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Posts posted by Biz

  1. Yo Fudgers fan's the next Fudge magazine oot? -and I dinna mean ane o them 6 page pamphlets withoot a CD either - I need some decent toilet reading material - well I say read, but I mostly look at the stupid drawings, they are the best bit .

    I like the CDs tae , cheers Biz .

  2. AYE, and bah humbug, xmas is pish tae - well apart fae a the toys and food and stuff, that Wii drums are pretty nifty , och on second thoughts.... fuck the forthcoming year, I canna wait till xmas 2009 so I can book my 2010 holidays aff the internet fae a robot or something .

  3. His relatives will clean up by speaking shite to the media, and he will do a triple back flip with pike or something aff a bridge and be in the Guiness book of records for having the most ludicrous ending to an otherwise noteworthy existence - well apart fae gaeing Jimmy five bellies dog shite to eat in a pie or something . .gyad sakes min

    • Upvote 1
  4. Musorgsky had a cough

    As an Homage to BRMC, and all the othe patch bike clubs who know what the fuck 1% is a aboot, I am going to adorn my bikers jacket wih some writing and a cheapo tattoo looking piece of shit art like this -only better ...


    crude drawing of skull here


    Yowza only 2

  5. Vesuvian

    Recently signed to Imagine Records, this home-grown three-piece rock outfit have drawn comparisons to the likes of Black Rebel Motorsycle Club and Oasis.

    Right Hand Left

    Another fantastic rock group from the local Fat Hippy Label, their single 'Johnny Ray' released earlier this year has been likened to the energy of The Automatic and the lyrical quality of Panic! At the Disco.

    Eskimo Blonde

    This four-piece rock outfit have had an incredible year, playing festivals and gigs north and south of the border, and on both sides of the pond! Definitely one to watch in the next few months.

    Edgar Prais

    Yet another local band on the up, their consumate and frenetic live shows belie the relatively short time they've been performing together, garnering plenty of critical praise along the way.

    This show ill be broadcast live on Imagine Records' website.

  6. the pope is a fucking wanker and speaks a load of shite- what right does he have to go around telling folk they canna be poofs?,or even jist get their hole the normal way?.... the narrow minded bam should get a proper job and hang out in bars with sluts for a change. instead of wanking off over the thought of some quireboy or something .

    I winna stop there - I dislike ony religious twats that force people to wear stupid attire or get bits of their body chopped aff -especially bits of their cocks -that jist isnae right a ta .

    Och fuck it - I am gan to dress up as the Devil and prance aboot shouting abscenities, xmas sucks balls,thank fuck for light up Devil tails and Santy hats, oh and booze, cheers Biz .

  7. Vote Biz - nae guns, nae religion , nae politics, just lurve and sexy tunes and loads of moist tufts on the dancefloor .

    But far there's Ying there's gotte be Yang, so I'll even oot the balance by voting for most punchable.

    I want to see this person give an acceptance speech just so I can hate the wee fat fucker even more.

    I hate his gay hair products.

    I hate the way he checks oot my arse, and I hate his lame excuses for fucking up all the time.

    He is best known for pissing people off and leaving them stranded in foreign countries or airports without a bean, ggrrr he really grips my shite - or probably WOULD given half a chance, the fat, poofy,cabbage patch doll faced, ginger, whinger and all round incompetent waste of a belt - his droopy arsed jeans and oversized man pants sticking oot the top are nae doot hiding a wifies thong, and I bet it smells like spunk tae -a ower the erse.

    I widnae be surprised if he's spent my loot on granny porn - loads of auld trouts with floory coapy baps - except they're mair like droopy half deflated space hoppers, gyad sakes min, if ye are gan tae try to convince folk yer nae a marmite motorway merchant, at least buy porn wi do able chicks in it.

    So,,, a fat ginger whinger with a penchance for ladies panties, who lives in a house like this? and no doubt deserves the trophy for most punchable? you can decide .

  8. I heard a story about the taps in the gents working.

    I'm gonna check it out soon - I might even buy a soap dispenser oot o the ninety niner, ane that you push doon the lever on top and it squirts a nice wee dollop of soap that looks like spunk oot o a porn film or something, and leave it there as a present to the bar, the bar is a cracking place to get drunk.

    Aye, I'll dress up as a pirate and get discount for a change, this calls for a celebration .

  9. Yay, I'm back after a nice wee break for the festivals. I don't have any bits of paper saying I can play or set up drums, but with over 25 years experience and loads of radio plays I canna be that bad .

    Previous clients have included Miss the Occupier, Cyberpiper, Colin Clyne, 16 again, aka SKA, the Visitors, Camera Obscura, Misty in Roots and dozens more .

  10. where's this speech video?.

    I want to see Jamesy just so I can hate the wee fucker even more.

    I hate his gay hair products, I hate the way he checks oot my arse, and I hate his lame excuses for fucking up all the time, AYE, bring on mair sorry tales of the Jamesemeister pissing people off and leaving them stranded in foreign countries or airports without a bean, ggrrr he really grips my shite - or probably WOULD given half a chance, the fat, poofy,cabbage patch doll faced, ginger, whinger and all round incompetent waste of a belt - his droopy arsed jeans and oversized man pants sticking oot the top are nae doot hiding a wifies thong, and I bet it smells like spunk tae -a ower the erse.

    I widnae be surprised if he's spent my loot on granny porn - loads of auld trouts with floory coapy baps -except they're mair like droopy half deflated space hoppers, gyad sakes min, if ye are gan tae try to convince folk yer nae a marmite motorway merchant, at least buy porn wi do able chicks in it.

    Aye, Jamesy has surpassed himself this time, I've missed a few tasty acts and suffered in many ways, but I winna bore ye wi a the details- basically - I'm looking for suggestions on how I can " brighten up " his day , mwa ha ha haaaaaaa.

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