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Dizzy Storm

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Everything posted by Dizzy Storm

  1. ...nope im not altogether dead, its just been a bit quiet gig-wise in this camp recently....but not for much longer, not when this bunch invade the tunnels on sunday 20th may TAKE A WORM FOR A WALK WEEK About as subtle as a knife to the face, as grating as feeding your hand into a mincer, take a worm for a walk week thrust their riffs down your throat, then scream them into your bowels. Tech as fuck, fast and hard, mixing the intensity of eyehategod with the speed of agoraphobic nosebleed, and almost Jacob Bannon esce vocals. their self-titled album weighs in with 13 tracks and was released earlier this year on Midmarch Records. look out for the split 7" with Desalvo, coming soon on DiZZY SToRM/Midmarch Records www.myspace.com/takeaworm ARCHIVES ex fall of boss koala...epic screamo/post rock hybrid from scumdee...see Pelican/Envy/From Monuments to Masses www.myspace.com/archivesuk BONESAW ..local death metal zombies recently reunited again with original vokillist...think Autopsy, Repulsion, Abscess, Celtic Frost www.myspace.com/bonesawuk THE TUNNELS SUNDAY 20TH MAY 8PM 4
  2. running order for tonight then.... wwcat/noma 8.30ish cynical letdown 9.15ish vom 10ish usa... 10.45ish approx times as you know how these things go...
  3. running order for tonight... wwcat/noma 8.30ish cynical letdown 9.15ish vom 10ish usa... 10.45 but ye know how these things go....!
  4. just a wee reminder...... the USAISAMONSTER (Load Records, home of Lightning Bolt, Noxagt, Arab on Radar) is a brilliantly fried two-piece guitar and drums band of sun spotters hailing from Brooklyn, NY. The band has roved the planet with instruments strapped to their backs playing the tops of mountains, skin-melting deserts, and rusted out America. The band has trekked across Europe, America (too many times to count), Mexico, Puerto Rico, Canada, Japan ...and are on their way back to Europe and the UK in March 2007 review of their most recent album from Load Records site.... Sunset at the End of the Industrial Age LOAD 084 LP/CD Out September 5, 2006 The fifth release as a two piece from this Bedford-Stuyvesant, NY duo knows as the USA is A Monster . From when your skinny finger hits , this record roars out of the gates with banshee driven fury. Definitely taking cues from chariot drivers such as Rush, Magma, Lightning Bolt, but blasting into their own regions of otherwordly rockulation. Whereas the last record was a concept driven epic of over 70+ minutes with frequent rural electricity free moments, this record pulls wheelies around Stonehenge in a little over 45 minutes,. The songs are a bit more direct this time out and feature use of Gitmo crowd busters syntho action as well as the patented guitar4 olympiadz the band is famed for on the undie rock railroad. Of course the USA is a Monster wants to turn the tide and prepare us for the time after the lights go dim on Western Civilizations exhaust pipe party. For this, the words and sounds are of a war stomp. And the battle will rage, with the battle field location known as your mind! Not matter if you download this or buy this in a big box store, look up from your desktop unit and engage this record. It will show you the Shining Path and you know what to do... ---LOAD Records---- www.myspace.com/usaisamonster also www.myspace.com/wwcat www.myspace.com/noma1 www.myspace.com/cynicalletdown and VOM KOVOROX SOUND THE TUNNELS MON 12TH MARCH DOORS 8PM 5
  5. whoops just noticed your question donny! erm doors at 8...first act half 8ish...not decided on running order yet, as usual!
  6. and just WHY did you resurrect this thread?!!!! back to present day please.....!
  7. couple of things to go watch/listen...first the video for Dear Flies Love Spiders on You Tube YouTube - 'Dear Flies Love Spider' by The Low Lows and the live radio session they did recently for the Duyster Programme at Studio Brussel when they played the Music In Mind Festival in Belgium Stubru
  8. and now only a few days away... you can watch a video for' Dear Flies Love Spider' here on You Tube YouTube - 'Dear Flies Love Spider' by The Low Lows but dont be tricked into watching Superstitious by The Low Lows on there though!!
  9. visuals will be courtesy of die NED die DOT com go have a peek at his website
  10. final addition.... ...and a great one it is too.... glasgow trio VOM.... SHUDDERING SUB-BASS CHURN, RHYTHMIC BATTERY AND QUEASY GUITAR MANGLE... KOVOROX SOUND more details to follow...
  11. final addition.... ...and a great one it is too.... glasgow trio VOM.... SHUDDERING SUB-BASS CHURN, RHYTHMIC BATTERY AND QUEASY GUITAR MANGLE... KOVOROX SOUND more details to follow...
  12. oops maybe i should have put this on the original thread...here it goes again then, just in case you didnt get it first time with maybe one more addition to follow, this is shaping up to be a very eclectic line up indeed... firstly...brooding drones ahoy courtesy of WW CAT & NOMA...who will be collaborating for the first time at this show Ww cat makes sound with things. sometimes sound is unpleasant. sometimes sound is pleasant. either way, sound should always be sexy. As well as solo feline racket he is to be found hacking bile in TEMPLE OF STATIC CHRIST (with kylie minoise + nackt insecten), noodling in BARBASTELLE (with cheer), spreading occasional geetar abuse with OPAQUE and disrupting childrens parties with JULIUS SEIZURE (with noma + parvo). www.myspace.com/wwcat noma makes music with anything he can get his paws on.much music is done with household appliances eg hairdryers,razors,fans,industrial drones etc. all things are usually put through the pickups of his guitar.he also likes playing various keyboards,synths and organs.he is happiest playing the piano under water for various creatures that can swim. Noma plays with himself and sometimes makes nice sounds with Opaque, Sinister Waltz, Black Sun and Ww cat. His vision is poor and now he branches out and plays with other people. He is in another band but their name changes all the time. www.myspace.com/noma1 also, hip hop beats and breaks from CYNICAL LETDOWN...some info provided by himself... Transformed into a grotesque human-fly hybrid after watching a Vincent Price omnibus, i find that even my dearest loved-ones are repulsed by my my presence. Now, forced into a life of cynical solitude, I can do nothing but make depressing hip-hop as I feel the last shreds of my humanity slowly ebb away. cYNICAL lETDOWN is based in aberdeen, scotland and is currently working on a long-player. www.myspace.com/cynicalletdown Robin (cynical letdown) will also be accompanied by visuals...info on this to follow too!
  13. supports so far.... with maybe one more addition to follow, this is shaping up to be a very eclectic line up indeed... firstly...brooding drones ahoy courtesy of WW CAT & NOMA...who will be performing together for the first time at this show Ww cat makes sound with things. sometimes sound is unpleasant. sometimes sound is pleasant. either way, sound should always be sexy. As well as solo feline racket he is to be found hacking bile in TEMPLE OF STATIC CHRIST (with kylie minoise + nackt insecten), noodling in BARBASTELLE (with cheer), spreading occasional geetar abuse with OPAQUE and disrupting childrens parties with JULIUS SEIZURE (with noma + parvo). www.myspace.com/wwcat noma makes music with anything he can get his paws on.much music is done with household appliances eg hairdryers,razors,fans,industrial drones etc. all things are usually put through the pickups of his guitar.he also likes playing various keyboards,synths and organs.he is happiest playing the piano under water for various creatures that can swim. Noma plays with himself and sometimes makes nice sounds with Opaque, Sinister Waltz, Black Sun and Ww cat. His vision is poor and now he branches out and plays with other people. He is in another band but their name changes all the time. www.myspace.com/noma1 also, hip hop beats and breaks from CYNICAL LETDOWN...some info provided by himself... Transformed into a grotesque human-fly hybrid after watching a Vincent Price omnibus, i find that even my dearest loved-ones are repulsed by my my presence. Now, forced into a life of cynical solitude, I can do nothing but make depressing hip-hop as I feel the last shreds of my humanity slowly ebb away. cYNICAL lETDOWN is based in aberdeen, scotland and is currently working on a long-player. www.myspace.com/cynicalletdown Robin (cynical letdown) will also be accompanied by visuals...info on this to follow too!
  14. supports so far..... with maybe one more addition to follow, this is shaping up to be a very eclectic line up indeed... firstly...brooding drones ahoy courtesy of WW CAT & NOMA...who some of you may know already Ww cat makes sound with things. sometimes sound is unpleasant. sometimes sound is pleasant. either way, sound should always be sexy. As well as solo feline racket he is to be found hacking bile in TEMPLE OF STATIC CHRIST (with kylie minoise + nackt insecten), noodling in BARBASTELLE (with cheer), spreading occasional geetar abuse with OPAQUE and disrupting childrens parties with JULIUS SEIZURE (with noma + parvo). www.myspace.com/wwcat noma makes music with anything he can get his paws on.much music is done with household appliances eg hairdryers,razors,fans,industrial drones etc. all things are usually put through the pickups of his guitar.he also likes playing various keyboards,synths and organs.he is happiest playing the piano under water for various creatures that can swim. Noma plays with himself and sometimes makes nice sounds with Opaque, Sinister Waltz, Black Sun and Ww cat. His vision is poor and now he branches out and plays with other people. He is in another band but their name changes all the time. www.myspace.com/noma1 also, hip hop beats and breaks from CYNICAL LETDOWN...some info provided by himself... Transformed into a grotesque human-fly hybrid after watching a Vincent Price omnibus, i find that even my dearest loved-ones are repulsed by my my presence. Now, forced into a life of cynical solitude, I can do nothing but make depressing hip-hop as I feel the last shreds of my humanity slowly ebb away. cYNICAL lETDOWN is based in aberdeen, scotland and is currently working on a long-player. www.myspace.com/cynicalletdown Robin (cynical letdown) will also be accompanied by visuals...info on this to follow too!
  15. Bracken - We Know About The Need Hood - compilations 1995-2002 Indian Jewelry - Invasive Exotics
  16. im trying to work out how to keep these threads from looking like they've disappeared!! i guess more posting on them helps!! ive made the 2 above sticky's...is that allowed?! anyway....another noisy Load Records band for your listening pleasure!!! **edit: i 'unstuck' them...looked wrong!
  17. ooh i only just noticed this...coooool...everything in one place now!
  18. probably a bit late i know....an afterthought though.... anyone?
  19. maybe you were among the few who caught them in Exodus when we put them on last year....september i think it was ...if not here's your second chance to! the USAISAMONSTER (Load Records, home of Lightning Bolt, Noxagt, Arab on Radar) is a brilliantly fried two-piece guitar and drums band of sun spotters hailing from Brooklyn, NY. The band has roved the planet with instruments strapped to their backs playing the tops of mountains, skin-melting deserts, and rusted out America. The band has trekked across Europe, America (too many times to count), Mexico, Puerto Rico, Canada, Japan ...and are on their way back to Europe and the UK in March 2007 review of their most recent album from Load Records site.... Sunset at the End of the Industrial Age LOAD 084 LP/CD Out September 5, 2006 The fifth release as a two piece from this Bedford-Stuyvesant, NY duo knows as the USA is A Monster . From when your skinny finger hits , this record roars out of the gates with banshee driven fury. Definitely taking cues from chariot drivers such as Rush, Magma, Lightning Bolt, but blasting into their own regions of otherwordly rockulation. Whereas the last record was a concept driven epic of over 70+ minutes with frequent rural electricity free moments, this record pulls wheelies around Stonehenge in a little over 45 minutes,. The songs are a bit more direct this time out and feature use of Gitmo crowd busters syntho action as well as the patented guitar4 olympiadz the band is famed for on the undie rock railroad. Of course the USA is a Monster wants to turn the tide and prepare us for the time after the lights go dim on Western Civilizations exhaust pipe party. For this, the words and sounds are of a war stomp. And the battle will rage, with the battle field location known as your mind! Not matter if you download this or buy this in a big box store, look up from your desktop unit and engage this record. It will show you the Shining Path and you know what to do... ---LOAD Records---- www.myspace.com/usaisamonster THE TUNNELS MON 12TH MARCH 8PM supports/price tbc
  20. main support for the night will come from MUSIC FOR ONE which is the project of Canadian guitarist Sherry Ostapovitch, who is now based in the UK. Her reputation has slowly built up on the back of impressive live performances and a handful of EPs. Crafted out of melodic, looped guitar lines, rattles, scrapes and buzzes, Sherry has performed on bills alongside Sunn0))), Christina Carter, and Do Make Say Think. Up until now MUSIC FOR ONE has been an electric entity merging stark guitar motifs against clicks and crackles created from bits from the hardware store and effects pedals. But on her trip to Canada this summer she acquired a beautiful metal-bodied acoustic resonator guitar. So she is now shunning electricity (only some areas of her life, mind) for acoustic wonderfulness. New sounds, ideas, and directions are always emerging but my delicate balance of emotive quiet and stillness up against bawdier bristleyness is there. "What would have happened if electricity hadn't been invented? What would the acoustic blues musicians and folkies sound like today? What would John Cage and Morton Feldman sound like played on a dobro? Would all music be more improvisational? In truth these questions are somewhat of an afterthought... I just play guitar and let what filters through me be.." for more info go to hello and welcome to music for one
  21. DiZZY SToRM and Interesting Music Promotions are coming together, (and are very excited) to bring to aberdeen THE LOW LOWS, an absolutely beautiful/enchanting/eerie (go listen and decide for yourself!) act from Georgia, USA, who's album FIRE ON A BRIGHT SKY was released on Monotreme Records (home of 65daysofstatic, Picastro, Barzin to name a few..) in oct 2006, and who will be releasing a new 2 song single on the label in march..... Its been a year since the resignation of Lily Wolfe closed the books on NYC dream-pop quarter Parker & Lily, and six months since the reconfiguration of the remaining members into the Georgia trio named (after Parker & Lily's third and final album) THE LOW LOWS. Fire On The Bright Sky, their debut album, is a radiant, desperate prom-night of a record. here's just a few of the great reviews it has received...... ALL MUSIC - "The Low Lows create pretty, pretty lo-fi dirges driven by lightly chugging guitars, Farfisa organ, and treated vocals. Some might place them firmly in the lineage of the Velvet Underground -- and the feedback squalls and oddly archaic tendencies would back that connection. But at times there's also something soft and delicately enchanting about the Low Lows that places them in line with acts like Galaxie 500 ,Red House Painters , or the more delicate tendencies of Sparklehorse . Highlights include the Western-gothic drama of "Dear Flies, Love Spider" and Wolves Eat Dogs." The Low Lows also seem to be at their best when they slow things down to a funeral pace and extract every drop of drama and beauty out of each moment, as in the hauntingly gorgeous "Poor Georgia." This is a solid, lovely effort that sails on the back of strong songwriting and uniquely mournful vocals." SPLENDID Venomously confessional... one of the most voyeuristic and tragic musical projects in recent memory Noon has shaved his observations on his breakup with Wolfe into lyrics so concise, they're reach haiku-like proportions of succinctness... (they) have succeeded in capturing an extraordinarily elusive human experience...one of the most perfectly lilting vocal styles that I've heard in some time...it's melancholy, yet hopeful...a beautifully melded combination of Galaxie 500 and Mazzy Star...so beautiful that you'll want to repeat these tracks over and over. The only thing that'll keep you from riding the "repeat" button is the fact that each new track is as striking as the music that came before it. BUFFALO NEWS "Parker Noon and Lily Wolfe delve deeply into the rather twisted and heavy-weathered emotional landscape of their relationship throughout the moody and beautiful 15 songs. All are eerily intimate. All are nigh on unforgettable as well. Fans of the wispy, flower-in-a-rainstorm esoterica of Tindersticks or the work Julee Cruise has done on various David Lynch soundtracks will find plenty to love. Noon's creepy Lou Reed-like sung-spoken vocals, subtle baritone and steel guitar work, and disturbingly poetic lyrics forge a marriage made in hell with Wolfe's organ, electric piano, vibraphone and disembodied vocals. The results reach the shore of the listener in seemingly small, innocuous waves, but their undercurrent is sinister and powerful... It's the most unsettling document of the inner recesses and hidden spaces in a love relationship since Yo La Tengo's masterful "And Then Everything Turned Itself Inside Out." www.myspace.com/thelowlows Monotreme Records SUN 11TH MARCH THE TUNNELS 8PM 5
  22. since no-one has actually mentioned who the support is...it'll be from LORENZO SNOW COLLECTIVE !!
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