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Posts posted by Teabags

  1. AGFW strikes again...

    So, after a database transfer with some work stuff, we need to recover legacy user accounts, meaning we need to dos a password reset, since the transfer was a bit...wonky. However, it's as simple as just resetting your password like you would anywhere else. TL;DR - Bloke at work needed help to reset a password...

    So, since he can't seem to do this, I go over to his desk, tell him where to go. And we get to a page with a single line of text that says (paraphrased) "Click here to recover your password." Which is linked. Its the only link on the page.

    He runs his mouse cursor over it as if he's reading it then just stops and goes... "ugh. what now?"


    I want to get off the world.

  2. 1 hour ago, Stroopy121 said:

    So then what's an abaya?!


    My quick idiot analysis...

    Hijab - like a hood that is wrapped round the head, not covering the face

    Niqab - a veil which covers the lower part of the face, leaving the eyes exposed

    Burkha - hooded cloak type thing that cover the whole body, from the top of the head, covering the face, all the way down to the feet

    Abaya - cloak covering the body from shoulders down to the feet. 

    • Upvote 2
  3. On 2/8/2016 at 3:56 PM, ca_gere said:

    it's called a hijab


    (but actually, its called a niqab.)

    Looked into this more, actually, a burkha does make sense. Sorry!

    Oh yeah, you said hijab, not burkha.. YOU'RE WRONG. 

    • Upvote 2
  4. Almost 100% Mad Max (just finishing the Death Races in all the different cars now I think). So bought Just Cause 3.

    Serious performance issues (cos if its any less than 60 FPS I lose my shit) the story is comedically bad, though I think thats intentional, and the graphics irk me for reasons I can't put my finger on...but its open world as fuck so I'll probably spend quite a fair bit of time on it.

  5. Yeah. EA grind my gears. But they make some of my favourite games. Those glorious fuckers.

    As for the mobile games...obviously its standard all over mobile gmaing to have micro transactions. And since its standard in so many places, EA take it to the extreme, like they do with all their other games. I mean, £50 for a new NHL/Fifa/Madden game every year? and it includes micro transactions? and in-game advertising? and they shutdown the servers for old versions after 2 years (not sure if they're still doing that)? Utter bastards.

  6. He's issued another apology. And again left out saying "I'm not a racist." Just that he's annoyed at himself or whatever. 

    As for Lemmy on racism: 

    As for his collection of Nazi shit, he's always been very open that he just thinks they made the best uniforms and had good symbols. I don't agree with wearing it, or using the symbols in artwork, cos I know it represents a horrible ideology, but can understand collecting it to a certain extent.

    Even more debatable...does he say "Sieg Heil" at the start of Iron Fist?

  7. 23 hours ago, ca_gere said:

    They at least maintain a lower level of spamcuntyness on other platforms. On mobile they go full candy crush. On PS4 I can put in my copy of Madden and be playing a game in seconds, and continue to play games over and over. On mobile you have to be connected to the internet to launch the fucking game, just so they can spam you with upsells.

    The profit margins must be tiny on mobile.

    When playing Madden...how many ads are plastered all over the place?

  8. On 2/2/2016 at 3:06 PM, Soda van Jerk said:

    Anselmo's apology is weird. He is sorry for offending people, but he doesn't seem sorry for being a full-on, raging racist.

    This is what I said on FB about it as well. Its a pretty glaring omission. 

  9. 1 hour ago, ca_gere said:

    I'd never played a fallout game before so can't compare but from what i've seen/read the setllement building is a great addition.

    See, I played 3 and New Vegas, and (not same franchise but very similar sort of game) Skyrim. And I got sucked into all of them. But something about Fallout 4 just doesn't sit with me. I can't get as engrossed in my character like I did in previous ones. Most likely cos of the backstory. I'll go back to it eventually, but for now I'm much more into other games.

  10. Fell out with Fallout 4 after about 20 hours. Just wasn't getting engaged enough. Will go back and complete the main story line soon enough but have no desire to launch it just now.

    Been grinding through Mad Max something rotten. Its great. Repetitive as fuck, but there's something about driving the Magnum Opus and beating the fuck our of warboys that is just awesome.

    Also playing alot of Rocket League and BF4. 

  11. Jack Edwards must've been FUMING at them considering his hard nosed stance on diving and embellishment.

    Oh, he didn't mention it? Cos he's actually just a Boston homer? Ah, right.

    Fuck the Bruins, fuck NESN, fuck Jack Edwards.

  12. I haven't seen this pinch harmonic wizard, but AGFW came back from getting lunch the other day and said...

    "Teabags, have you seen the guy playing guitar outside St Nicholas?"
    "Oh, I thought you might know him."
    "Cos he has a guitar."

    Srsly, FML.

    • Upvote 1
  13. Bills took far too many fucking penalties. Completely ridiculous. Then Rex Ryan comes out and says he liked his team's "fight"? Fuck that, they need fucking disciplined. 2 times in the red zone and we come away with 0 points both times. Utter bollocks.

    Was upsetting to watch. UGH.

  14. AGFW strikes again...

    in kitchen, making coffee. Talking about the plastic stirrers, and how they're a massive waste and people should just use a spoon. He goes "Yeah, we create so much waste. Its ridiculous." He then pulls out a plastic stirrer, uses it to stir his tea, then goes and gets a spoon to take out the teabag. Are you fucking serious?

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