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Posts posted by Paul_Victory

  1. hey ryan,

    put me down for the following

    American History X

    Spellbound (documentary (ex-rental))

    Tom Green - Subway Monkey Hour

    and i need another

    ach put me down for Bikini Carwash Company aswell, i like the sound of the title, it better live up to my expectations tho

  2. I've always enjoyed playing in Tunnels 2 more than Tunnels 1. Largely due to the fact I usually play in front of between 4 and 30 people.........

    thats coz your bands one of those shitty hardcore bands without fringes thinking yer minor threat for someint

    • Upvote 1
  3. An amp isn't going to to 'compliment' your tone. The amp is everything. So, don't get a Line6, whatever you do. An amp that will "do the job" is just not going to cut it in a live atmosphere. A Line6 is a glorified toy that is only really suitable for home use. It just doesn't have the power to be used at a gigging volume, even if it is mic'd up. It doesn't have the presence or the character. Just don't.

    If you're on the budget right now, the best thing you can possibly do is keep saving. If you buy something subpar, it's not going to do you any good, and you'll have a hard time shifting it when you want to sell and upgrade.

    Avoid Line6 and Valvestate/Hybrid amps. Save up an extra 100 or 200 and get something that will set you for a long time. All a budget amp will do is make you have to save up even longer for something worthwhile.

    well said

    i couldnt agree more

  4. I'm well aware of Brokencyde and their 'lyrics'... think you should maybe read back the thread a little.

    I was specifically talking about what I had quoted, but it's ok.

    they have a section of there live show where they get underage girls to go up on stage and pull their pants down to win a smooch

  5. it seems like berni is looking for respect or praise for like a band.

    i have to say im on Original Spies side on this one, realy not a fan, never have been never will be. you cant say "i like this band, what do you think?" and then get pissy coz people dont like them, you're more likely to get negative replies than positive ones when you start a post like that

  6. hey im looking to sell my wireless system. bought it about 2 years ago and have used it maybe 5 times, if that.

    i paid 350 for it and i believe one will set you back around 500 now

    they have changed the design of the transmitter since but the old one (mine) is better in my opinion (its impossable to change settings on mine by accident, great for if you forget to lock it)

    sennheiser website

    harmony central

    its a great system, no interferance and great sound quality

    i paid 350 and its in perfect condition would like 300 but am open to offers




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