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Posts posted by jimr

  1. That wouldn't be a bad idea. I remember the frustration of the frieza Goku battle, wowzers that dragged on.

    I just thought that everything on that flash animation was absolutley correct, yet even through my smile It didn't lesson my love.

    I just wish Gohan didn't turn into such a fag.

  2. I didn't actually mean to type aidan i just smashed the keyboard as a means of saying I didn't hear what he said, kind of backfired though.

    As to your comment, I divorced alcohol today so I imagine I wont be pulling anyone ever again. Strangely enough all I remember about that particular night is sitting in a doorway with Heather eating a macaroni pie at 4.30 in the morning.

  3. More importantly he rates Dick Whitely as a hero. Laugh at him all you wish, but do not pretend to like the man. No one likes Whitely, not even Vorderman, she fucking hates him and his dirty smirk. She wants to tear off his penis and force it into his heart through his right nipple. The next time you laugh at one of the moron's anecdotes remember that you are laughing at the man and not with him, it all becomes clear when you just take a step back and say, "wow, what a fucking asshole"

  4. The same generation? So during the Cold war when these people were our allies (remember that Munich, bastion of national socialism, was in the west) they were cold sadistic killers?

    You are still looking at it as a ghastly immoral enterprise (which it was) but things came out of that, and if you look only to morality to guide you on whether something is right and wrong then you will find that over the years it wont remain constant, in effect morality is defined by the victors. So if this is true then surely morality isn't the holy thing we hold it to be. It is more a tool used as a means of population control. Since there can be no universal morality then there must be some other reason that we behave as we do. The only other reason I can think of is pragmaticism. Even Jesus was pragmatic, "do unto others as you would have them do unto yourselves" It's simple common sense, without having to worry about everyone killing each other for things we can unite and make things more efficient. We can pretend that there is an underlying moral line somewhere in there but we are just fooling ourselves. So in this way you can question the simplest of moral beliefs. I'm not even saying thats right, all i'm saying is that you can't know that its wrong.

    I'm a romantic though so i'm all for morality, blatently concocted though it is.

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