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Posts posted by framheim

  1. yep, get an album called 'didn't it rain'. also check out ghost tropic and lioness. alasdair roberts plays on both those albums, though apparently only on one song on the lioness. his last two albums were dead good too. magnolia electric company featured scout niblett amongst others and is a more electric and rock affair to his other albums. pyramid electric company is just jason molina himself but it's wonderful and stark. if you just want a song to check out then try and download 'steve albini's blues' or 'two lights', certainly my two favourite tracks off of didn't it rain. incidentally steve albini's blues is also available on the recent 'another country 2' compilation. which is worth buying as well. also it is actually songs:ohia, it's not a typo on my part. no idea why he called it that.

    i feel i may have gone on a bit much there, but i'm sure you'll find some of that useful.


  2. it's an asset and a compliment to aberdeen that it's here. and long may it continue. and long may they strive to improve it and better themselves. maybe the addition of workshops could be an idea. certainly if they could persuade people like trans am or wire to participate in such things i'm sure they'd get a lot of interest.

  3. go on you know it's the best fun you'll ever have. we had genuine punters at the last one and some of them even had a wee dance! ask anyone who was there they'll tell you it was a grand night indeed. i'll be hugely disappointed if two people turn up this week. 11-3 in dr drakes and it's free!

    we've been known to play a bit of everything but generally it's the heavier side of the tracks. last week we had a funk run though including primus and !!!. twas grand.

  4. there was some things on in glasgow that i would've killed a thousand men to see up here. though none as much as folk implosion last year. that made me sad.

    i like the idea of a golden ticket that gets you into everything. i think overall the triptych things are quite expensive hence me going to just one event. however i appreciate that the calibre of the acts means that they probably get paid a large fee.

    basically i think that it would be nice if the aberdeen leg didn't feel like so much like a fringe event.

  5. dunno if he's signed to epitaph but his last couple of albums were very good. he used to be world slam poetry champion. collaborated with anticon folks i think. last album was under the name non-prophets and was released on warp's hip hop label lexoleum. i think it's a warp offshoot anyway, could be wrong.

    wanted to go but he was in glasgow and i was up here, it'd never have worked.

  6. good to hear some folk enjoyed the night, i didn't make it along and had heard only bad reports. though everyone i spoke to said liars and pan sonic were awesome. they also all said wire were shite.

    werent' the dj's just playing can records? i was told it was something to do with irmind schmidt's grand piano not fitting on the stage so they just played can records instead of umm, playing can songs on a grand piano. or whatever. not that there's much wrong with can mind, just coulda been a bit disappointing for some folks.

    i really wanted to see liars though :(

  7. holy fucking shit.

    if you don't know who the mc5 are go and find out!! download, steal or buy kick out the jams. without the mc5 there would have been no rock music with balls. see all those cool moves all your favourite bands do onstage? every single damn one of them was probably stolen from the mc5. and their hair. and their drug consumption.

    no one knew who i was when i dressed as wayne kramer for the dress as your favourite rock star night at kef. :(

  8. drakes is the finest venue in all the land. it's everything a venue should be while being everything a venue shouldn't be at the same time. and it's fun. always.

    trans am in drummonds last night was awesome. good room to have a wee dance about and decent booze. i'm starting to really enjoy drummonds. the crowds get me down in there though. drakes always has nicer people in it.

  9. Originally posted by stuartmaxwell:

    from the school of roddy woomble

    before he turned into a big poofter, how i hold onto my memories of idlewilds ferocious live shows with the screaming, the rolling, the bum notes, the big muff etc etc

    bunch of fucking grandads

    idlewild are still ace, they're just ace in a different way now. i.e they have great songs rather than just being a fearsome band to watch.

    they were awesome in the captain era though. still never seen em play a bad gig.

  10. dillinger escape plan did an awesome version of come to daddy by aphex twin with live drums. but their drummer doesn't really exist. he's a figment of everyones imagination. no one can actually drum that song.

    when i mentioned drum triggers it was really to guage whether flash had a problem with live drummers using drum triggers. these are used to ensure a drum retains the same sound every time it's hit. it can also be used to give the same volume every time it's hit no matter how hard. i'm no expert so if i'm wrong i'm sure someone will correct me on this. basically they're a handy tool for drummers to use if you're on tour and want to make sure you still get the same awesome drum sound it took you two weeks of tinkering to get in your practice room.

  11. it is generating an interesting debate this one though, i get what you're saying about the human aspect and the emotional response. i don't think having a drum machine is a step towards automated music making though, its' just another way to get a cool sound into your song. another way to make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. like someone said, radiohead were awesome at the exhibition centre and have successfully managed to incorporate a huge amount of electronic gadgets into their sound while still illiciting an emotional response. they had affy pretty lights too. :)

    boards of canada's music i think is just as emotional as some of my favourite bands who don't use electronics as all. but that's just my own personal response to the music. everyone is affected by different sounds in different ways, and as you said there is no right or wrong answer to this.

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