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Danny Doubt

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Posts posted by Danny Doubt

  1. yeh if ppl are paying to see u play its a bit wank of u to get pished an play shite...they wont come back. Gd tip... Drive for the nite an then u will hav no choice but 2 not drink unless ur a selfish prick an want 2 kill ppl!

  2. wot?! Yeh it's very busy at the weekend. It's not a fuckin sports bar it's a pub/live music venue. Under new management yet again and it's opening downstairs (live music) through the week except i think tuesday night is 'Quiz' night an drinks promotions are starting also!

    Come along an make your own mind up.

    The Open Mic Night is hosted by none other than Simon Gall.


    Danny. :band:

  3. yeh i was surprised they didnt play how does it feel, but i dont think they were gonna come back on as the house lights came on and everyone had to be out before it turned into the club.

    Totally agree wiv u their first band on were absolute shite the singer was an arrogant fuck who wouldnt shut the fuck up!

    The 2nd support i thought were much better but werent anything promising.

    The thing that pissed me off was getting ID'd everytime i went in an out of the bar section!


  4. so wot did anyone who went think of the gig?

    I personally thought it was fuckin great and that the band played really well! They rocked out an got the crowd goin and were having fun on the LAST nite of their tour!

    I dunno wot the best song of the nite was but my faves were 'stuck in america', 'hate every beautiful day' and 'memory'!

    They said they may be returning in september i reckon i shall be in attendance!

    Rock on!


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