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Monk Rocker

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Posts posted by Monk Rocker

  1. I've used one a couple of times and they sounded fantastic - not sure what model it was but had a really tight, deep but punchy tone. If you can be arsed, here's a wee sound clip from a recent gig we did....

    EBS do sound fantastic too....

  2. If you are learning about timing and phrasing a metronome can be a really useful tool. It just depends on how disciplined you want to be in your practise and what you want to achieve. I've never felt that playing with a metronome detracted from any feel. Quite the contrary I feel. The job of the rhythm section is to keep it tight, but that doesn't mean that it has to be uninteresting.

    Groove is something that is fluid, and the loosest sounding of grooves are actually incredibly tight, but they know what to do with the phrasing. Unless you understand timing then that's not possible.

  3. It was pretty ace really! Weather was good apart from a spot of rain on Sat morning. Food was fantastic - Highland Hog Roasts:up:

    Nouvelle Vague were awesome, albeit appealing to a predominantly male audience!!

    Surprised by some of the acts - Justin Currie being possibly the biggest surprise for me. Lemonheads were somewhat lacklustre IMHO.

    Biggest highlights for me - playing the main stage and getting the craic with Roddy Woomble at the artists canteen:up:

  4. People are always going to complain about there not being any press coverage of whichever local scene they are a part of - it's been happening on here since the days of the AUBL braveheart forums.

    But, it all depends how much you want it really. If you want to get your band noticed then it's not that difficult. There's no use just calling the EE or P&J telling them to do more to promote the Aberdeen music scene - you need to have something to sell. Something that will get peoples attention. Call a specfiic reporter and tell them what your band is doing - you never know, but it sometimes works....

  5. On Friday were second act on the main stage at the Belladrum Festival! We were on at 1.20pm so although what looks like a pretty small audience is actually pretty decent considering the time of day, the size of the field and it was the first day of the festival!

    Enjoy :D









    Also, here's a youtube clip of us at a charity BBQ the Sunday before with some edited footage of a few tracks and a live recording...

    I can't get it embedded :oops:

    Hope you like!

  6. Get some lessons so you don't get into bad habits. Best thing I ever did! Get jamming with your mates as soon as possible - it really brings your playing on if you are stretching yourself. Learn your scales - sounds really boring and dull, but you will reap the rewards later on.....

  7. Saw them in the Ironworks, Inverness a couple of months ago and they gave what could only amount to a masterclass in funk. They have so many songs that are so well known, but you wouldn't guess it was AWB. I'd defy anyone to go to an AWB show and not have a good time!!

    (Blatant Plug - Inverness funk band The Leonard Jones Potential play the Moorings on Saturday!!)

  8. I'd recommend the 5 spring idea. I did this on a guitar I had with no problems at all. The trem never budged a bit when bending strings, and it stayed in tune if strings broke. I actually broke 2 stings live during one song and the remainder stayed in tune. Takes literally 5 mins to do and there's no pfaffing around with wood!

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