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Posts posted by PaulDW

  1. I agree, G4 Ii think could be a very good act indeed... But they need to stop singing bad arrangements of songs which really don't suit them... Don't Look Back In Anger? Everybody Hurts? They dont even look comfortable singing them half the time...

  2. If you have any guitar pedals that you are looking to sell, or would be interested in selling let me know?

    Im in the market for some new pedals, particularly, EQ, chorus, delay effects.

    Just let me know anything you have! :up:


  3. If mackie had taken those chances it would have been a different game... Although I think it would have been too much to ask of the team to beat the gers yesterday.

    But to be honest Im a season ticket holder, have been for years, and I am not ashamed.

    We finished the game with 11 scots in the team (like we did against celtic) with an average age of 20-22 and They have done extremely well this season. The team made many msitakes themselves due to inexperience and fatigue... In my opinion it wasn't a 5-0 game, but thats what the result says I guess... At the end of the day, we were relegation contenders last year, it was all doom and gloom... Getting beat at Ibrox by a team which is finding some form is not the end of the world... We are still third, and I couldnt really ask for more just now!

  4. Hehe... Well put! Well I think this can go on my list of shows to miss...

    I mean Tabby or whatever his name is... Im sorry but, I just don't see what the deal is? If anything, he needs a band with him...

    Yes I guess that means ill have to admit to watching it before...

  5. Glastonbury tribute to John Peel

    Peel was a regular visitor to Glastonbury

    Glastonbury Festival's new bands tent will be renamed the John Peel Stage in tribute to the veteran BBC Radio 1 DJ, who died this week aged 65.

    "It's very appropriate because it's all the sort of music that John would have chosen," Glastonbury founder Michael Eavis told BBC Somerset Sound.

    Eavis recalled Peel's huge influence on the festival, attributing The Smiths' landmark 1984 performance to the DJ.

    "He chose a band and he made it succeed," said Eavis.

    Eavis recalled first meeting John Peel at the age of 18, and the friendship that developed over the years as Peel became the BBC's Glastonbury guru.

    "He was the lad that always knew which band was going to make the grade," said Eavis.

    Similar tributes were paid by Radiohead's Thom Yorke and Roxy Music's Brian Eno on BBC Radio 4's Today programme.

    "He put a huge amount of energy into listening to the sackloads of stuff he received with a curiosity and an appetite that never seemed to diminish," said Eno.

    "He didn't deal in celebrities for their own sake. He found beauty and interest in ordinary people. He was a real democrat."

    Thom Yorke said: "Whenever I was losing inspiration, I would listen to the show and I was back on track."

    "He played one thing every show that changed how you thought about the style of music."

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