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Leckie Gilman

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Posts posted by Leckie Gilman

  1. i bought my amp off of sound control. they suck ass. like the amp was well late in arriving so i foned up and complained because it was still super late and like that. when it finnaly came, it wasn't in a marshall box and it had no cables like power cables or the footswitch and cable so yes i complained again. they sent another one which arrived late so i complained about that aswell. the second amp arrived and then guess what? a few days later, and third one came. how cool. only recently a van was sent ot pick up the other two which weren't mine. damn.

    but yeah i still definately don't reccomend sound control at all.

  2. can't remember but like i've posted on a thread about ben asking about like free text message websites for mobile fones and like i went to check what he said later on and my post wasn't even there. there's been other times aswell. but i'm not too sure but it might be the quick reply thing or maybe even my shitty browser but yeah i they aren't there.

  3. Originally posted by Mouse:

    Well it sounded decent enough through the Laney's and considering it's only a single coil. Hopefully I'll get it for March. Though I don't like the mexican strat, give me a pacifica anyday!

    my guitar isn't a mexican strat.

  4. sounds cool. i was going to buy a telecaster but i couldn't afford an american one so i was looking at like the mexican ones. i tried out one and it sounded keek through my amp and waaaaaay to twangy.

    but i reckon (in my opinion) it would kick erse with a hot rail. decent.

  5. i get a bit pissed when people change my settings without telling me and then like i go onstage and it sounds pish.

    that pisses me off. and also one time i let the guitar player of this shitty metal band that was playing before my one use my amp for thier set (you'd be a bit of a dick if you were just all like "nah you're not getting to use my amp"). i specificly told him not to turn the bass up any more than it was to avoid the switch fucking up, but guess what the fucker did? yup thats right he turned up the fucking bass and yup the switch fucked up leaving my amp unuseable for the rest of my set. not only that but i just happened to have a spare strap with me which i lent him and a lead. and all he needed to do was keep the bass down to 8. bastard.

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