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Posts posted by HummerOfIntenseEvil

  1. Aye I think it would lead to a jail sentence, and aye, it would require a big operation to actually make a difference (Lib Dems going on about a 5% swing, but even that is a few thousand votes). Especially as presumably there'd be a fair few folk wondering why they'd already been voted off.

    But I'm still amazed that the system is so laid back. They really are just asking for someone to do this.

    However, if you got the people in your scheme to be the returning officers (or whatever those people who cross your name off are called) they could quickly do it last thing at night, before taking the boxes away to have the votes counted. Can't be that hard. I bet Anne Begg does it already. I'll bet that's why nobody bothers going up to the polling stations to bug you to vote for them at the last minute anymore :p

  2. I've just been up to vote, and to prove a point my mum didn't bother showing her card and just said her name. No questions asked, they just crossed her name out and gave her a voting slip.

    Therefore, there is nothing to stop someone from going to a polling station, quickly spying a name that isn't crossed off the list, and pretending that's them. And then doing this at every polling station. And getting a group of like-minded voters to do the same. Especially between 9pm and 10pm, when chances are that anyone who's not yet crossed off the list isn't going to vote anyway.

    And to think some people go to the bother of fixing postal votes...

  3. why think that the "bigger beast" would be any better than "being stuck with england".

    if we can't even negotioate the things we need with our own government' date=' imagine joining a queue with 25 or so other people asking for their plight to be heard?....what chance would we have ?[/quote']

    I think you're missing the point though. Yes we'd be joining a queue, but at least WE would be joining that queue. At the moment we are subject to two lines of comprimise - Westminster government decides if what we ask is in the best interests of middle England, and then tries to argue for it in Brussells. You're always going to have more say in a matter if you argue with the main man as opposed to the middle man.

    I used to be a staunch SNP supporter until John Swinney said we would sign up for everything the EU had going if we got independence. That made me a bit wary.

    HOWEVER, I then realised that my dream of Scotland being completely independent of everyone was perhaps a bit far-fetched, and that the SNP's European plans were actually very reasonable, and definitely better than those offered by any other party. So now I'm back to being an even bigger SNP supporter.

    Scotland is currently nothing more than a glorified county of England. We deserve to be more than that.

  4. Got With Teeth through the letterbox today (fuckin bank holiday yesterday!) and it's fantastic. From the very first listen I could tell it is going to become my second favourite NIN album. Probably. I think if The Fragile had less tat it might be a different story, but there's no duff tracks on With Teeth. Well I don't think so anyway.

  5. I can't believe that nobody has mentioned how good roddy is at interacting with the crowd.I hate bands that play a set and leave the stage.After two songs he had everyone laughing.Genius!

    He's no Morrissey, but yeah, he had some decent banter.

    I liked his comment about mobiles being the new lighters at gigs. I've been thinking that for a while too. It's so true!

  6. Maybe' date=' but I thought it subdued the crowd well, who from where I was standing only cared about when the loud guitars kicked in. The people around me had absolutely no idea about actually listening to the songs, particularly the new ones, and were more interested in wearing checked shirts and pointing at the sky. But such is life.[/quote']

    Sounds like a Manics concert...

    You've got a point though. One of the folk I was there with (mate of a mate type thing) pissed off to the bar once he'd heard the three songs he knew. Which suited me fine, cos he was talking during the songs. I can't be arsed with that. I go to see and hear a band, not hear someone else's random pish.

  7. hmm that was good to begin with...but then it started to drag

    Slight understatement! That was the one bad bit of the set. What the fuck was Rod up to? That was the biggest pile of self-indulgent pish since My Bloody Valentine split up. It got a bit better towards the end, but the middle 74 minutes (it felt like it) were just boring, and if it had carried on like that, I was THIS ---> || close to heckling. And even though I was up on the balcony, I'd have been heard cos the place was fucking silent. THe guy beside me had even fallen asleep!

    That aside, it was a fucking brilliant gig. They played just about every stand out song from their albums - if they'd played I Am (What I Am Not) and Actually It's Darkness as well, I think it would have been the perfect set list. The first and last three songs epsecially were inspired choices. Film For The Future was fucking immense.

    Set list, nicked from the Idlewild forum:

    1. Too Long Awake

    2. Little Discourage

    3. A Modern Way Of Letting Go

    4. Welcome Home

    5. Love Steals Us From Loneliness

    6. These Wooden Ideas

    7. I Understand It

    8. You Held The World In Your Arms

    9. El Capitan

    10. American English

    11. The Space Between All Things

    12. Live In A Hiding Place

    13. Blame It On Obvious Ways

    14. The Bronze Medal

    15. When I Argue I See Shapes

    16. Roseability

    17. Goodnight


    18. Listen To What You've Got

    19. I'm A Message

    20. A Film For The Future

  8. I made my own Alan partridge sketches' date=' I talk like this man, I think I am obsessed. So many more quotes[/quote']

    Yeah, "lovely stuff", "cabbages, don't like cabbages", "hh...hhh.whhoooooooo do you think you are?" and "alright, alright, it wasn't my fault you ate a testicle" have all become mainstays of my vocabulary.

    You've gotta laugh when you fall off a sofa...

  9. One of the extras is shocking. He puts burgers etc in jars and leaves them to decompose naturally. The burger and chips he got from a burger van decompose quite quickly, but the big macs etc aren't so quick, and when they do decompose they look completely wrong.

    After ten weeks, the french fries haven't changed a BIT.

  10. That's true' date=' but not really the point. You vote for the party you believe in most, end of.[/quote']

    Aye, I'm fed up of the negative voting culture we've got now. Look at the lib dems - their main argument in Aberdeen South is "only us or Labour can win this seat". It says something about the state of the parties when the only way you can get people's votes is to say "at least we're not THEM."

    Saying that, I HAD been considering voting lib dem just to get Anne Begg out. But watching Alex Salmond on TV a couple of times made up my mind to go with my heart: SNP!

  11. Liam Gallagher's "outbursts" are all the same, he just changes the names each time.

    He slags off a band by comparing them to Blur

    He slags off a band for being a bunch of fookin students

    He offers to batter someone who he knows fine isn't going to take him up on it (Jake Shears? What's wrong Liam, Ana Matronic too much for you?)

    And he ends it by endorsing someone "random", to make people think "Wow, I'd never have thought (s)he would get Liam's seal of approval"

    Imagine Liam saying Charlotte Church is ace. Isn't that, like, soooooooooo kerrrAAAAzy?

    I mean wow, he's slagged off the current crop of NME bands. What a champion. Bet he was up all night thinking up that piece of genius.

    but theyre nowhere near like us. The musics rubbish for start.

    I'd say that's a pretty big similarity right there.

  12. There's 4 who I admire way ahead of anyone else.


    Jimmy Page

    James Dean Bradfield

    Dave Navarro (no one's mentioned him yet??!?!?!)

    They all write my favourite riffs, can play fast solos but not to the point of needless fretwanking, and like to do a bit of showmanship with their guitars, but not in an embarrassing way (ie they don't put on a face like they're having an orgasm).

  13. Didn't that other thread basically turn into that anyways?

    There was an ace one on UGS. Perchance I'm confusing it with that one...

    Well with so many great lines (every single one perhaps?) it's pretty hard for ANYTHING to do with partridge to not turn into a quoting session.

    However, I have been doing Partridge Quotathons on a different forum for years now, so I thought I would do one here.

  14. My friend has studied film' date=' so for the last five years we've exchanged Top 200's.

    I'd be interested if other people are this sad, and what's made their all time great films.[/quote']

    I don't think I've SEEN 200 films in my life.

    Well, I probably have. But I couldn't make a top 200.

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