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Danny Doubt

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Posts posted by Danny Doubt

  1. Ghostride - cock rock shit from states

    Hell Is For Heroes - Fuckin Brill!

    Biffy Clyro - Having never seen them live before...fuckin really good and tight as hell.

    also managed to get a street team backstage pass from some random dude and met the band and recieved a signed poster which i am eternally grateful for...really kool guys!

    Their looking forward to playing carling academy tonight cuz they've never played it before.

  2. Their are two new mic stands and i dont see the problem with the mic leads...we have plenty, if you dont ask you dont get. We could do with getting some new Xrl leads like but with the New Kitchen and the brewery's getting greedy again it's hard to find spare revenue.

    Having an in-house engineer would be great but we cant afford it so thats knocked on the head. The new plasmas, refurbishment and kitchen have cost alot of money. I think we would benefit majorly with a new set-up but finding the money isn't up to me and after all it's not really that big a place. We are also situated right in the middle if not underneath a residential area and we have to make sure as to not over do our DB rating. anything else?

  3. Okay...me and another person have voiced our concerns about the situation of the amps and crossover unit. They are thinking about trying to move them just under the stage out of the way and view. We have also voiced the need for stage monitors with the idea of placing them under the stage with mesh over them as to not take up much needed stage space.

    I find usually there is someone on hand to try an help but their not trained engineers and can only do the best to their knowledge of the mixing desk and setup.

  4. A good trick would be to set up the crossovers and hide them from the bands.

    You will now find a bit of mesh has been placed over the top of the crossover unit so that no-one can fuck with the settings. But people will still happily fuckin twiddle the knobs on the amps which does not affect the sound wot so ever.

    The speaker cables were faulty and they have now been replaced which is the fault of the sound company who had been in days previous and said that everything was fine...bastards.

  5. well seein as you think its such a shit hole you wont mind me sayin this...why play there?

    And the PA was a little dodgy but they have eventually figured out the niggling technical problems. And recently bought new amps and a new crossover unit.

    The main problems are bands dont know how to use the fuckin PA and are too up their own arses to ask for help. And when they do ask for help they just turn around and fuck with it anyway!

  6. Ok i think you need to get your facts right mate. We dont charge anything for the PA and you get a set fee depending on what night you play the fee varies. Obviously if people dont come we lose money and therefore why should they pay you anything if you havent bothered your arse to promote your band?

    We dont open downstairs on a tuesday by the way! Oh the PA is fine jus incase u dont know. We have just got in a new set of Mic stands and new amp rack. Sounds to me that you havent been in over twenty years.

    Are Open Mic night is quite successful with Simon Gall and Steve Crawford hosting. The usual night we get new bands in is a Sunday but we had The Front (who i like), Stuka (didnt like thought they were arseholes who thought they were playing wembley) and Echo20 from inverness (who i really enjoyed) playing last friday night.

    We are situated in a residential area which is why we have to watch our DB as we have had complaints in the past from residents you FUCKIN FANNY!

    Oh and another thing alot of bands fuck us about by cancelling on the day and fuck up staffs hours aswell as cost us money we could have gained.

    Sounds to me like you just have a chip on your shoulder because a) you dont like rosemary or b) she dopesn't like you.


    p.s. thats all i got to say bout that.

  7. Exactly...you dont know me. And i thought it was cuz he was trying to say we were taking advantage of drakes' closing which is not true. That is all i have to say bout that.

    Anyway your the last person to judge me your the biggest arse on here maybe you thinks it's funny to have people hate you? And when i met you i thought you were ok until you pissed me off with your comments.



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