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Posts posted by Alex

  1. discoDSP - VST Plugins for Windows

    Just thought I'd post this vst link - it's a really high quality multi-sampler plugin with a vst host that you can drop on a vst instrument and sample in then chop up. It's got a built in wave editor, lots of cue points/sample offset points for drum-breaks and suchlike, a cool "morph" control that lets you morph between parameter settings. accepts wav, soundfont, akai, .fxb/p too.

    Finding it really useful for ableton.

  2. drunken top 10, i really shouldn't...

    botch american nervoso

    cornelius fantasma

    the flashbulb - kirlian selections

    ryoji ikeda - dataplex

    pig destroyer terrifier

    fantomas - that april album with the cool calendar

    lightning bolt - wonderful rainbow

    earthtone9 - arc tan gent

    venetian snares - rossz csillag etc

    meshuggah - catch 33

    with blood brothers, knut, battles, yo la tengo and the clifford gilberto rhythym section narrowly missing out. try again next time!

  3. Exquisite machine.

    Germanic techno / Detroit techno heaven.

    I one used two in parallel - immense.

    Sold mine when skint but may have to re-purchase one.

    wooo. 3 people so far i've met who like them. they're so loud! (right now i've got an abletonmidibeatmatched LFO controlling the filter cutoff, through which I have plonked my bass guitar. daddy!

  4. I totally recommend the novation nova for learning how to properly operate a synth - lots of knobs, really nice layout. Some gorgeous sounds in that. I don't like the new korg VA stuff tbh, though the ms2000's really nice to tweak as well. Bass-stations are fucking great. It's more trouble than it's worth (at least for me) to spend ages looking for analogue synths I can afford (apart from the Waldorf Pulse as mentioned - if you've got a controller surface, or a computer, EVERYTHING in that synth is addressable via MIDI. I rank it above the minimoog in terms of sheer beastyness)

  5. I half disagree with that - a musician makes his choices based on the options his instrument offers together with his ability to exploit them (much like everything else). The sound of an instrument can influence the structure of a composition, or alter it in lots of ways. The instrument is a tool, but try and imagine how much we're defined by our use of tools.

    I only buy an instrument when there's something I can't do that I want to do.

    (edit) Squarepusher's article for flux magazine (under his page at WARP RECORDS) is pretty much dead on from my point of view. Clever chappie.

  6. hey man

    line mixing'll work fine, but impedance changes mean it'll sound awfy high and trebley and suck electricity out of guitars. Check my electrotech mastery. I put my workbench up today, so if you don't get an acceptable solution, I'll make you one for favours. And by favours, I mean cash:popcorn:

    Tata, Ale

  7. 15*21 feet, wooden floorboards, high ceilings, iron double bed + new furniture. Shared living/dining/kitchen space, storage space. Sharing with mixed sex "professionals", really fast internet etcetc. On 1-way street in middle of west end

    300 (ending up at typically 360 including everything)

  8. seconded - you're completely at your neighbour's mercy if you have an acoustic drum-kit. Be as polite as possible, point out you're going to trouble to make sure you don't bother her, and agree a time when she's out or won't be bothered.

    Or, move to my flat, where I can rehearse with piano, synth, laptop, drums, 2 guitar amps and a bass without complaint. :princess:

  9. sorry, i should have clarified. what this scene needs are people playing beautiful music and putting on great gigs. aspirations to play stadium rock have nothing to do with this, as does posting half-baked opinions on a subject you know next to nothing about. read stuart maxwell's post a page or so ago over and over again until you get this.

  10. No need to insult his opinions, regardless of what he's personally said.

    I think the fact that too many people here aspire not to be in a stadium band is partially what's wrong with the place - if they can't aspire to sell out 80,000 tickets, what hope have they got of aspiring to sell 300 tickets?

    oh, sweet suffering christ. It's people like you that make me think perhaps I shouldn't ghost on a board dealing with a city I left six years ago.

  11. nothing wrong with a critical look at music, but you never seem positive about any music outside your own sphere, just focussing on the worst proponents and components of it.

    relative talent or taste re duracell wasn't my question - just that an mpc hiphop production is quite different from a man drowning in his own sweat playing drums like animal on speed.

    Most of your tracks (and the songs you namecheck) seem to be crafted for a live environment. Of course if you just don't like/can't play live it's not going to be enjoyable, but I really like that dialectic where the crowd are reacting to the performer and vice versa. Feedback on the web just isn't as much fun. Have you thought every live performer you've seen has honestly been "gigging with half arsed shite for the sake of impressing some pissed students"? If so, you could change all that man. Gig with fully arsed shit and show the world how it's done. The world needs you!

    I'd say it's only egotistical where the performer is playing mainly just to him/her/themselves with the crowd (as you say) merely acting as a prop to self affirmation. Otherwise, the ego just plays its role, keeping things ticking.

    p.s. incidentally, you're wrong about duracell triggering samples - the chap uses a nord modular to sample the adc's, then uses the triggers to step along step sequencers controlling synths he designed, switching sections and parts with that other drum. It's fucking physically impressive (again, when the triggers work) if nothing else (yes, not that there aren't better drummers, but at least he's trying).

    (watch from 3:22, cos the first ain't too pretty)
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