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Aaron Gilman

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Posts posted by Aaron Gilman

  1. I listened to jason's copy of this record, and it's pretty good.

    apparently the punk voter thing is doing pretty well

    as for the meat eating thing, i read an interview ( an old old old one cos they dont "do" them any more) where fat mike is explaining about on the old records when he was all mocking veggies and that, he said it was at that time he was annoyed at punks who only worried about animals and didnt worry about anything else. He also said that when he wrote those songs he was like 18-20 years old, but has since become a veggie himself (since about 1992 i think) so the animal rights comp might be hypocritical of the old records but not of recent stuff.

  2. insomniac-green day

    is clearly far superior to ANY of their major label records,even dookie, this record beats it hand down, i think it's under rate maybe because the singles of it we're not much like those off of dookie and people we're like "fit? i thought this band were good?" but yeah this one is great.

  3. Originally posted by Swingin' Ryan:

    40 OZ to Freedom by Sublime is hugely underated. Infact the entire band is looked over just because people assume that because they have a "ska-punk" sound on some songs that they sound like Less Than Jake or some other nonsense. They are so much more however, they do Reggae,Dub,Dancehall,Rock and Roll,Punk..... and Bradley Nowell can play the guitar like nobody's business.

    i'd agree with that apart from jake being nonsense-they play good time music

  4. Originally posted by Bob:

    We're sharing a bill in August man. I think Flight 19 are playing too. Rock on!

    its a replay of the first proper show i went to! except without sirius;(

    i bet the atmosphere wont be half what it was the first time either

  5. Originally posted by Ben Quik:

    absolutely...i thinks its awesome...id like to share a bill again...well its the only way ryan is gonna see quik isnt it *snigger*

    ryan being on the same bill as you doent guarentee him seeing any of the the other bands. aint that right bob?

  6. Originally posted by Indigo_Soul:

    Gilman Street?Why the fuck does every post end up with either gilman street or quik, or some other bullshit like that. These 2 bands make themselves out to be the big cheeses of the aberdeen music scene, have you heard them before???complete bollocks!!guys that look like they are 12, who jump around the stage like a bunch of moths and act like they are american. waken up dudes.If either of these bands were to become famous they would most likely be described as 'another' busted.Dont get me wrong,i respect you guys for playing instruments/writing music, generally being in a band, but hey, who am i to judge?

    heres a couple points for you to think about "bro",

    1) yes me and leckie DO ACTUALLY talk like that, not surprising really seeing as leckie learned to talk in the states when he was a bairn. and i grew up in hong kong and went to an international primary school, so i've been exposed to as many different races as a slut in an interracial group sex session

    2) quik are like all in their 20's, if you can confuse a 20 year old with a 12 year old, you'd be a prime suspect for a child abuse case.

    gilman street were actually 12 not that long ago.

    3) i wish i could jump as high as the lights in venues, damn i'd be fit, and my gosh dont you know it.

    4) i am wide awake

    5) if either of these bands were to become famous you'd love them, because they'd be described as another busted, and busted are mega famous

    6) im speaking for both bands on this one, both are humble as fuck, theres no rock star bollocks in either, a lot of people think ben is a prick, (well he can be a little on edge on these boards) but hes sound as fuck,

    and gilman street, just ask anyone what a lovely bunch of guys we are, fuck we'd probably stick our neck out for pretty much anyone worth it.

    so like cowabunga dude or somehting

  7. Originally posted by Indigo_Soul:

    Why do people like bands that i haven't heard of( because i'm spoon fed by mtv and kerrang)??how can you like them if they're not famous? i hate those bands(until their faces are splattered all over the media and they've been forced by their new label to be more "radio friendly"). thats why i love the darkness, because that indian bloke off top of the pops and that uber cool guy off TRL said they are like "keeping music alive.All you people are just all uptight because you've still got your integrity in tact, you're all jealous because the darkness have sooooo much more money than you and get laid more than you.

    By the way kerrang said gilman street are the next big thing so im gonna buy thier ep when it comes out next month.

    so what bands do you hate?

    did i read that right?

    i hate;


    simple plan

    the rasmus( i swear to god everytime i se that video i want to kick that mic straight through his teeth)



    matchbox 20

    the calling


    drowning pool

    franz ferdinand( not that their music is OVERLY bad, just the singers funny speech and singing thing, not quite a lisp, but it irritates the fuck out of me, again if i met him on the street i'd be inclined to grab him by the face and ask "what the fuck you gonna do ?"

    blazing squad

    so solid crew

    frenzhal rhomb

    alyssa's wish

    the darkness

    finch- funeral for a friend- and before i get slated for that ( mr timpson pleas put down that gun:dunce: ) not saying this to be "cool" or whatever, i gave both these bands a chance and they just didnt flick my bean.

    ill put more up as they come in

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