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Posts posted by psydoll

  1. what ever happened to Starfall / Dave Bradley?

    Starfall are on one of those 'indefinite hiatus' malarkeys as far as I'm aware so no action from them at the minute. Last time I saw Dave he had the flu or was shouting about Fleetwood Mac as I recall but he's presumably better now and kicking around somewhere.

  2. Well I have just noticed that after you import a cd and play a track it has a link for the album at the Istore.

    Now when i clicked this link it had all the songs from the album with a "buy song" button.

    Surely they would realise that if the song is in your music library under imported music you wouldn't wish to buy the song again.

    You might be stoopid enough to click the same song by mistake though. Never underestimate the power of a complete neep...

  3. I think he blew a fair amount of money at the bookies. Not as much as Willie Thorne, though!

    It's always amusing when Virgo and Thorne talk with superior authority and question players shot selction when, over their combined 40 odd years in the game, they have one UK Championship between them!

    Nice bloke though - He'll never better Big Break.

    "Hit that - there."

    "Pot as many balls as you can."

    He used to wear a comedy waistcoat every week as well. Telly gold.

    We're gonna be snookering you tonight.

    Reminds me of Max 'n' Paddy but only slightly.

    "You've got him rattled I'll tell you that."

  4. Who makes your walkman phone?

    I bet it's not Apple, and their using the same sort of battery in their mobile as they do in their ipods so if we apply prior knowledge of ipod's poor battery life to their phone couple'd with their extensive knowledge of mobile phones then they're probably not going to have a great battery life if you facter in playback time with talk time.

    Does this battery life beef that people have with Apple apply to all of their products? iPod Shuffle for example?

  5. Sounds great.

    Every WarioWare game is a treat to play, especially the Cube and DS ones. I haven't had a chance to play Twisted for GBA (with the motion sensor built into it) because it wasn't released in Europe. :(

    I only bought the 'Cube version recently and have been highly amused with the gameplay, seems perfect for a gaming party. Drunkeness affecting reaction rates ahoy!

  6. Where did you hear that from?

    I saw him in a restaurant the other day accompanied by a man with blue eyes and blonde hair moving salt and pepper shakers around on a red & white chequered tablecloth while speaking in a language that seemed to be called " Bynoon Lunchin' ".

    I can only assume that the salt represented the amount of songs played and the pepper the battery remaining for call time. It was all very confusing.

  7. BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Unsigned band set to crash charts

    although didn't bis' kandy pop go into the top 40 while they were technically unsigned? i remember when they played on top of the pops it was claimed they were the first unsigned band to play on the show.

    Doesn't this rule apply to all singles rather than just new release singles which means that the likes of 'Crazy' by Gnarls Barkley or 'Maneater' by Nelly Furtado would still sell more 'copies' worldwide than say Eddison's latest single release meaning not that much change in terms of band names in the chart? I keep seeing it reported as more of a chance for unsigned/unheard of bands when it seems like it'll just be kinda the same names chartwise but more dough for the successful?

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