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Acey Trixx

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Posts posted by Acey Trixx

  1. (Oh im up for an Ab Music Multi Player)!!

    that would be good fun like...although i do reckon id get fairly slaughtered

    also someone was going on about all the different looks ye can have..how do ya unlock them all?is it just through playing online or can any be unlocked offline?

  2. enjoyed the single player its short but im looking forward to going through it on legendary on co-op.graphics are alright but im still sure it could have been a bit better seeing as how its one of the biggest games on the xbox

    multiplayer is just as good fun as it always is in halo

    gonna try out the forge tonight and see what its all about not tried messing around with it yet.

  3. Haha, that was pretty good.

    Although I thought Bioshock was good, I was well pissed off paying money for a game which seemed like it took a few hours to complete.

    Agreed. also going through it either harvesting or saving the little sisters had little to no bearing on the overall story..changed the ending sequence but i expected more of a difference

  4. I'm going to head into town later and fancy picking up a few DVDs. I'm partial to a bit of destruction, ken? but not really sure what's decent. I've already got or seen 28 Days/Weeks Later, Independence Day, The Day After Tomorrow, Mrs Doubtfire, War of the Worlds. But my mind has drawn a blank.

    Anyone got any recommendations?



    not a movie but the tv series jeremiah might be worth a look if your into end of the word post-apocalytic type stuff..think its a region 1 only release not seen it over here anyways if you have a multi region dvd player i would definitly recommend it

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