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Posts posted by spellchecker

  1. when we went down to see nine inch nails at the barrowlands, we stopped at a bar just down the road from the venue. the bar seemed dead quiet, but it was only 7pm, so nothing too surprising. being the first one to visit the toilets after a couple of pints, imagine my bewilderment to find posters detailing the symptoms of syphillis, boxes with free lube and a butt plug vending machine. i decided to take some lubricated souvenirs back to the table where we were drinking. we all had a good laugh and so on, and made our way to leave. at this point i put a couple of samples of lube in my inside jacket pocket. i'm not sure why really, and looking back, it was a bad idea.

    by the time we got to the barrowlands, i had long forgotten about my souvenirs. that is, until i noticed people getting searched at the door. it was too late, i was doomed. one of the doormen asked me if i had any weapons and asked me to empty my pockets. at this point i deliberated about taking the lube out of my pocket - would it be worse to take the lube out for the doorman to see, or worse to hope he not find it, but then make a whole scene about a packet of lube when he did. i decided to take the risk and i leave it in my pocket. he searched me as per everyone else, then patted where my inside pocket was in a rather bemused fashion, perhaps wondering if i had some sort of silicon implant on the side of my body. i bit the bullet (so to speak) and pulled out the lube.

    the only thing funnier than the look on my face, was the look on his face. he couldn't get rid of me fast enough.

  2. at least it was just mains water!

    about 6 months ago in my bathroom, the waste pipe from the bath/shower and basin disconnected from the main soil pipe (where the toilet flushes into) behind the wall without me knowing. i took a bath one evening, and inadvertently ... so did my neighbour's bedroom. insurance covered it but it was horrible for him, he had to move out and everything.

    i'm currently renovating my flat and it's amazing what you find (and sometimes what you don't find!). when moving sockets in my living room i found pieces of The Sun from 1975 stuffed into the wall and then plastered over.

  3. i was walking past drummonds on wednesday and the stage was totally empty n had a ladder onnit' date=' walked past last night an they apear to have some shiney new moving lights! am i right, or going crazy?



    yes, they came in about 3 weeks ago i think. i can't remember what they are called, has a bunch of numbers in the name. there's four of them, two stage rear, one stage left and one stage right. spinny things.

  4. I think most people's reserves of sympathy for George Best were used up a few years ago. He has had an awful lot of "second chances".

    It must be said though' date=' what kind of idiot sells or provides alcohol to the most famous alcoholic in the country?


    possibly the kind of idiot that receives a 100 pound note for 8 cans of special brew, along with the words, "keep the change".

  5. so have you got a 64 bit chip? which one? what's the performance like?

    i use VSTs for my audio software on linux, and the developers told me that dll's (i.e. VSTs) compiled for 32bit systems won't work when running in 64bit mode, but that could be more to do with WINE than anything else. i know when you install Gentoo x86-64 you get a set of compatibility libraries for 32 bit stuff.

    it's all a bit of a headfuck, hard to learn more about it when you don't actually have a 64bit chip to cut your teeth on either!

  6. well the sempron is like the duron, i think it has lower L1 or L2 cache, can't remember. not quite as pointless as a celeron chip, just cheaper. if i were you, i'd save, save and save, and get an athlon64 x2 3800. think it's a 1.8ghz chip, but because there are two cores, the performance for audio stuff would be great - means your UI doesn't update like a scrolling console on a 14.4 modem whilst your VSTs and stuff are hammering the CPU. you can get the athlon64 x2 3800 for about 250 at the moment, but AMD just announced price drops so they may come down in the coming weeks.

    what should you do? well, i suppose a sempron + mobo + ram might come to about 150-200. the athlon64 x2 with mobo and ram would probably come to around 450. i guess if i was in your boat i'd pick up the sempron - an immediate power boost is better than the promise of a super power boost some time in the future.

    however, audio processing is very FP intensive, and the athlon64 really would fly with that stuff, even in 32 bit compatibility mode. i'm quite convinced that VSTs compiled for 32bit systems will not work if you ended up using the 64bit version of XP though (i.e. using the chip in 64 bit mode).

  7. Any computer geeks out there able to help me?

    I've really fallen behind with the times with PC's' date=' the state of play I last knew was that processors were up to 1ghz, memory up to pc133 and the chips were P4/celeron from Intel, and Athlon/Duron from AMD. Arsed if I know the socket numbers.

    I need to know what the latest stuff is just now, can't get a straight answer anywhere.

    Whats the Good Intel stuff, whats the cheap stuff, socket numbers, and what sorta mobo and memory would I need. Same for AMD. I've just discovered something called Semrpon. Does this replace Athlon or Duron? Don't have a f*** clue about this shit, so if anyone can help....it would prove how great you are in public.


    just take a browse on tomshardware.com, anandtech.com, amdzone.com etc. etc., they will fill you in.

    not personally interested in intel anymore so can't say much for that.

    as far as AMD goes they are really pushing the 64bit chips at the moment. there's a few options:

    Athlon 64 - standard 64bit chip (socket 939)

    Athlon 64FX - higher performance 64bit chip (socket 939)

    Opteron - SMP capable 64bit chip (socket 940), hyper transport capable (e.g. direct memory interconnects between each CPU, waaaaay faster than an intel frontside bus)

    Athlon 64 X2 - Dual core Athlon64 chips.(socket 939)

    at the moment the Athlon 64 X2 chips are great value and offer great performance gains over intel's top of the range chips (xeons et al). the benefit of not having to get a dual cpu motherboard to achieve SMP computing is a huge bonus.

  8. holy shit. I'm sure a museum somewhere would take that off your hands :D

    I tihnk music was about the only thing an ST did better than an Amiga...

    we actually used them for writing assembler code on their motorola chips at uni. that was where i learnt first hand that writing assembler sucks baws.

  9. Alternatively' date=' find a shitty old PC, whack on a bare bones linux install with DHCP and leave it permanently on handing out IP addresses. Its little things like this (building routers, dhcp servers, bridges etc.) where linux excels!

    (It still sucks for music :p)[/quote']

    pah, if only you actually knew, you scaredy cat

    i can now get edirol orchestra pumping 8 tracks into my DAW, i'm happy with it.

  10. in windows xp you have to find the network connections window. you can usually do this by going to "My Network Places" and clicking on something like "View All Network Connections".

    One of the network connections will be for your network card. It will probably say "LAN connection" or something similar. Right-click on this one, and click "Properties".

    In the window that then appears, there will be an item called "TCP/IP Properties" or something. double-click on that, and you will then be allowed to specify an IP address and submask. It may by default say "Obtain IP Address Automatically", which you'll need to change, as I'm guessing neither of you have a dhcp server.

  11. you should just try with the cable you've got anyway, as many network cables these days are crossover by default (cos hubs, routers and switches autosense the cable type and adjust as necessary).

    try setting one pc with the following settings:

    ip address:


    and the second pc with the following settings

    ip address:


    if your cable is a crossover, then you should be able to ping the other computer. i.e. on the first pc, open a command box and type


    if you get healthy looking replies, then you're set.

  12. LPG vehicles aren't allowed on car ferries, cos the fuel is deemed to explosive.

    the issue of sustainability comes down to what it costs to make the fuel. for example, i'm pretty sure that the process of making bio diesel actually uses more than the refining of diesel instead, meaning that even if it is less polluting and more economic for the end user, it has already increased pollution by its production alone. it's all a complicated matter.

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