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Everything posted by Zippy

  1. This is great news Mr P! What was the final score min?
  2. Football on Sunday folks?
  3. I fancy playing at 3, so i'll be at Seaton wi a few folk hopefully! Seeing Maxi Rodriguez's goal was enough for me!
  4. England game is on at same time but I don't really care!
  5. Nae worries Crocker, I'll be there on Sunday!
  6. I winna be playin tomorrow (Sunday 18th) as I am working at Somerfield, oh aye! But I'd be up for a midweek Seaton game! Gimme a shout if your up for it! Did anyone play last week? I was in sunny Amsterdam!
  7. I really should add my AEK Athens top to the list!
  8. Sounds cool but we'll stick to seaton this week for coveniance! Maybe next week?
  9. Nah its I think everyone's cool!
  10. Probably not, there was the boy in the Real Madrid top that looks mid-late twenties I think, we don't actually know who he is! Anyway come along!
  11. Football at seaton tomorrow at 3! Come along ya dancers!
  12. Football at seaton tomorrow at 3 again! Yass!
  13. Of course, ex-juniors, ex-pros, ex-I only played cos I had to! Sounds like there's alot of interest, that's good! How about Sunday 16th July for a date?
  14. I think it should just be a case of finding a team of 6, super-subs could be included. Once everyone hears about it we should set a date for submitting teams.
  15. How about Sunday 16th July? Give's us a while to get it organised.
  16. Aye band teams or non band teams. Maybe a few rivalries could be settled on the football pitch!
  17. Quit your job Camie and live for the 6s!
  18. Came up with a good idea... How about a 6's football tournament at Seaton Park one Saturday or Sunday in the summer. Saw the 6's tournament at the University in April and looked great fun but it would be hard to get it up to that standard. I've got access to a goal (decent size, not a pair unfortunately) and I'd have to get permission to use it but I reckon I could get it. We'd probably need a couple of ref's, Christy I'm looking in your direction! Wouldn't have to be too special but hopefully get a few teams on the go and have a mini tournament. We'd need bibs aswell. Gee us a shout if your interested, any suggestions? It's an idea at the moment but I fancy it!
  19. Indeed it was, remember it well!
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