

  8. Wow' date=' you don't know much about public relations. If he was rushed away there would be mass panic, etc.

    Also, to give an immediate response after being told America was under attack would be pointless. For a start, he would need to be briefed on the situation in order to make a statement.

    All this conspiracy shite about him organising an attack is the most luaghable thing I've heard in years. Get a grip.[/quote']

    Erm, mass panic.. The Pentagon is hit by a plane, both the Twin Towers are hit, the Whitehouse is evacuated. I reckon most people were kinda panicing anyway.

    Why we he need to be breifed exactly? Two planes have hit the WTC just as intelligence reports said they would.

    The conspiracy is the official account (which is laughable).

    You really don't know much about US foreign policy.

  9. Bet you the fat sack of shite has set the whole thing up so that he can do one of his one-sided expose' jobs on the American legal system.

    The guy's a self-serving tosspot.

    Farenheit 911 was a dreadful movie - on many levels.

    I hated that scene where Bush was at a kid's school and alledgedly got the announcement about Twin Towers.

    Moore takes the complete piss out of Bush's reaction to the news - what exactly was the man expected to do? Just get up and leave a bunch of confused children? Tell the kids "Hey kids ' date='Twin Towers has just been fucked, lots of people are dead, some may be your relatives"?

    I have no time for old G-Dubya, but you could see the life draining out of him before your very eyes - yet Moore used it as an opportunity to take an uncalled for, undignified cheap shot.

    For shame.


    Ps - he's a Fat Cunt.[/quote']

    The fact that George Bush didn't react is incredibley suspicious. He's the commander in chief and he never even gave a response when he knew America was under attack.

    His appearence at the Elementary School was also public knowledge, surely he should have been rushed to safety as he would have been a potential target. Unless of course he knew exactly what was happening.

  10. That Tesco/Costco stop's not in use yet though is it?

    Maybe get off at Lawsondale (The first stop in Westhill) and just go over the road.

    But its not the first stop. Cosco is the first stop in the mornings and early evenings. The stop has ALWAYS been in use.

  11. stop stop stop! you're all just wrong

    the bus only goes up to costco a couple of times a day (around 5pm time normally) your best bet is to get off at the first stop in westhill (arnhall moss/denman park) then walk to the industrial easte/business park area (couple of mins walk from there following the main road beside costco.

    Yes, some busses dont go to Cosco (most do), but some also dont go to arnhall moss first and go directly to Elrick before turning into Westhill. I had, however, made the assumption that he'd be going first thing in the morning... in which case ALL the buses go to Cosco first.

    I get the bus mon-fri for the past 4 years to the Business park.

  12. Aha' date=' time to take the next step in growing up - getting a credit card. Mainly because i don't have a credit history as such, and i'll be looking to get a mortgage come August time.

    What kinds does everyone have? can you suggest any good ones?

    Mainly looking for something that i can get 0% interest over 3months, any kind of cool free bonuses welcomed. I won't be using it often at all to be honest, but kinda need one to last the summer before i get my first "real" paycheck in August.

    Any help/advice welcome!! :love:[/quote']

    If you don't have a credit history, you'll find it incredibley difficult to find a Credit Card with a low APR.

    A Credit Card will not give you a better credit rating in 3 months either!

  13. cheers guys' date=' another question now. Where is technip up there? is it beside costco[/quote']

    Yeah, its the aforementioned Bluebird Busses, NOT first. The 15 does NOT go there.

    To get to Technip, you'll need to get off at the new Tesco/Cosco stop and walk back down the hill towards the round-a-bout. Turn left here and first left will get you to Technip.

    The bus goes there (eventually) but it goes right round Westhill and Elrick before passing it and you'd add 20 minutes to your journey, so I recommed getting off at Cosco.

    A single is 2.10.

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