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Posts posted by Teabags

  1. I play Doubles and Solo Standard. Solo Standard is for players that aren't in a party, but still play 3v3. Means you're not getting matched against a team of players, which makes it a bit better. Also, your overall rank is different from your rank for each match type. Your opverall rank only goes up, but your rank for each match type can go up and down as you win/lose game.s So if you continually suck, you'll drop to lower divisions and matchup more correctly.

  2. 2 hours ago, Moose said:

    I'm so rubbish at Rocket League.  I got it when it came out and did ok, then didn't play it for a number of months.  I've come back to it now and its so hard!  I don't understand how people fly about the pitch like they do and my timing of hits are all off.  

    Which game modes you been playing? Playing ranked will match you better with people of similar skill. Though admittedly, I've played 90 hours and am now scoring like in the videos above. For the first 20 or so hours I was a pishflap.

  3. 6 hours ago, kirsten said:

    She held up her finger to show me a cut, “I papercutted myself. Well, it wasn’t on paper, it was on a tin last night.”

    Hearty LOL. This is totally something my AGFW would say.

    6 hours ago, kirsten said:

    "Abu Dhabi is nice... I've only been to the airport in Abu Dhabi."

    The airport is a fucking dump, the lying bastard.

    One thing I've never mentioned that AGFW does...is everything is "a little" something. "I put a little note up there for you." "I'm a little confused by it all." "I found a little issue." Its not a huge problem, except our job is testings. And when you're trying to get him to explain what the issue is, he still does it. "The email I received was a little blank." A little blank? What the fuck does that mean?

  4. 3 hours ago, Lemonade said:

    I deeply apologies for our query not be brought to our teams attention sooner. I can insure you that our query has been handed correctly and has now has gone through the correct producer in order to approve this payment to you. 28 days is only a timescale period given to all customers depending on the evidences provided over to this department for payment.

    Going forward from this matter, any queries you need to address to us please could you forward to the Customer Services team and one of the member of the team will handy your query in a professional manner.  


    I honestly can't fucking believe that got sent out. Surely some higher up must read this and go "what the FUCK?!"

  5. 15 hours ago, kirsten said:

    Anyway, I’ve been keeping a draft in my email of dumb stuff she comes out with or just anything I find particularly annoying. Thinking of releasing it as a book.

    I was thinking about doing a tumblr...or twitter of things that happen. Would have to be tumblr, cos you can't fit that much stupid into 140 characters. Maybe we should combine forces.

  6. 2 hours ago, kirsten said:

    AGFW: “Is it like that Sunshine stuff?”
    COLLEAGUE: “I don’t know what that is.”
    AGFW: “Like, a really strong homemade drink that can make you go blind.”
    ME: “Moonshine?”

    I laughed stupidly loud. Like...my neighbours must think I am insane. 

    This is literally FE-male AGFW. AFFW? Possibly. Too good. Fuck, I'm glad I'm not the only one. 

    Thank you for that post. I'm smiling so much.

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