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2 minutes of hate

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Posts posted by 2 minutes of hate

  1. film idea

    Sean Penn plays a social recluse from Paris Gerrard who gets drawn into a gang of mime artists through a series of strange audio visual events involving a farm maid kicking a cow in the face kung fu style. Gerrard goes looking for the answers to his visions on the streets of Paris only to find he is being stalked by a gang of mime's named the la peno noir. Halfway through the film the leader of la peno noir jean claude played by Sting approaches Gerrard with promises of balloons and invisible doors.

    So after bonding Jean Claude sheds light on a forbidden secret of mime-hood known only to a handfull or faithful followers and buddist monks . The secret is the art of walking through the invisable door constructed by the mime himself and walking into the next world. Although the task is known to the chosen few it has never been completed by any living Frenchman and holds serious conseqences for anyone who attempts it.

    Gerrard being a hero decides to defy the order of the mime and draws himself a box utilising the speed and skills learned from jean claude. Gerrard is found mid door making by Jean Claude a epic battle begins when all seemed lost for Gerrard he draws a huuuuuuuuuge invisable balloon around Jean Claude. This balloon suffocates Jean Claude throwing Gerrard into a shame spiral and a dangerous game of wits against the avenging peno noir.

    Eventually Gerrard decides that he must travel the door to kill the farm maid to stop her from showering him with guilt, which he could never live with especially being a 8th level mime master demi-god. Through the door he travels only to find the farm maid already dead and the cows slaughtered, in confusion he searches the immediate area for the killer only to forget the door had expired behind him leaving him in his own freaky vision.

    The last words are of Gerrard screaming "i have become my own hatred" *oh hohohoho* (thats the sound of a frenchman crying)

    note: the theme music is mainly a mix of traditional arabic and early 80's disco pop

  2. in my opinion most ned's are shitbags and usually deserve a beating. I dont care if its a ned or a nun if someone is going to hurt me for no reason they do not have my sympathy and i would happily cave their faces in before they have the chance to fill me in.

    i dont think a gang of neds will refrain from kicking the shit out of you just because you feel sorry for them

  3. driving fast is fun its only natural people would want to do it, if people didnt want to go really fast all cars would be as powerful as milk floats.

    now that would be a bad scenaro, you wouldnt even hear a milk float coming at you there would be blood and milk everywhere by the time you heard a faint humming behind you.

  4. i got banned last year doing an average of 92 MPH between Aberdeen and Dundee, i passed one trapper and he didn't come after me so i just kept hammering along. Another trapper pulled me up coming into Dundee, he apparatly got a radio from the first one. They did a time distance speed thing on me and fucked me over.

    I was going to say i stopped for a piss and a coke but i don't think they would of found it funny.

    Im back on the road now though, bwahahaha!!


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