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New Found Power

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Posts posted by New Found Power

  1. AWESOME night.

    That's the only time i've ever gone into a club and willingly danced like a loony.

    Great atmosphere.

    My elbows hurt like bejesus due to friction burns caused by the bungee running! (They look like somebody's stubbed fags out on my elbows... X-( )

    And....Rukkus Old Laydees!!!


    I'll be there next week fo' sho'.

  2. Originally posted by Joe Atom:

    You even need to ask?! I AM tHE BOOTLEGGING LORD! I tried mastering it the other night cos it's got a bit of distortion on it, but it came out shonky so I'm gonna try again. It'll get there though.

    Give me a shout in a couple of weeks mr Mouse, and I'll see what we can organise.

    Oooh....could i have one too?

    Pretty please...!!!!:rockon:

  3. Originally posted by Rass

    We did?

    dont worry man, we played it at our last gig at HJB's its still in the rotating set (the new CD/Broken Alive/Down/Trooper) theres just not always time to fit all the tunes into a set when your given say 25 minutes to play with and you have a CD weighing in at 37 mins you gotta shoooowcase, mind you we have got lazy, like when we were faced with an hour at HJB's and didnt have the material to fill it, dont worry, things are a changing, we've dug a couple of the old uns up for an airing, all this and more new tunes in the pipeline? lucky buggers!


    Play Down at halloween, or i'll set my parrot on ye.:dunce:

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