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Posts posted by scottST

  1. right, we're looking to purchase a PA system.

    as in two speakers and a poweramp/mixer etc. same idea as you'd get in captain toms/musical vision etc.

    wattage - anything as long as it could be heard over guitar/bass/drums. 200-400w probably.

    6 channels preferably.

    anyone got anything they'd be up for selling to us? :D

  2. i got it from work, after i'd been there about a fortnight :p

    it was funny, when i got it they were like "so yeah, you'll take the insurance then etc will you?"

    and i just laughed, should have seen the look on their faces. it was like i'd shat on their trousers or something.

  3. We were buying a laptop from in there and were just paying for it when the assistant started claiming I needed to get insurance and extended warranty, his argumenet was that Vista want very stable etc etc, so i just stood up and said "If it's so unstable that we must have this backup, I don't want it", walked out and have never been back, bunch of bastards.

    my advice - just tell them to piss off. outright, point blank. it works a fucking treat. just say what you want, take none of their bullshit, and get out.

    i'd say go somewhere less bollocks to buy a computer, but all the big name stores are the same. i've never been to any of the independent computer stores around here, but for me the best bet is to build your own PC, or, as i did, lose all faith in computers and buy a mac.

  4. lol. These fuckers will try anything. Isn't there someone on here that used to work for them but got sacked for refusing to fleece people?

    That was me, but i never got the sack. more like i legged after they started moaning about my "sales performance", which would have ended up as a disciplinary. Fuck that, I'd rather see someone right (and 99% of the time I did, one way or another during my time there) and getting what THEY want and to be happy with it, rather than the shit they try to make you pull.

    They got on at me for not forcing the stuff in question on people that didn't need it; in the words of the managers, i wasn't "helping" the customer.

    By helping, they mean take 10-20 a month off of the poor soul for "insurance" that they'll probably never ever use, try to charge them 80 for a "tech friend", which is basically the same fucking thing as the insurance shit, and to constantly hound the people in the shop to buy something that ISNT a laptop (so that they get a better markup percentage and therefore a higher bonus). They couldnt give a fuck what computer you take, as long as you take some kind of contract with it.

    Any sale that didn't have insurance and antivirus and shit tagged onto it was registered, and you had to give a written reason as to why the customer didn't want those things. The people who probably could have done with those things, I did honestly suggest to try them out even for a week or two, but never forced them to take them or die in the way that pc world wanted.

    it disgusts me, i hope DSG go under. i'd laugh.

  5. the fifa with the "scratch n sniff" disc (2000, 2001?) was easily the worst football game i have ever played, i moved onto pro ev after that and have stuck around since.

    the new PES looks a bit crap, i'll probably still get it though

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