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Everything posted by BUTTFACE

  1. Excellent. Well if you did leave your stuff then it wouldnt be used (by us at least) because we have our own equipment. Dont worry, we all share concerns about stuff like that. Erm, i also have no idea what you are talking about with the AW slot at the lockup. No clue whatsoever. Ill wait a few days at least to see if any other bands are interested before i can start making some calls. Cheers.
  2. We (REAP) are looking into renting a place to practice. A place where we can leave our equipment. We would like to get some other bands to join us so that the cost can be split. If anyone is interested then let us know so that i know what kind of budget there would be. Leave your general details here and how much you can afford per month. If you would prefer then you can p.m. me. Cheers.
  3. REAP would prob be up for the gig. Just let us know. cheers
  4. Hot Mangu Spike Pile Driver The new Element 106 Deadloss Superstar And for all you people who want to see REAP live then come to the Moorings Bar on June 12th and we will be there with Addicted to Chaos and Element 106 (so a couple of you guys can kill more than one bird with one stone). Check out our site also and listen to some clips of our songs (details below) Cheers all!!!
  5. what exactly does scary experience mean? You dont like us? Thats cool if so, i just wanted to know. SO TELL MMMEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!1 Mo hahahahahahahahahaha (and so forth)?(
  6. Im bringing my own pa type setup for the guitar (Drakes people and Brian will prob remember it). It can be used if ABSOLUTELY necesary but i would prefer if someone took their own. I think i might also bring my Laney TF320 (120watts) and that can be used if needed also (im more willing to let this be used than the pa setup). Hope this helps.
  7. Jon you fucker Jon. It will not be ok. You should know by now that paul doesnt let anyone touch his cymbals, let alone his snare cause you know how much that cost him. You are such a dumbass. Sorry to the other band but drakes do have a house kit so you can use their stuff.

    CD address?

    hey, i did say to call me a dumbass. and i used to check out the fudge site quite a lot, and that was about 1 year ago. ok, its still a year but its not been 2. And out of interest, where in the FAQ is the address? I still cant see it. there doesnt appear to be anything relating to 'Contact Fudge'. And thaks to stephen for helping.

    CD address?

    Call me a dumbass call me a dumbass but i cant see it in the FAQ. More help needed!!!!!!!

    CD address?

    Brian. Ive been trying to connect to the fudge site to get the address to send our demo to get it on the Fudge Free CD. It just wont connect. Is there a problem with your site or is it my pc? Anyway, could you put the address here so i can send it in. Cheers.
  11. Well Bri, REAP are always up for a gig as u know. Give us a bell or whatever and we'll be able to play.
  12. Is there any chance of REAP getting a gig (or a few) booked?
  13. REAP would like to play. Give us a bell if thats cool. Cheers.
  14. Brian, is there any chance of getting one of REAP's songs on the fudge mag's free CD? Cheers. Also, if so, is there any of the songs you would prefer?
  15. Yep, we have a song called "My anal beard". Oh, im will the guitarist in REAP. I wrote it actually. Its about the annoying ass hair (obvioulsy)
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