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Bonesaw Bazz

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Posts posted by Bonesaw Bazz

  1. Finally got round to listening to the tune guys.. uhmmm.. I like it.. kinda. Vocal patterns are cool with the first/last riffs. The riffs i actually don't mind either. They just don't fit together AT ALL. haha Which is probably why there is a stop inbetween each time. Poor show. I thought you guys could write?

    Hear this often at school? ....Must try harder!!!


  2. This is tomorrow night (Tuesday) in Glasgow. Featuring: Machinehead, Trivium, Dragonforce

    Selling for a friend. Open to offers due to last minute nature. She also has a BnB booking with deposit already payed, should accomodation be required...

    Give me a shout on here and i'll pass on the relative phone number.



  3. The first three Monster Magnet albums - Spine of God, Superjudge and Dopes to Infinity - are classic stoner records.

    There was a great Welsh band called Acrimony, who played kind of slow, heavy, trippy mushroom influenced stoner rock. Their album was called Tumuli Shroomaroom (honestly) and they had an EP called Firedance (I think). They were awesome, but I think they split up after one album.

    Acrimony also did a split with Chruch of Misery. They also played Aberdeen on at least 3 occasions. Ace band.

    Most of the bands that initially spring to mind have already been mentioned but i'll list a few i'm partial too anyway, sorry for repeats.

    Acid King, Abdullah, Boris, Capricorns, Dixie Witch, El Bastardo, Fatso Jetson, Fu Manchu, Gonga, High on Fire, Kalas, Lord13, Los Natas, Monkey3, Nebula, Place of Skulls, Ramesses, Sahg, St Vitus, Sally, sHeavy, Slo Burn, Sleep, Spirit Caravan, Thee Plague of Gentlemen, Winnebago Deal and Yob.

    Should be enough to keep ye busy.

  4. fit ye sayin to me putting on another show mucher? It's gonna be my 31st!! So thought i'd put something on... nae bands set for it like but it'll involve Bonesaw and maybe Ablach (my new project).

    Let me ken so i can start asking some punters to hop on.... the bill that is! hoho


  5. I was at the gig at AECC. Still have the ticket to prove it! I like early Radiohead stuff although it's been a while since i cracked open the cd's, OK Computer was the last i bought by them. Like Mr Cobra Kai i feel they have there heads firmly stuck up there own arses. Saying that though, the free/donation idea for the new one is a good een.

    Quite how Oasis got dragged into this thread is a mystery but for the record... i think they are utter PISH.

    I like what i like and that's WHITE, WHITE, WHITE!!!


  6. Yeah, the coast is amazing. As a geologist the causeway is rather dull, merely the allignment of feldspars.

    Recently on an Asian cooking programme, James Nesbitt of Cold Feet fame was asked

    "While helping prepare a Vietnamese dish he was asked if he had ever visited the Asian country" He replied "he hadn't - but that he had visited Larne which, in his view, was much the same."

    As for the English occupation... Hmmm!

    heh, i merely mention the English as i was "informed" it was the Crown that funded the building of the coastal route, A2 i believe? I just looked at the fookin map a minute ago and have forgotten already!! There was a real cool castle i checked out too. This was a fair few years ago but i'm sure it was before you got to the rope bridge. Reminded me of Dunnoter but on a grander scale. Was afa impressed. The causeway like ALL "local attractions" is over hyped. The huge visitor centre and even buses taking you down the hill!! wtf????!!! Lazy bastards, bet it was set up for the Yanks! heh

    I am digressing from your original point though... back to jumpers and question marks! haha

  7. hmmm. Very intersting Mr Bond! I have actually driven through Larne. Had to check the map to make sure but the name totally rang a bell. Staying just north of there on my first visit to Ireland. Drove from Belfast right up to the Causeway.... afa bonny! Can't say Larne made all that much of an impression but HEY, i might take more notice if i ever head back over the water. Gotta admit i wasn't entirely impressed with the Causeway either but that crazy ass coastal road was amazing! Who said the English occupation was a bad thing eh? haha


  8. Aye, fucking ace time. Gig in Skuret was a belter Death Hammer being the biggest surprise, loving the Sodom vibe they had. Lobotomized trached the stage so there was about an hour of negotiations to let the gig continue! haha Otherwise it was a cracker. Fenriz (Dark Throne) was there too!

    We went down to Club Maiden on the saturday, which is an ACE place. Bit like the Moorings i guess but bigger. AND, i never heard or saw anything even slightly Iron Maiden, which was MAGIC! haha

    So in a nutshell, go to Oslo! It's hella good. Preachin to the converted eh Hogg? heh

  9. What is the story with bass amp then? Is someone else taking a half decent one along with them? Or, is there one in Drummonds already? I have my own which i can easy take along for 3pm but i'm not up for everyone using it.. I'll be loading out after we play but hanging around a little longer. Ideal situation would be a 4x10 bass cab so all i need to take is my head.

    Guitars too, what is the story? Can we borrow full amps or will we have to take heads with us?

    Drummonds kit is cool though, just bring the usual extra's with us.

    Bry: It might be an idea to amass a list of what gear people are taking and are willing to share. If there is any shortfall... rent from Toms? I'm sure the door takings will more than cover it. Toms may even donate? Just a thought.


  10. So does that mean all the bands can use the Malera shells? Cause it takes like 2 hours to set that kit up.. It takes up about half of ANY venue.. If he ain't willing to do so then i'd say "Get to fuck, you ain't using that monster and holding the whole event up"

    Downfall have only JUST told you they can't play till later? Bin them, they have had as much notice as anyone else. Too many bands anyway.

    That's my 50cent worth hehe.


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