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Posts posted by framheim

  1. Huuuuh??

    well, when i say decent i mean i get the same discount as student types get, i don't get as good as when i worked there but it all counts when you're skint and want cd's now rather than waiting for 4 days to get them from play. and it only depends on the price that it's for sale at normally, i don't always get a discount but it's nice to get now and again and i never request it as i'd feel a bit cheeky.

  2. I started a One Up myspace. True story. Using the web connection at One Up.

    Then Fred told me to stop using the internet connection: "This is a shop, nae a library".

    This is all true.

    Progress, eh?

    Such a poorly run shop. And I am oly too glad former staff members are quick to point this out to them.

    this is all kind what i was alluding to in my initial post. one up should have long ago realised that they could make more money online by either selling a large portion of their second hand stock on ebay or by just having a web presence. unfortunately it's not likely to happen anytime soon for a number of reasons. maybe one of the kids will get on the ball and drive it forward for their dads. or they could put mike in charge and all would be right with the world, maybe. at the moment it just seems to be going through the motions of being a record shop.

    what they really need to do is ship adam cresser back from glasgow and hand him the keys to the shop. so many good staff have moved onto other things who would've been quite happy working there for the rest of their years but it just has never been in a position to keep people for long periods of time(mark, tich and yogi obviously excluded but what else would they do?).

    i still try and buy most of my music from one up but then they normally give me a decent price on stuff as i worked there for ages. they're pretty good at ordering stuff still and i just like going in for a chat when i buy a cd. i don't have much disposable income these days so don't buy many but when i do it's good to have a browse.

    maybe we should turn this thread into a what would we like to see one up do and we can try and make it a better fitter record shop.

    no1: sell stuff on ebay to start making money!

    no2: promote the place! when i left it was the 25th anniversary of one up and they did practically nothing to promote this. tie ins with venues and local radio would help. perhaps original 106 and andy could think of something for this.

    what would everyone else like to see? what would make record shops more attractive for people to shop in rather than sitting at home?

  3. I did have an accumulator on but lost it!

    I had Liverpool and Fiorentina to win though as Rangers have no chance of winning with 9 first team players out.

    why the fuck was there 5 minutes injury time? and how the hell do you score an own goal in the 5th minute of injury time. grr.

  4. I was trying to think of someone from Stonehaven.....it was a toss-up between you and bluesxman (or I could've used Copy Ha Ho).


    fairplay, given the choice i'd have picked me and chris as well. bluesxman could probably rip your head off your body with his bare hands and copyhaho are too wee and nice to pick on like that. :p

  5. I agree with him, apart from the fact that I prefer churches to airports.

    One way to disprove 'Intelligent Design' is to look at Stonehaven. The earliest creature ever to emerge from the sea hauled its gasping body across the beach at Cowie. Now, in the 428 million years since, evolution has managed to give us..... the Officer twins!!....what is 'intelligent' about that?????

    (just joking, lads!!!!!:kiss:)


    i have no idea what to say to that :(

  6. I tend to ignore club football outwith Scotland, but I do like a big European game, so I'm looking forward to tonight. I'm also hoping Liverpool win.

    i confess that I want Rangers to win on Thursday, although normally I'd be happy to see an outbreak of cholera wipe out the club and most of their supporters:up:

    i'm hoping both liverpool and rangers win as i have them in my euro accumulator! along with bayern and man utd.

  7. I had a similar thing happen with plane tickets recently. My connection dropped just as I pressed the purchase button and I had no way of knowing if it went through or not. So I tried phoning Thomas Cook and none of their departments could give me a definitive answer.

    In the end I just waited to see if the money came off and when it didn't I bought them again. But you're right, there's no reasonable excuse for poor customer service these days. Customer Services should have access to the booking systems and be able to at least tell you about the booking you may or may not have made. And they should also be able to transfer you directly to any other department that you may have to speak to, rather than force you to call a premium rate phone number (a la Thomas Cook). Cunts.

    the thing about this one is that my connection didn't drop or anything. as far as i knew the transaction went through smoothly. it was only when i took the booking confirmation page i'd printed off to the ticket office that i knew for certain it hadn't gone through.

    our folks were telling me about thomas cook last night, sound like a bunch of robbers to me. they have to pay extra to sit together on the plane, madness.

  8. here is a copy of a conversation i've been having with first scotrail's customer service department:

    Train tickets booked for Wednesday 23rd


    Yesterday i booked a return ticket from Aberdeen to perth on an early morning train returning at 4.37. I haven't received a confirmation email with my reference number for collecting my tickets. I did print off the confirmation page but there doesn't appear to be a reference number on it. Could you please confirm my reference number and send a confirmation email as i need to forward that to my work for expenses.


    David Officer


    Dear Mr Officer

    Thank you for your email dated 18 April 2008 regarding your on-line booking for your journey from Aberdeen to Perth on Wednesday 23 April 2008.

    I regret that we are unable to view your on-line booking as we do not have access to the on-line booking system in this department. You should contact the outlet where you originally purchased your tickets. The telephone number for Web Aftersales is 0870 333 4873.


    Thank you for contacting First ScotRail. Should there be anything else we can assist you with, please do not hesitate to contact us. Should you need to reply to this email, please respond to scotrailcustomer.relations@firstgroup.com.

    Yours sincerely

    Lorna Davenport

    Customer Relations Advisor

    Now, I had already spoken to their online department who aside from interrupting me everytime i tried to speak, were very quick to deal with my problem and told me that i had to buy another ticket if there wasn't a reference number. This was after i'd gone to the station yesterday to pick up my tickets and was told that there was no record of it and that this happens quite often. The lady there suggested i check my bank balance and see if the payment had come off then return to purchase new tickets should it not have come off. So i sent this response:


    After reading your response to my original query and having spoken to station staff at Aberdeen and phoned your helpline, I'm afraid I've come to the conclusion that your website and the procedures you have in place for dealing with issues arising from it are completely ineffectual and rubbish.

    I think having a website on which you can buy tickets which then don't exist is a pretty redundant enterprise, even worse when you have a customer services department who aren't able to deal with any customer service related issues. I gather this happens fairly regularly according to the staff in the ticket office in Aberdeen. I was cheerfully told that the website selling phantom tickets keeps them in a job.

    Anyway, thanks for taking 4 days to tell me you can't help. Though i'd imagine you are pretty busy given that your website just isn't fit for purpose.

    David Officer

    too harsh? having worked in retail for 10 years i hate poor service, and even worse is when people can't deal with complaints and fob you off to other departments. i think it's pretty stupid having a customer services department that you email from the website that can't deal with website customer service. bah.

  9. i've got a us standard tele and a squire tele and the us standard is head and shoulders above the squire. everything about it is betterer, tone, weight, feel, build quality, everything. the mexican ones are ok mind but the best thing i'd say is just try them out. compare a couple in a shop and see which one feels right.

  10. Is it not possible that Mogwai just don't want to play in Aberdeen? It's not exactly the greatest place in the world to play in. A lot of people seem to be choosing the ironworks instead of Aberdeen :down:. Mogwai are the type of band who just don't seem to come to Aberdeen.

    if you read a few pages back you will see stuart braithwaite of mogwai fame addressing this very point in this very thread.

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