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Posts posted by FatHand

  1. Probably not:( I have so much stuff that i actually need to buy, saving up to treat myself is out of the question i think. Been wanting a decent synth for years.

    Can I interest you in an MS2000? ;)

    I know the way of it... these things are luxury items when you can just go to Mr Internet and get a decent software synths on your computer. I still like the reality and the bespoke nature of hardware synths though - got my eye on some new analogues but space is at a premium in my flat!

    May have a vintage 70s job for sale too but undecided about selling it. If anyone wants to check it out and is desperate to take it off my hands, here are some links:



    My one has some cosmetic damage to the keys but the sound is juicy.

  2. Wantwantwantwantwant.

    I could have crazy fun with that.

    ono, so if i say, a tenner? (all the money i have in the world). And no one else offers higher? it's mine?

    If only I could do that - unfortunately no. It is a really great synth, the first I ever bought. If you listen to some of Muse's earlier stuff you will hear this synth arpeggiating away.

    Unless someone comes in with a good offer and you really want it, think you could save up enough over a few months?

  3. um... I think if you set up a drop box and a folder then people on here PM'ed their email addresses for you to invite them to share the drop box. Folk can then set up folders within the main one for individual bands. I'm happy to stick in the Ghost of Bongo tracks that we did everything to but share with anyone.

  4. There are a few other choice keyboards in my arsenal, I've been building this set up for several years now. My girlfriend lives in Glasgow so I am away from my gadgets for too many days out of the month which is very annoying if you happen to feel creative and have no outlet! The aim right now is not only to have a completely portable creative set up but to have a high quality "portable" recording studio on top of that (fits in my car boot). All I'm missing now are some nice microphones, decent cables to connect everything up, monitors, nice preamp, mini desk, headphones, headphone amp ... the never ending list is going to need a few more months I think!

    *I may be getting rid of a few more gadgets soon... they're getting a service before I sell. Should have a Roland MC 307 groovebox, a Boss DR880 drum machine, an MS2000 rack, a Roland JP8000, a pair of technics. Don't respond to this in the thread but if you fancy any of these fire me a PM.

  5. I'll echo what Chris said. Wounded Knee has a good voice but the songs were a bit too long. It made a huge difference when one of the Meursault drummers joined him.

    Meursault were brilliant. Song writing is top notch, dynamic performance, intense and ultimately very watchable. I am really glad I came along, although out of the way, Woodend barn is great venue.

    Perhaps to save the expensive taxi fares folk driving there from town could do car share or you could hire a minibus/coach - I can imagine the last suggestion could be overly expensive.

  6. Sounds like Reaper is a good replacement for your 8 track. Perhaps an digital 8 track that can double up as an audio interface along with Reaper would be a good option? I have a Tascam 24 track hard drive recorder and although it is a bit of a pain to set up, it's been a pretty useful tool for capturing stuff on the fly. I've just got a laptop but think I'd still reach for the Tascam in certain situations.

    I've just bought Cubase 6 ... this is partly down to my familiarity with it and the years I have been trying before buying. Can't wait to get stuck in to some of the new features.

  7. I just bought a Macbook Pro, a genuine copy of Cubase is on route. Unfortunately my original MBox has no support for the newer operating systems so an upgrade to a Focusrite Saffire along with a Rode NT2A is on the shopping list for later this year. I have the Virus TI and looking at replacing the MPC2500 with a NI Maschine for a pretty awesome portable production unit. Will be going for the Komplete Ultimate plugin collection at some point if I can pull together some money from selling some keyboards. That should do for quite a while until some other gear lust takes hold. I'm getting better.

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