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April Ethereal

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Posts posted by April Ethereal

  1. I thought it was a great film. I kept waiting for either Lars or Dave Mustaine or both to burst in to tears during the meeting because they were both bloody close to it. James Hetfield is a moody cunt when he doesn't get his way or if someone has a contrasting opinion and that was AFTER he came out of rehab. Lars' dad and Cliff Burnstein rule!!!!

  2. I bought it last monday at 9:02 from virgin and listened to it non-stop in college. It hasnt been given a break in my cd player apart from when I gave the new in flames album a listen and then it was straight back in. When I first heard pulse of the maggots, I thought this album is going be full on fuck-off aggression but no, it has a more mature sounding sound and the blister exists and opium of the people arent too far removed from the sound of Megadeth. Circle and Vermillion pt2 also give the album more of an edge. Pulse of the Maggots is actually the weakest tune on the album and for those of you who have heard it, that is saying fucking something. Now just cant wait to see them on sunday. I hope they play the same set they did at the Astoria.

  3. I could slay every unworthy peasant at my workplace before loading all stock of grog on to a vehicle to be transported to the ship port, if you let me join. Seems only fitting as I know you and I could get Alan Wood, my fellow bar man, signed up as the ships entertainment officer!!!

  4. That would be something I would really like to do but there is a few snags. I only have one US punk record in my collection (No prizes for guessing which) and funnily enough coming from somebody who likes their thrash and death metal, I haven't one Slayer cd in my collection, not necessarily(sp?) a bad thing but still. I think I could manage to do it but I think you would need to see my range first before making a decision.

  5. If Dans girlfriend needs to cheer up as you say, why do you think shes smiling? Oh my god sir, you really are a twat. You're not even telling jokes just making insults which have no backing to them. Dan's dick the size of an atom? You must have seen it to know, you fucking homo. The only celebrities you have a chance of dating are Jonathan King and Gary Glitter so at least you'll have 2 things in common, being hated and shafting young boys.

  6. Deary me! What a fuck-up, you really are. Stripey gets a lot of shit but he justs posts his opinions which just happens to differ alot of other peoples but you are just a tosser. Black Atom are shit? Certainly not! Have you heard Loaded? Doubt it. Own their 'Fear of Reflections CD and its really cool. And the whole thing Rach_69 being ugly? HAHAHA You're either blind or just plain fucking stupid. I thought it was going to be hard to find a bigger dick than Merry Christmas but you take the biscuit!

    Rant over!

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