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Posts posted by Mordred

  1. Originally posted by delboy:

    is it true that marillion are so desperate for a hit that the singer has been pleading with fans to purchase three copies of the single so it gets in the charts?

    Sort of, what was said was if everyone on the mailing list was to buy each format ( 3 formats ), the song would be in with a shout to go top 20.

    Mike Peters did much the same with The Alarm single 45rpm which was the first release by the band to go Top 40 in something like 12 years.

    Both Marillion and The Alarm have healthy fanbases that alot of bands would kill for and what they are doing is trying to show they are still here and very much alive.

    Hopefully by getting into the charts they'll get the exposure they deserve as both bands output are of the highest order.

  2. Originally posted by jester1470:

    Bloody Hell, they're everywhere, it's beemn over 10 years since I've seen such a strong Marillion prescence in the shops, anyone who's into good music should certainly look at buying these singles, for 8.00 you get 7 different tracks, 2 remixes, the DVD video and interviews !!

    And the songs not bad either !!



    That'll be why HMV.COM are out of stock on two formats then :up:

  3. 1068925730_death.jpeg

    You are a Death Metal Psycho. In areas of brutality and hatred where others fear to tread, that's where you find enjoyment - the realm of death metal. You're one violent motherfucker, and you like music that fits that; brutal snarling death is the best, but anything with enough aggression and good riffs works. Concerts are a great place to take out some of that aggression, hear some kick-ass music, and of course get drunk. You're generally pretty cool with the rest of the scenes, but if they piss you off, there's some serious pain coming their way. Especially if they talk shit about Chuck.

    - seems spot on to me :up::rockon::headbang:

  4. Originally posted by medichi:



    Sikth were great at Kef, but apparently say its their worst ever gig, both performance and attendance-wise. I legged it to the Lemon Tree after, and still caught most of the Lonely Kings, and all of the Misfits (who were a bit pish...)

    I did the same but thought the Misfits were jolly good :up:

  5. Originally posted by Mouse:

    The Misplaced Childhood anniversary then I'd definately attend!

    If its anything like the version Fish performed on the Mixed Company CD and DVD then i'd demand my money back for that show.

    Im suprised he'd release something of such a substandard quality, from what he says himself its a good job incommunicano isn't on it :(

    And the least said about Garden Party the better....:swearing:

  6. Yeah that album is ace.

    The Barrowland gig was absolutely fantastic, watching Bad Religion arse up the begining of the set, then decide well lets go offstage and come back on again to get it right :up:

    And what about the flying Pint glass, the cheer as the bassist caught the flying full cup without spilling any was pretty funny :D

  7. Originally posted by thurisaz:

    As well as Nocturno Culto and Fenriz from Darkthrone, Jeff Walker has heard the black metal band I recorded with in Abu Dhabi, Barzakh (who, incidentally, are having a rehersal tape pressed and released by a label in America. Even though I am the vocalist on the fuckign thing, I was the last to know about this.)

    I notice theres no mention of them liking your Abu Dhabi band Thurisaz :angel:

  8. Originally posted by Ben Quik:

    ...then heartwork then swansong yeah?

    I had heartwork the album...it was great...justin from risac stole it from me years ago...

    There's me trying to be clever and forgetting Heartwork :O

    It should have been Heartwork + 1 other studio Album.

    There is a B'sides odds and sods compilation too called Wake Up and Smell the Carcass which is culled from the last three albums.

  9. Originally posted by Ben Quik:

    ok...someone go list the albums for me...i own one one on vinyl which ive never listened to...its got the picture of the operating table with them all pulling horrible faces under clingfilm...would that fetch any money...also i own the heartwork single on cd...would that be worth anything cos carcass stuff cant be that easy to come by huh..?


    Reek of Putrefaction


    Symphonies of Sickness


    Necroticism - Descanting the Insalubrious

    + 1 other studio album :moody:

  10. Originally posted by Dan Atom:

    Although apparently 'real' carcass fans aren't allowed to like "Swansong"

    You either like something or you dont, i feel the same way about about later Megadeth (1990 onwards) as i do about later Carcass ( after Heartwork).

    What i liked about the band to start with wasn't there anymore :swearing:

    Its got fuck all to do with being a real Carcass fan or not :swearing:

    ...and Ben if you liked Heartwork the following album ( Swansong i believe :) ) is probably for you as is Necroticim the album before.

    The first two albums are in the early Napalm Death way of things.

  11. Originally posted by Mouse:

    I like the combining the primitive side of things (the festival) with luxury (hotel, transport) ;)

    That maybe so but afterlast year ie the first time i actually camped for the whole weekend, i found out the campsite is roughly 50% of the whole experience.

    Mouse there's more to the festival then seeing the bands, theres the laugh you have at the campsite along with the experience of there being nothing else going on in the world other than the festival itself.

  12. Originally posted by KarmaTsunami:

    hmm. i somehow don't think slayer should be playing beneath korn and slipknot...maybe metallica...but not those two

    I know what you mean but through sales and capacity to pull a crowd, the other two should be above Slayer.

    Both Korn and Slipknot filled the Secc last time around on there own wheras Slayer had a joint headliner with Pantera ( Tattoo the Planet ) which fell through ( a nice way of saying Pantera chickened out :swearing: ) leaving the venue half empty.

    Anyway wherever Slayer are on the bill im there :rockon:

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