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Posts posted by spellchecker

  1. by a fucking mile the best thing you've put up so far. downloaded this last night but didn't get a chance to listen to it today, really pleasantly surprised. singing style really suits you, seems a lot less forced and a hell of a lot more honest, really liking it a lot. can't remember who the hell it reminds me of, thinking a band from wakefield called ultrasound from about 5 year ago, as if they'd taken a load of speed and got motivated or something.

    the drums on it sound a lot better than most of the stuff you usually do, are you using any triggered samples or anything?

    well impressed.

  2. i see what u doing guys and tbh for a nano second you nion had me

    Please tell me both posts above are a joke?

    Yes you register wether you will have NHS surgery or wether its private ...... Private will always be dealt with before NHS (altho the private patiant pays they are still treated by an nhs doctor.............

    1. You can have a transplant procedure performed in a private hospital

    However, unless you have arranged a donor (i.e. a family member or a compatible friend) you will have to join the organ donor list - of which there is ONE in the UK.

    Considering liver transplants have to be from dead or nearly dead donors, (unlike kidneys where donors can survive normally with a single kidney), then it is clear that George Best would have been waiting on the transplant waiting list. So, regardless of WHERE he received his treatment, he would have waited on the transplant list like every other NHS and private healthcare patient.

    Do you need me to draw some pictures for you?

    I am now trying to patronise you, in case that wasn't immediately clear to you.

  3. The majority of people who responded to the questionnaire indicated that they wouldn't like a total ban in pubs/clubs.

    Ironically, most of the intense public debate came about after the consultation, once they said it was to be introduced as law in March next year.

    Given recent discussion and debating about the smoking ban, I think that if there were to be a public consultation tomorrow, the results would be rather different. Many people are becoming accustomed to the idea of not smoking in pubs, citing Dublin as an example of how it can and does work (for patrons and employees), and also pubs / restaurants choosing voluntarily to disallow smoking on premises.

  4. EM george best is reported to be one of the all time greatest football players ever HARDLY the same as your regular "joe bloggs" (if you gonna speak shite try www.ispeakshite.com or better yet www.NO-one-but-me-is-ever-right-com)

    i can't tell if you're taking the piss or not. you can't honestly be suggesting that someone should get preferential treatment because of notoriety or sporting achievement?


    About deserving it my arse if u a heavy smoker and u need a transplant of any kind a non smoker will be treated before you..

    If you drink alcohol and need a life saving transplant a non drinker will be treated before you

    Well I don't work in the NHS anymore but a lot of my family still do' date=' and that's not how I understood it to work. I took my information from


    Good information on that site about becoming a donor too.

    This forum seems to be filled with the same radgies making posts insulting and slating everyone elses opinions

    At the end of the day it doesnt matter how many times a TOPIC is posted as with new members comes repetition... sorry we aint all been signed up since 1989....

    Also i know a few of these forums reader/writers personaly and they sound guys like but the tits that reply to every post with "there correct opinion" and there babble of complete shite is what lets this forum down

    and as for this post has been done b4 and your bored...... 12 pages on a certain topic tells me its still very popular topic...

    Not sure if you're addressing me directly, or the contributors to this thread as a whole. I haven't insulted you though, and I didn't intend to patronise you either, if that's what you're implying. As regards to the post about these threads being done before - it was in the hope that people could see that most of the threads are just circular arguments based on strong opinions and sentiment, with no rational conclusion, and more often than not, the threads seem to be a vehicle for insults and bad feeling. The point being, there's little need to go through all that again.

    I can understand why smokers feel put out by the legislation, however, there was public consultation on the issue before it became statute - if there was such furious opposition, it would have arisen at that stage - such opposition never materialised though.

  5. 12 bloody pages and not one mention of "our government funds our NHS with tax from tobaco"

    F.A.C.T 1

    If the government made smoking instantly illegal our NHS would crash within 1 year (Funding to suit)

    F.A.C.T 2

    Becasue the government knew all this new legislations where gonna happen 5 years ago ...Our NHS dentists are nearly extinct (Funding to suit)

    F.A.C.T 3

    If smoking is sooooooo bad then why has it took nion 30 years for both tobaco companys and government to now come forward and admit Tobaco costs lives (Funding to suit)

    F.A.C.T 4

    Tbh guys everyone is entitled to there opinion but at the end of the day "Joe Public" has no say in any new legislation that is brought in (Funding to suit)

    Heres 1 for a debate


    A) A guy who has never worked in his life never paid 1 penny tax and has never smoked or drank (probably couldnt afford to.... work shy mink)

    B) Smoker works avergae 50hrs a week likes a drink likes to be social likes a good fag anaw (Likely work pressures and the fact HE can afford it)

    Who gets the new heart?

    Now tell me Our government aint all about FACE VALUE

    Transplants are about who needs it most at the point where an organ becomes available, not who deserves it most. Otherwise George Best would never have received a replacement liver.

    Not sure where you're getting your "F.A.C.T.'s" from either...

  6. What you don't seem to understand is that tobacco isn't the enemy' date=' the thing you should be outraged about is this kind of hipocrisy, but none of you give a fuck, clearly. Some of you pay lipservice to alternative attitudes but really none of you actually care as long as you can watch telly, play PS2, fuck your girlfriend and eat out once in a while. It's disgusting.[/quote']

    you are just pissed off because you are a smoker, a frequent one at that. you are just as guilty of hypocrisy as anyone else - because you only pipe up (excuse the pun) when it suits you - i.e. when you are put out by the new legislation.

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