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Posts posted by IamScrooge

  1. Jacek Wernikowski - Between All The Songs Jacek performs Guitar and Vocals.

    Jarek Wernikowski - Between all the songs he plays bass and harmonica.

    Grant Patterson - Plays Guitar and Bodharaan and performs Vocals between all the songs.

    Douglas Paterson - Plays Bass' date=' Harmonica, Drums and performs vocals between all the songs.[/quote']

    If you play all those things between the songs I cant help but wonder what you play during the songs :D

  2. Well, Smells Like Teen Spirit has to be one of the worse songs ever, not just because its so badly written, not only because of the poor lyrics, not only because its the song that started a whole decade of crappy music but also, above all that its well overplayed. Its not the most annoying song however. Gold award for getting on my tits more than any other song ever in the world goes to 'Sweet Child Of Mine'. Most annoying guitar riff ever, most annoying singing (singing???) ever, and definately the most overplayed pile of crap ever.

  3. Are there any places in aberdeen one can go after 1am for a pint or two without crappy music being piercingly blasted into ones ears from crappy-but-loud speakers?

    Because if there were such a place that would be splendid.

    If there is not however my vote goes for Moshulu, free on mondays and you dont need a silly yellow card to get a pint for 1, oh and one can sit and relax not having to stand on ones feet the entire 2/3 hour duration because some faggots nicked all the seats in exodus.

    How about Imagine :D

  4. I'd stay away from crate just from their reputation. Ever go to the harmony-central reviews section and read all the bad reviews that say "This thing sounds like a f**king Crate and cost twice as much!!!"?

    Look on ebay, look for second hand for the best bang for the buck. If you just want clean go fender.

  5. yeah' date=' but [i']he wears terrible shirts, so is inevitably ruled out!

    Hmm, good point. I suppose you're right after all. Fender must be shit :D

    You must admit though, they do make extremely good guitars!

  6. But then' date=' watch Steve Vai Live at the Astoria and witness both the aceness of Billy Sheehan and also, the shitness of his tone![/quote']

    Yes I agree, bass distortion should be banned. My point was that yes indeedy fender basses are used by aceses bassists. Go watch satriani live with stu hamm now and tell me he's got shit tone.

  7. If I may observe, two bass players I've seen I'd class as session players would be Stu Hamm and Billy Shehan. Both play fender. Both are highly technical.

    On the matter of older sounding better, there are reasons for certain things to sound better because they are older, body woods of all instruments age, and their age effects their tone. The traditional woods tend to age well wheras some of the more popular woods these days such as basswood do not age as gracefully. There are a good few technical reasons tube amps sound better than solid state ones, the even order harmonic thingie (cant remember the explanation) makes them more pleasent to human ears, most amp manufacturers use better production on their tube amps than their solid state ones because the tube amps are their flagship products, the inherent compression and multiple gain stages involved with a tube amp also contribute to their superior sound. In the case of these devices, older is indeed better :)

    Vynal is not better than CDs. CDs just reproduce whats there, more often than not, due to records and needles wearing out, a record will sound different. I suppose its like saying you preffer to listen to music once its gone through a non-corrective EQ, if it floats your boat fair enough, but you're listening to a distortion of the original sound.

  8. New Pickups? That'll no only double, but tripple the value of your guitar. Why? Because a good price for Pickups is about 60 smackeroos each!

    Take a look into some of the not-quite-budget-but-not-quite-professional-either brands like Kent Armstrong if you dont want to invest in a set of Seymour Ds.

  9. If it's a standard tremelo you got there' date=' replace it with a Wilkinson. Cheaper and better than a Floyd Rose[/quote']

    Do those fit into standard tremelo routings? Warmoth.com has a special routing for their wilkinsons. If they fit I'd be well intrigued into fitting one to a strat or something.

    Are you comparing the wilkinson to a 'licenced' floyd rose or copy, or are you comparing them to an original or similar design?

  10. Modification...well...there are many things you can do to modify a guitar. You can replace the neck, you can replace the pickups, you can replace the tuners, you can replace the electronics, you can add electronic gizmos, you can upgrade the hardware, you can add asthetic touches, you can re-finish them...what do you want to modify?

    The main thing to keep in mind is that modification might improve the guitar, but it comes to a point where you'd be better off just buying a better guitar. Since I'm a bit bored though...

    Replacing the tuners will increase tuning stability. Not all tuners will fit since you've already got holes and they come in different sizes. Have you got a locking nut? If so its not such a big issue.

    Replacing the pickups is a popular mod. You can get a lot more bang for the buck putting better pickups in, they produce the sound/signal after all. Keep in mind however, they can only work with that vibrations the guitar is producing, if it sounds crap unamplified it'll still sound crap amplified, just, not quite as bad as it did with cheaper pickups.

    Upgrading the electronics can solve some grounding issues and will make volume changes more clean and the tone control a bit more useful in some cases, as well as making switching pickups silent. You can also add preamps to give you more gain or a mid boost or other things like that, there are plenty gimicks and electronics on the market. You could even just drill a few holes and glue some bright LEDs in. Get the ones where you can mix the colours! Sweet, dude! :D

    Upgrading the tremelo will increase tuning stability, trem usefulness and open new possibilities for playing. But you might have to route out the body, in which case its not worth the bother. Other mods in this area include adding a tremsetter (for floyd rose equipped guitars, increasing tuning stability and it wont go completely out of tune when a stringbreaks) and blocking off the trem altogether (increases sustain, disables tremelo, increases tuning stability).

    Upgrading the neck will make the guitar a lot more playable if the one you have isn't that great. Expensive mod however, and you'll want to get that set up after you've installed it. Just get a better axe.

    Upgrading the hardware; make it all shiney and gold!!! Completely asthetic with few practical advantages but if it turns you on, its your money.

    Refinishing the guitar is another popular mod. Does nothing for the playability or sound but looks cool. Theres another thread on here about that recently.

    Upgrading the strings. Try out other types of string. Why not?

    Do you have a floyd rose? If so then look up an article on setting the claw screws in the back before changing gauge because that'll change the tension between strings and springs, which must be balanced in floating tremelos.

    Setup. Put the guitar in for a setup, 40 from RnBs(if you cant do it yourself), makes sure the things all set up and you'll get the most out of your instrument.

    Replace the body. You've replaced everything else but the guitar still sounds inferior to you're mates stock Ibanez SA or whatever because the bodys not as good. You look at what you've spent, compare that to the price of a new guitar and think to your self: "Shiiiiiiiiit..."

  11. Er...just since no-ones replied I'd venture a guess on gloss.

    You see the way Ole Slowhands maple neck glistens in the stage lights in his latest DVDs? Beautiful. Makes the feel of the neck really really smooth too. Indeed, if I didn't dislike the sound of maple necks I'd be well sold on them.

  12. Indeed many players desire an unfinished neck. Including a certain guitarist from around these parts who likes to throw his guitar off stage from time to time...

    Its not an issue for me personally as I cant play well/fast enough for it to have an effect on my playing but Jemsite has a small tutorial on it:


    Of course, you will still need to finish your fretboard. I recently cleaned up my old squier and accidentally used an abraisive cleaner on the fingerboard which has taken all the oil off the rosewood. Now it feels dry and sticky...but its an old squier and I cant be assed buying the lemon oil. I think its lemon oil you're meant to use...

  13. Also like Craig said there is a big difference between the Spider and Duoverb/Flextone etc. Bruce Millars had either duo/flex in last time I was there

    Yup, have heard it many a time and played with it a few times too.

    Doesn't cut the mustard for me I'm afraid to say however. I personally found it very hard to get a half decent tone out of it (and yes I am using it properly), there were maybe one or two usable ones I could find and they wouldn't even touch a half decent real amp. Is this not supposed to be Line6's new flagship model? And how much does it cost???

  14. Valvestate amps blow away the Line6 spiders. They sound quite pathetic in comparison tbh. If you have any doubts about going digital then play safe and just dont. There are many good amps out there right now for really decent prices, you dont need to buy a digital immitation.

    ...well, you said any opinions appriciated...thats mine.

    Aint ever heard any line6 amp sound the way a guitar amp SHOULD sound like. I have a funny feeling after going from a creme de la creme amp to an overpriced digital toy you'd be dissapointed.

    I'm not anti-Line6 or anything, the PODs can sound very acceptable when recorded but the amps dont feel good to play.

  15. As volume goes down then so too do your mids for that kind of sound.

    Thats a good point, however all too often it seems that people relate what they're doing in their bedroom is going to sound the same live, and you simply cant take a lot of mids out when you play live because it just DOESN'T work. Do you know how much more volume I got from my amp when I learned that lesson for myself?

    I wish someone had told me scooping mids was bad when i was a bit younger, so many practices struggling to hear myself over the lead guitarist (treble treble treble) which was completely needless.

    Mind you, I did actually 'get more' volume when I tried that master volune trick described in my last post as well. With the channel volume full up I'd have to have the master on 5 or 6 and still struggle to hear myself when the other guitarist was on volume 3. Now the master stays full up and the channel volume stays between 2 and 3. And the world makes sense once more :)

  16. From someone with the same amp, heres what I suggest...

    1)OD1, Presence 5/6, Bass 5, Mids 7, Treble 6, Reverb1 -Adjust 5 -Mix 4

    2)For megadeath; OD2, Presence 10, Bass 4, Mids 10 Treble 10, Reverb1 -Adjust6 -Mix4

    A more useful tone: OD2, Presence 5/6, Bass 5, Mids 7, Treble 6

    3)Throw in plenty mids, boost the presence a bit, throw on a short delay (the delay effect has reverb on it too!) and mix it in about 5, then use OD2 as a lead boost channel.

    But bottom line, your guitar will effect the tone so you'll need to experiment. The pickups you have will effect the gain so much I'm not even going to bother guessing gain settings. And please please please DONT SCOOP YOUR MIDS. Thank you.

    To return the favour, heres a small secret about the AVT 100 amp. Leave the master volume on full. Then forget about it, just use the channel volumes, the amp sounds MUCH better, and, you'll get more volume too (well, not really, but its satisfying when you only need to keep your amp on '3' or '4' at a gig).

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