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About Hef

  • Birthday 10/19/1983

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  1. Me too! I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one. Always thought it was a bit bizarre considering I left school ages ago. It must mean something...
  2. But I got it printed and bought the frame, so that doesn't count for the Dave points.
  3. You can buy sheet music for individual songs off here. Just download and print off. I use it all the time. You can transpose and listen to before you print it too. Don't even need to leave your house!
  4. Hah that made me laugh out loud. The Trybe aren't on the entertainment list though so maybe we'll get away with it. Although there is a solo piper....
  5. Pretty sure the Council now only go through Manpower and then they subcontract from places like Carlton Resources if they need to. That is if she wants to work for the Council. That's how I ended up in HR though.
  6. Also should have thought that maybe the wife reads (and occasionally posts on) these forums......
  7. If you're just looking for a tent for the weekend, I should still have a two man tent at me Mam's you can borrow if you want to save your pennies. I can have a look next time I'm in Stoney if you want?
  8. Box Office is saying Sold Out now, but I still managed to get some on seetickets.com just a moment ago.
  9. I would give it to your wife to pay off the credit card
  10. I (literally) bumped into Lynda Bellingham yesterday. Except I didn't know she was called that and had to look her up when I got back to work. You know she's the Mum in the old Oxo ads. I believe she's in Calendar girls at HMT at the mo.
  11. Hef


    Awesome! Can't wait for the weekend.
  12. They were no where to be seen. That would be too cool for the Council. Don't think it even got showed on TV in the end.
  13. Not sure about that (if you're meaning St Nicholas House that is). I work on the 13th floor and the only people that've been let out while I've been here - apart from Cooncily maintenance people - were the Location Location Location crew. But I suppose if you asked they might let you. Lots of people come up to our reception to look out the window, but I think they would be rubbish for taking photos out of as they are absolutley filthy.
  14. I do appreciate the advice and maybe was being slightly defensive in my last post. It's just coz I slogged my guts out for over a week getting the place like that and it seems it wasn't good enough. That was a horrible week, and the thought of having to do more is not a good one!
  15. As Dave's missus I'm gonna add in my two cents here. You have to remember that we may have to live in this flat for another 6 months or more - I don't see how day to day life can possibly go on in a show flat for long periods of time! Yeah the guitars should have been away for the picture, but we need to keep them in the flat as I have band practice. Same goes for some of the other things that have been left. As Dave said painting the rooms is a huge job that we neither have the time or the money for. And anyway you should have seen the colour of the bedroom when we bought it! Colour doesn't put everyone off. I think he was looking for more useful criticism not a deconstruction of our lifestyle. One comment was surely enough on this. While a(nother) revamp and new photos may help, this is not really an option at the moment considering we have just spent money on the current ones. Information and ideas about putting ads in the paper etc was more what we are looking for.
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