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Hardcore Mel

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Posts posted by Hardcore Mel

  1. now this is getting back to the age old arguement of rock stars vs musicians. the crue were rock stars and i have no problem admitting that a lot of their fame is from their actions and attitude, but then again, whose isn't?

    but del, you're labelling the crue as being a bunch of washed up has beens still sporting the same look they had in the 80s which is untrue. the hair is shorter, the spandex is gone and like i've said before, at least nikki and tommy look really good now. they're reminiscent of the backyard babies, or, well, my boyfriend.

    in any case, they're a fucking great band who i can't wait to see live, especially given that i was about 8 the first time round and thus far too young to go to one of their shows. and i liked them well before i liked the darkness.

  2. hmmm....

    attitude? paul heaton has more attitude in his words of wisdom than what motley crue could ever muster up' date=' i suggest you go read some of his lyrics....

    excitement? yeah i'll give you that one, there's nothing more exciting than watching wig wearing spandex laden rockers singing about shagging girls and cocaine. but ver south are capable of creating excitement all of their own when they can be arsed (which granted isnt very often and ask stuart for an example not me)

    sex appeal? onviously wig wearing spandex wearing rockers turn you on, i'm sure that aforementioned estate agents and bank clerks find the beautiful south sexy. at the end of the day that one is down to personal taste.

    inginuity? yeah so they had one innovative highpoint in their stage show thus proving as i suspected that motley crue remain a one trick pony (though maybe in the midst of rock n roll time it had been done before)[/quote']

    no, that was just one example of their fucking kick ass stageshows. and the crue had sex appeal and still do to this day, well at least in the case of nikki and tommy. keep in mind that in the 80s almost every rock band wore spandex and had poodle perms. that was what was sexy, just like bad fringes and cardigans seem to be sexy today. you can bet your ass the crue saw way more action between the sheets than the beautful south did. and i'm pretty sure it was just mick mars that wore the wig.

  3. it is ridiculous. my mum had to get a florida driver's licence when her and my dad were buying a car out there a few years ago, cos i think it was cheaper to florida residents (ie people who hold a florida licence and have an address there). she was asked to park into a space so she asked whether it was a reverse park or standard and got a look that clearly said 'don't be a smartass' from the instructor.

  4. agreed but the beautiful south's crowd of dull middle aged estate agents and bank clerks (generalisation by the way....) hardly go to watch their heroes to see them leaping round the stage (though it would be funny)' date=' at the end of the day it depends on the band and the kind of music they are making and the kind of crowd they attract.[/quote']

    middle aged estate agents, bank clerks and stuart you mean. ;)

  5. It doesn't make for a good gig though. There's nothing worse than watching an uninterested' date=' unengaging frontman even if the rest of the band are great.[/quote']

    totally. del, you must have seen a number of battle of the bands entries at drummonds where the most exciting thing the singer did was take his jacket off or remove his hands from his pockets.

    and as for the beautiful south vs motley crue, motley would win on attitude, sex appeal, excitement, catchiness, showmanship and ingenuity (flipping the drumkit upside down above the audience while tommy lee continued to play must be one of the most innovative ways to add to the stageshow ever achieved in rock.)

  6. aye i know! think it would make interesting debate....

    the beautiful south vs motley crue

    beautiful south would win every arguement apart from 'ability to create bad over the top tunes in a rock stylee whilst wearing big wigs and spandex' and 'visits to rehab'

    does anybody know if there's a rock version of seminal card game top trumps available?

    i disagree. all beautiful south would win is dull MOR for middle aged folk.

  7. Sounds like an excellent opportunity to roll out my Velvet Revolver anecdote:

    I picked up a cool new Les Paul Standard in LA while in August. For those not in the know' date=' this is the guitar played by (among others) Slash. I got it safely across the Atlantic, and went to check in for the flight from Heathrow to Aberdeen. Who was standing in front of me in the queue? Slash and others out of Velvet Revolver

    I'm not normally the kind of guy who hassles rock stars in airport departure lounges, but how often are you going to find yourself standing with a Les Paul Standard with one of the most famous Les Paul Standard players?

    Fortunately the newsagent at airport had marker pens for sale, so I bought one and asked Slash to sign the scratchplate. He was a bit bemused at first, and asked why I had a Les Paul scratchplate at an airport departure lounge. I explained that I'd just bought a Les Paul in LA. So he signed the scratchplate and we chatted about guitars for a few minutes. He was a really cool guy!

    If anybody's interested I've got pics of the guitar and the scratchplate, but I don't know how to post them on here. Or why not come along and see the beast in action at the next Deviadas gig? ;)[/quote']

    holy sweet shit! if jimmy lucifer could only see this post he'd promptly weep three shits, one for you merely having a Les Paul Standard, one for you bumping into Slash and one for you having a signed Les Paul scratchplate.

  8. is vince fat now?i just remeber seeing the enslaved video and he didnt look too great there oh well bit if a shame. does anyone know how micks back is these days? and YES! AFRAID such a great song...

    now all we need is a poison tour *goes away and listens to look what the cat dragged in*

    he's been fat for a while. the video for primal scream is great because he's topless and so sucking in to no avail. fantastic viewing. anyone else see him guest starring on the chris isaak show?

  9. you see thats more like it' date=' a reasonable arguement in favour of the crue, shame it fell at the last hurdle with the reference to the beautiful south. not everyone's cup of tea granted but i think you'll find aforementioned beautiful south buff has every right to contribute to this discussion.[/quote']

    that's why said sentence was accompanied by a sticky out tongue, to denote teasing sarcasm. although i still don't think you can compare the two bands by any stretch.

  10. imagine what they look like now?

    Nikki Sixx is actually really fucking hot now that he's off the heroin once and for all, Vince Neil's a fat bastard, Tommy Lee doesn't look too bad either, and Mick Mars has always and will always look 800 years old.

    To me, Motley songs still get my heart going and make me wanna get up and dance. A lot of the stuff they did in like 2001 is actually really good and sounds relevant today. Stuff like Afraid and Hell on High Heels.

    But when someone says they'd rather see The Beautiful South than Motley, I know their opinion doesn't count in a Motley discussion. :p

  11. i do sorta like the album...when its good its VERY good....but...well when its bad its shit

    doing it for the kids and sukertrain blues are ace...but the ballads are really just awful

    havent heard the brides album...heard a couple of random tracks which are ok...but hell its nikki sixx the man can do no wrong (well he can...and has....a lot....but...well you know what i mean)

    yeah power ballads they are not. a couple of the brides tracks are totally balls out rock n roll but as a whole, i'd say velvet revolver did a lot better with their debut.

  12. ...OK you get the picture LOL... it prevents them from undercutting the decent privately owned business' date=' probably run by some fun loving alchie in a doo-rag, that ocassionally gives poor young persons free drinks out of the kindness of his heart.

    So it's all good. In my opinion.[/quote']

    something which was very much appreciated on friday night but which also contributed to the fantastic state i was in after completing the sexiest nicest drinks list.

  13. I would say I am in no way racist but I still feel that allowing endless waves of imigrants to pour into the country' date=' a huge percentage of whom are very unqualified and will simply go on to live on council estates and leach from society (don't get me wrong, a good part of our native population is doing the same, but thats an issue for another day.)[/quote']

    I can see how you'd be annoyed by people coming into the country and living off benefits but that's what the government make them do while processing applications, something which can take up to a year. I say we let in the people who want to work. I'm sure that's what most of them want anyway. Britain has such an aging population, with fewer people having children and more people leaving the country after university to work abroad where there are more economic benefits and better climates. There are countless numbers of qualified and experienced workers wishing to come into the country and we could use their skills, particularly in vocations where we're losing new recruits, such as electricians and plumbers. But we shouldn't restrict it to those with skills, because we also need manual labourers. Because more of Britain's population are choosing to go to university or college, these vocations need filled and there are plenty of people who would jump at the chance for any form of work, in exchange for political asylum. This is not to say that I'm suggesting that people seeking assylum should be automatically thrown into the shitty jobs that we don't want, regardless of their skills. I think we should allow anyone to take up any job they are able to do, instead of spending money on putting them up in shitty accomodation with a pathetically low sum of money to buy food while we process applications, money which could be better spent in other areas that need it.

    Many also refuse to really adapt to British life, something I feel is also important to do when you live long term in another society.

    Yeah but how many British people do you get emmigrating to the south of France or Spain and living in little ex-pat colonies with other Brits, doing British things and speaking loudly in broken English whenever they want to buy something or get something done. I don't think you should force people to push away their own culture in order to adapt to a different way of life.

  14. Yep' date=' early Genesis has influenced a raft of bands through the years, from all sorts of genre's. Peter Gabriels theatrics mixzed with the style of vocals influenced most fothe prog rock bands that came after them including, Opeth, Spock's Beard, Marillion and Dream Theater to name a few, mix with the the fact that they've also iinfluenced a load of pop bands, people like Duran Duran and much of the 80's music scene hold them up as influences. When you say Genesis everyone thinks of the Phil Collins years but they were a very influential band in the early 70's.



    fair enough. i always think of the phil collins years so i was confused as to how influential they could actually be.

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