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New Found Power

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Posts posted by New Found Power

  1. There's no sound sample for the Dimebucker, but apparently it's awesome.

    In R+B they had, and think they still have, the Bill Lawrence L500, the pickup Dimebag used up until they made the Dimebucker.

    Only 50 quid, so almost half the Dimebucker price. Could be worth a pop...

    Scott Ian's custom "Diablo" model is based on the George Lynch Screamin' Demon, but over wound and with rails instead of polepieces.

    Diablo's only available as part of a Scott Ian sig guitar, but the screamin demon might be good.

  2. Originally posted by Foreskin Ninja:

    If you don't like the "extreme" looking guitars, you'll rape your own ass with the guitar that i've chosen. >_<


    Fucking Hell!

    That's pretty cool, looks like it preys on other King Vs.

    Although...isn't the body really long? Looks to be a good few inches longer than a standard V body, which are fairly long anyway...

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