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Posts posted by bryn

  1. What didn't you like about the dedos? And which gig of ours did you see?

    Just wondering... customer feedback if you will. Be as harsh as you like' date=' I can take it.[/quote']

    To be honest, for me, it just wasn't good, credible music. More like abrasive, totally uninspired nothingness. The singer also came across as a bit of an arse.

    Now heres the catch, I'm pretty sure it was DosDedos that I'm talking about, but have a feeling you were down as 'my decaying leg' on the tickets. The bassist through his bass on the ground as said by someone else earlier and he also had a really shit robin hood style shirt. And you seemed pretty frustrated by the excuse for a crowd.

    No offence or anything...

  2. rock is an evergrowing conurbation' date=' a bit like a city that starts off small, builds a couple of scummy housing schemes but also builds upmarket houses/churches/etc


    Suggesting that bands of today have totally progressed beyond 60s 70s 80s bands??

    You must be pretty deluded, rock music today is just a pale reproduction of the riffs and chord progressions of everyone from the beatles to zeppelin / metallica to jethro tull.

    If you about it, from the 50s to 80s music went from being quite basic singalong chuck berry style dances ('scummy houses') to the super technical, incredible architecture of the leaning tower of Yngwie Malmsteen (oooh - imagery). But after grunge etc, we're back again to the scummy houses....

    I've heard music is meant to repeat itself.

  3. I cant remember the model, but there is a peavey budget bass which u can generally find in bruce millers i think which is fucking ace. Really good for beginners and more advanced with an action to kill for. Squire = :moody:


    Thunderbirds look shit.

    Also, i always thought girls would see daisy rock as an insult....i mean, come on....fair enough makin smaller instruments, but heart shaped??? cant imagine any woman buying them.

  4. bach's fugue in d on slap bass



    A classical guitar, an acoustic, a godin sd and an Ibanez RG550 - which wasnt worth 500 and buzzes like a biatch on the lower end. Dont have an impressive piece - i just play man....

    oh yeah i got an abseolute slap machine peavey bass for under 200!!

    dont got any effects other than a wah, but will buy delay when bank account allows.

  5. But the worst' date=' so many to choose from...

    -All covers/tribute bands

    -all metal bands

    -bands who have a "comic" name, stage persona, or songs called "Gingerbread Man"

    -any bands who wear novelty t-shirts on stage

    -any bands who contain a member who sports a beard



    Hehe, especially the bit about Diablo - biggest bunch of posing frog sounding annoying arrogant lamos i ever seen! distinct memory of the singer screaming out 'yeahhhhhh' in huge crescendo motion, also the bit where he demanded the crowd clap 'louder, louder!' oh yeah and we had to applause every 5 secs for one reason or the other...that was annoying.

  6. God, the amount of lame things these point of origin chaps have come out with, nearly everything I read I wanted to reply to - especially the self suggestions of them being artists or creators of any credibility etc.

    The amount of egoism existing in point of origin is crazy, they blantantly can't be considered anything other than complete musical retards yet consistently big themselves up. I consider myself an artist of my instrument (to a degree) and I take even the slightest bit of criticism quite seriously and wouldnt dream of arguing my bands credibility to the extent they do - i.e, appear to be a complete unmodest, fekkin arsehole (soz, watched father ted erlier) without a hint of subtlety or acceptance of flaws.

    Its funny, Stripey has ridiculed anyone that has argued with him. Especially point of origin / bob - who is about as funny and clever as a piece of spinach.

  7. I don't think the purpose of this thread is valid at all. I play gigs and my friends (who are generally not gig going types) come to see my band. Aside from a couple, mostly they wouldn't give a shit about the other bands, more likely just there to socialise, have the novelty of watching a friends band then carry on the night from there. If you think about it, if I werent playing, my frends wouldnt be there at all so bands would miss having the opportunity to impress a unamused, uncaring bunch of people - possibly a test of how shit the band is? - how many people pay the smallest bit of attention.

    I also don't think its just Aberdeen thats in a musical shit hole. Listen to the radio, watch MTV, read magazines - good music isn't common at the moment. Just weak, bland immitations, watered downrock bands and easy listening type stuff. Its all been said before and is all well aknowledged (sp?) so i wont go on. In this day and age The Libertines, Pete Doherty and Morrissey are considered geniuses!

  8. Claypool is my fave, check 'to defy the laws of tradition' by primus - typical claypool playing.

    Flea, master of slap?? nah, wooten completely owns him. I thought Flea was the best, then I saw a flea instructional video, and he aint that great, just grooves that pentatonic funk shit over and over.

    Mark King from Level42 is pretty dam good.

  9. errr yea where to start with pickin that apart *bangs head*

    Go on then.

    Any guy I know would totally agree, I have one frend whos into emo and he is actually homosexual. The mere thought that your questioning my knowledge of music is laughable as I bet I would walk all over you in an indepth musical debate.

  10. Yeah, with a bit of knowledge, or just sitting down with a book for a few minutes its possible to create really cool sounding, perfectly in key (and not cheesy!) chord progressions.

    However its not totally neccesary to know a lot of theory to be able to play in key. I was using modes and scales last year I didnt know existed until recently. Thus they were just a way of organising or co-ordinating my playing - bit more structure.

  11. How they get names? maybe Mr Ionian created the major scale etc.

    You know one is ionian and one is phrygian because the set of intervals is competely different. They're different scales with each unique sounds - its like saying:

    "I want to know how colours get their names! How do you know that one is blue and another is orange and what not?"

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