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Posts posted by HummerOfIntenseEvil

  1. Well I once said to a girl "do you like The Holy Bible?"

    When she walked off quickly I realised she probably didn't know it was a Manics album. Oh well.

    I've gone out wearing stickers saying "Suck my cock" before. Very good for identifying humourless bores, who just go "HUH!!!" and storm off. But find one who thinks it's amusing and it's a lovely ice breaker.

  2. I don't have teletext so I couldn't see that. ;)

    Isn't there an online version of said teletext pages anywhere or am I just dreaming?

    There is some way of getting it online... I've got a mate in Ireland who looks at it online and saves my letters (nice chap that he is). He explained it to me once, but I've forgotten. You need a special bit of software I think - it's not just a case of looking at it on a website.

    I'd hate not having teletext - Planet Sound is the only decent music "magazine" there is nowadays.

  3. A dual 0wning as it were by both your sister and teletext.

    What a shite start to the week - onward and upward! :)

    Actually it's been there since Saturday because they don't change the letters page over the weekend, so it was a shite end to an ace week :p

  4. Yes, and they fucking butchered that letter beyond all recognition! I started off pointing out that the "beautiful voices debate" wasn't a debate at all, merely folk pointlessly listing singers they like. And then they go and make what I said about Patton and Bradfield look almost as bad! As my sister said: "Haha, you sound totally gay!"

    Never mind.

  5. However' date=' Stingers' enthusiastic language is getting confusing

    "she deserves something cuban for her birthday"


    What about a missle crisis? Or perhaps a big fat cigar?

  6. Nah Neighbours is never disappointing - there's always at least one moment that makes it worth watching.

    Even if it's just one scene where Sky's in it. :D

    Is that Sky or Skye? I can't be arsed checking the Neighbours website...

    It's Sky. And don't forget Carmella and Serena.

    Carmella's going nuts. Not "AAAARGGGHHHHH!!!" nuts, just "wOOWoooWOWOOO!" nuts.

  7. Getting Castle Grayskull from my Granny on my 4th birthday. That was rather ace. He-man was the greatest toy ever!

    I also have a memory of drawing on the wallpaper when I was about 3, but I think that's a memory I've created from hearing about the incident so many times.

  8. I'm not a fan of either band. I've not heard the albums, but I didn't like the singles, and the whole point of releasing singles is to tempt folk to buy the album, so they've both failed in that respect for me.

    Anyway, I've never liked Bloc Party. I remember when I first heard the first single I thought "fucking hell, not another 'angular' band. Oh well, at least this lot are going NOWHERE." Unfortunately I apparently gave the record buying public too much credit. Then I heard Helicopters, and thought it was shit as well. But last time I heard it it didn't seem as bad as I first thought, although I wouldn't go as far as to say I liked it at all.

    When I first heard Kaiser Chiefs I thought "not ANOTHER Britpop obsessed band". Then I decided I Predict A Riot and Oh My God weren't too bad. Then I heard them more than 5 times and realised they were fucking annoying. Seeing them do "Each Day I Love You Less And Less" on CD:UK made up my mind - the singer was bouncing about, but it looked so false. Same as their image - they've attempted to have a sort of image, but it looks so unnatural, as if they just sat down and said "okay boys, what will be our thing ?" The boy with the hat just looks like an utter knob as well.

    I think this tit bit from Nicky Wire (previously posted by Swingin' Ryan) sums up Kaiser Chiefs pretty well:

    "Kaiser Chiefs?...fucking repulsive chancers. They're like 4 different bands in the last 4 years, first they were a Stooges band, then an Indie band, now they're a Blur band. They're the Sleeper of their generation...Immensely popular though."

    Both singers annoy me, but Kaiser Chiefs suck more, purely because Bloc Party at least seem genuine, and they don't remind me of the hideous Britpop era.

  9. Interesting how he can manage to maintain such a lavish lifestyle on an MP's salary as well' date=' isn't it?[/quote']

    Well, MPs hardly get paid a pittance. I'd be pretty pleased with 50 grand a year, especially if I was getting THIS amount in expenses on top of that. Plus a quick search on google brought up this story about MPs doubling their salary easily. At least one other source of income Gorgeous George has is whatever he gets paid for his column in... well I forget what paper it is. But I'm sure it's a nice little bit of spare change for him.

    Having 2 Jaguars is a bit of a luxury, but no one's accusing John Prescott of dealing with oil barons. Not to my knowledge anyway.

    As for Castro, well there are a lot less dead infants and illiterates in Cuba than here or the USA. And when was the last time he invaded a country to "spread communism" like the US "spreads democracy"?

    However, although it was funny seeing Galloway's amazing performance (I only wish he'd stood up and shouted "GET IT UP YEE!!!! GET IT RIIIGHT UP YEEE!!!!"), he DOES seem to have a bit of an overblown idea towards his own importance, since he seems to think everyone is always trying to claim his scalp.

  10. Karl and Susan were just trying to remind us all that there WAS life after Paul and before Connor and Dave Bishop.

    Susan's argument with Izzy was class. And Karl's not been that ace since he started going out with the banshee.

  11. You Love Us - Manic Street Preachers

    Stop Me If You've Heard This One Before - The Smiths

    Faith No More - Last Cup Of Sorrow

    Joy Division - Transmission

    The Clash - Complete Control

    Guns N' Roses - The Garden Of Eden

    Nine Inch Nails - We're In This Together Now

    The Cure - Pictures Of You

    Sex Pistols - God Save The Queen

    Jane's Addiction - Just Because

    Started off as being in order before descending into just whatever came into my head first.

  12. Queen Adreena??! Blimey. Your list is a mix of the ridiculous and the sublime.

    Well I got Taxidermy last Saturday and have barely stopped listening to it since. Then I got Drink Me (their second album) today, and it's more of the same, except with even harder riffs. And I'm seeing them in King Tuts on Friday after my last exam. Apparently Kate Jane Garside goes all over the fucking place.

    I daresay it'll fall off the top ten within a few weeks though.

    What else is ridiculous in that list like????

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