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Posts posted by Vaya

  1. definitely clubs and smaller venues-far more intimate.the mcr gig at king tuts was one of the best i've been to ever.the atmosphere was electric and just would have been lost in a larger venue.

    some bands suit stadia though-saw the foos,green day and rhcp in that sort of venue and it was better for them i guess,although the sound wasn't great and the atmosphere just wasn't the same

  2. my chemical romance are fucking good. Skylines and turnstiles is my fave. Im listening to:

    A Certain Shade Of Shade Of Gree-Incubus

    8o jeeeezus-other people like mcr?! awesome :up:

    skylines and turnstiles is great-awesome live,hella catchy chorus

    currently listening to T.C.F.S.R. on loop-it's THAT good

    track playing now is thank you for the venom,absolutely fantastic! oh aye. :up:

  3. yeah was an immense night!!! the bands were great,was particularly impressed with recover.and also taking back sunday were outta this world!great setlist.Ghost man on third was amazing and there's no i in team was a great song to close with.great romances was also a standout track when adam handed me the mic...wee!!!absolutely fantastic gig.

    the bar afterwards was just as fun....you know it's been a good night when you're sitting at a table with adam lazzara drinking aftershock and talking about music,the warped tour and random shite!!ed was also a really nice guy-he thought the others were really cool(10 scene points to lesley,stacey and lynDsey!!!) the guys from recover and the hurt process were really nice too(except the drummer was a bit sleazy!) the bassist duncan was really nice-we had a huuge convo about norma jean and other stuff-everyone was worried i was gonna end up in manchester today!

    overall great music and lovely guys,fantastic night! :up:

  4. been excited about this one for a while,always knew it was gonna be awesome-but could not have predicted this-this was one hell of an amazing show and the intimacy of the venue made it even better.

    first up were the bled who quickly introduced themselves and then hurled into their whirlwind set.On CD they are great,(Pass The Flask is out over here this week i think)live,they are incredible.imagine a crazy slightly more melodic norma jean meets at the drive-in hybrid and that's pretty much the bled live.such a crazily energetic performance,singer's voice stands out really well,some amazing guitar work with great use of effects and some mental drumming.stand out song of the set for me was "you know who's seatbelt" delivery on this track was fantastic.Great set,just a shame it wasn't a bit longer.would def recommend everyone has a listen to some of their stuff. :up:

    next were hondo maclean who continued much in the same way performance wise,lots of crowd interaction which is always great-especially in such a small venue.much improved since last time i caught-them,riffs were a bit catchier and the songs had more hooks,they have a full-length due out soon i think-should be great.

    then,the band i'd been waiting for,my chemical romance took to the stage-gerard way's "Glasgow,you are far too fucking quiet",was then followed by thunderous noise that even they were surprised at as this was their first ever show in Scotland. then they started,and oh.my.FUCKING.god. they were incredible-the energy,the crowd interaction(got the mic in my face countless times)the overall delivery was spot on.a lot of people don't like the CD but bloody hell-do NOT knock this band before you've seen them live,jesus fucking christ they were hot!Could not have asked for a better show gerard was immense in real life his stage presence is absolutely out of this world reminiscent slightly of davey havok/casey chaos i think-down at the barrier most of the time,ray and frank's guitaring was amazing,everything held together by mikey's steady bass playing and matt's drumming was stunning-particularly at the start of vampires and headfirst for halos.also quie a proportion of the crowd knew most of the words to the songs so there were massive singalongs as well which is always funthe set list then a good mix of the old and new stuff:

    Our Lady Of Sorrows

    Honey,This Mirror Isn't Big Enough For The Two Of Us


    It's Not A Fashion Statement,It's A Fucking Deathwish

    Headfirst For Halos

    You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us In Prison

    Skylines And Turnstiles

    I'm Not Okay(I Promise)

    Demolition Lovers

    Vampires Will Never Hurt You

    so all in all a fucking awesome set,and a food fight with the hondo boys at the end of vampires was great.the guys from all three bands were really nice as well.this left me grinning well into saturday.pretty much one of the most awesome gigs i've ever been at.

    they will be back in november-recommend everyone to check them out :up:

    fucking genius


    pictures on gallery once i get them developed


  5. the shape of punk to come-refused

    suicide notes and butterfly kisses-atreyu

    hot damn!-every time i die

    after the eulogy-boysetsfire

    too bad you're beautiful-from autumn to ashes

    alive or just breathing-killswitch engage

    pass the flask-the bled

    waking the fallen-avenged sevenfold

    jane doe-converge

    bless the martyr and kiss the child-norma jean

    everything you ever wanted to know about silence-glassjaw

    breaking the fourth wall-beecher

    the artist in the ambulance-thrice

  6. hmmm i don't mind it actually.it's not one of their most memorable tracks it has to be said but one of those that you hear and just think that's nice.nothing too spectacular but nice,quite catchy and summery

  7. i like both but at the moment the mars volta i think are more exciting and experimental,(especially live)their album is fantastic,i think sparta are a good solid band but the mars volta have taken risks and it has definitely paid off.

    (inetiatic esp. always gets played at moshulu)

  8. Originally posted by Dayeth:

    *Rips though the sails of Rhiannon and Vaya's ship*


    *Bursts in action*


    *Steals some sausages from the galley and jumps overboard*

    YAAAAHAARR gurgle gurgle

    *Swims for seven days back to the SS Fucker after living only on raw soggy sausages*

    Take THAT!

    aww sorry-but the SS fucker sank remember due to cal's shit aim!! but if you like we'll throw you a rubber dinghy sir-we're nice pirates :)

  9. right then-let's end this

    this be how this cursed tale ends:


    cal,the "pirate" who can't handle his drink,attempts to drink a certain rum refresher in an attempt to disprove this statement after convincing the rest of the crew to let him wear his pigtails.unfortunately,he is also driving the ship under cap'n dayeth's watchful eye(s?)


    unfortunately,it occurs that cal indeed cannot handle his "rum" and the ship strikes the rocks while trying to avoid kiriyama's wild gunfire,cal,scott and the rest of the crew perish immediately ....all that is excepting paul who's tassely jacket unfortunately gets him mistaken for a male squid and he is pursued by a rather horny female


    and as for the wonderful cap'n dayeth-if you want to know how he lived out the rest of his days,just go here www.weebls-stuff.com/toons/32/

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