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Pierre Von Mondragon

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Posts posted by Pierre Von Mondragon

  1. Clem Burke (Blondie)

    Carlton Barrett

    Charlie Watts

    respect to the guy that plays with Portishead AND Roni Size/Reprazent-one extreme to the other. Also DJ Shadow-best drum programmer bar none, the dude that originally played the 'Amen' break etc

  2. Aston 'Family Man' Barret-Wailers/50% of 70's reggae records & Robbie Shakespeare-Sly & Robbie/ the other 50% (nothing to choose between them)

    Horace Gentleman-Specials

    Larry Graham-Sly & theFamily Stone

    also props to Billy Bass Nelson/Bootsy Collins-Funkadelic/Parliament, Bill Wyman (really)

    Special shout 1000s of electronic producers for their dedication to the bottom end, esp Renegade Soundwave, DJs Zinc, Hype and Trace, Aphrodite, Kruder & Dorfmeister, I could go on forever.

  3. Don't get me wrong, the end musical result is the only important thing, how it's arrived at is far less important. It just wouldn't suit me. Our bassist Steve once had a (really shit) 5 string bass, and you could use the bottom string for tethering small ships, so hefty was it.

  4. Ernie Ball's all the way, I prefer Super Slinky in 80's glam pink. As for 14's, at first sight of that my brain was reeling, when i realised it was downtuned it made sense. Whats it dropped to though? fuckin B?, audible only to swamp creatures and moles?? Ah well if you dig it, I won't knock it, wouldn't fancy it myself though.

  5. The Art gallery's permanent collection has not really changed much in the last 20 years, its not bad for a wee city, but needs an influx of funding to make it broader. Even some good loans would do the trick. Personally I THINK that the time of the municipal gallery is limited, if all the public galleries in Scotland were nationalised under the same auspices as the National Gallery of Scotland, then they could all share in the artistic treasures currently kept in storeage, and borrow things currently denied due to circumstances like bequests etc. Then we could get a shot of the Titians in Edinburgh, like 'Diana and Actaeon'.

    The current highlight of AAG is without a doubt 'Pope I' by Francis Bacon, truly one of the few in Aberdeen that would be coveted by any gallery, its just so brooding.

  6. Beastie Boys 1-Did Hip Hop WELL before Ice, 2-have actually made good records. Pauls Boutique has been one of my all time favourites for years, one of the high points of Western civilisation, and the living proof that you don't even have to look at a real instrument to make a work of musical genius

  7. Doors officially open at 2000, there are DJs on 1st, so I reckon about 9pm, but will update on the day after soundcheck. Itching to play!

    I heard we got a photo in the Evening Times from that gig, will maybe post some taken by the same guy when we get copies.

  8. Flash is correct, although it wasn't called A.K.A. the Fox at the time, that was the start of the whole thing.

    "It all had to move quicker when Tina got a gig at the Subway as a challenge/noise up and promptly decided to rise to the occasion."

    exclusive extract from I, Mondragon

  9. Someone seems to have taken offence to my status as Mondragon, must have seen my last solo show, can't say I blame them. Either that or they are affiliated with the Basque village of the same name, great people the Euskadi, but they don't like it if you fuck with their shit. To that hypothetical basque I say Mondragon Txapuldenaki!!

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