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Posts posted by chilli

  1. Originally posted by Alan Cynic:

    I also thought it was damned sexy music....in a warped, sado-masochistic kind of way. (Not that I know anything about these kind of things).?(

    I know what you mean, the sexiness is similar in many ways to Arabic/North African music which oozes sex, but I must say, not in a sado................way. I think you are talking about the sexiness with reference to the brutality of lyrical content, very similar to say Marc Almond/Soft Cell, Nick Cave, The Dirty Three, Cat Power etc whoose output is always dark, brooding & full of sexiness.

    Most westernised music I think by and large misses this.

  2. Originally posted by french_disko:

    Well, as usual, I'll be there - for both the Puerto Muerto and the Kasule gigs.

    French Disco is obviously a person of very good taste, Come down early

    on Sat, it'll be busy.

    Make yourself known, unless u come from Iceland!!!!!

  3. Interesting Music continue to spoil you with an evening of

    cutting edge electronica.

    Dr Drakes

    Sunday 30th May 04

    Doors 8pm

    Door tax 5


    Si-cut.db live

    & dj Philippe Petit (Mr Bip_Hop)

    London club curator (Sprawl), producer, compiler & live performer

    Douglas Benford brings his alter ego Si-cut.db, to perform

    one of his amazing rhythmical, dubby but minimalist electronic sets which

    went down so well last year @ The Lemon Tree.

    DJ Phillippe Petit, owns & runs France's most famous cutting edge

    state of the art electronic label Bip_Hop. Tonight however he will perform

    his near ledgendary three hour DJ set, featuring all FEMALE singers, covering

    a multitude of musical genres. Phillipe is well known for his duel tracking & overlaying

    even at times adding some shortwave radio interferance, all with typical

    Gallic panache.


    There will be dancing in Dr Drakes, like never B4..................

  4. excellent support the cause, here's some more PM info

    Puerto Muerto was formed in early 1999 by Tim Kelly and Christa Meyer. In its earliest incarnation, they were known as Johnny Deformed. People violently opposed the name, throwing their bodies at the feet of the two members, begging them not to use Johnny Deformed any longer.

    As the pair traveled, they wrote and performed for anyone that would have them. Eventually, they decided to be called Puerto Muerto, after an imaginary bar in Tim's mind. The duo moved to Chicago in the fall of 1999 to make friends and play music for appreciative throngs of people. The have many influences, including such artists as THE KINKS, CHARLES MINGUS, KURT WEILL, THE CLASH, and so on. People have compared their music to LEONARD COHEN, THE MEKONS and EDITH PIAF. They live with a dog named Lenya. She is developmentally disabled. Puerto Muerto has been picked up by Fire Records of London which has released Elena, Your Bloated Corpse Has Washed Ashore and a new one called See You In Hell (which has an amazing looking cover).

  5. Originally posted by Alan Cynic:

    No...I couldn't find it either....just a site under construction. Still, the real thing will be here very soon!

    Thanks for the info ghost here's more info on PM, just amazing........

    Puerto Muerto was formed in early 1999 by Tim Kelly and Christa Meyer. In its earliest incarnation, they were known as Johnny Deformed. People violently opposed the name, throwing their bodies at the feet of the two members, begging them not to use Johnny Deformed any longer.

    As the pair traveled, they wrote and performed for anyone that would have them. Eventually, they decided to be called Puerto Muerto, after an imaginary bar in Tim's mind. The duo moved to Chicago in the fall of 1999 to make friends and play music for appreciative throngs of people. The have many influences, including such artists as THE KINKS, CHARLES MINGUS, KURT WEILL, THE CLASH, and so on. People have compared their music to LEONARD COHEN, THE MEKONS and EDITH PIAF. They live with a dog named Lenya. She is developmentally disabled.

    Puerto Muerto has been picked up by Fire Records of London which has released Elena, Your Bloated Corpse Has Washed Ashore and a new one called See You In Hell (which has an amazing looking cover).

  6. Originally posted by Alan Cynic:

    Agreed, Chilli! The Lemon Tree gig was a memorable night. Puerto Muerto managed to be dark, amusing, aggressive, gentle and downright weird all in one set. I even bought one of their CDs. Seeing them at close quarters in Drakes will be awesome.

    Your description of their LT show last year is very perceptive & accurate. Like u,

    I think the intimate nature of Dr Drakes will enhance their performace, if thats possible.

    A very exciting prospect me thinks.

  7. Originally posted by Satyam Shivam Sundaram:

    The future looks shaven and orange!

    thank u guru cats foot iron........

    I'm getting my fee quid on The Netherlands to win Euro 04.

    not what u meant eh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Originally posted by Satyam Shivam Sundaram:

    I am shocked...

    Is Hare Krishna devotional music lightweight?


    however you will develop better sense as u get older. At least

    u have found the starting blocks for a devotional future .....

    A condecending auld get listening to NFAK

  9. Originally posted by Satyam Shivam Sundaram:

    ...anyway, did the music send you in to a state of bliss?

    I've listened to these tracks and others all day long...

    watch as I dance in blissful love and joy!

    Oh Mr P, these tracks are very lightweight, i can see you on Union Street

    selling dreams of hare krishna b4 you blink. Pls check our serious Asian music as I suggested b4.

    Bliss is the name of a cd by...................

  10. they are fantastic live

    try this link for what the press say about Peurto Muerto


    by the very concept, Interesting Music want to promote

    touring artiststhat offer something DIFFERENT & normally

    bypass Aberdeen. We are very lucky to be offered PM at

    fairly late notice. Take our word, live PM are very very special

    all who witnessed their show @ Unknown Pleasures No 4

    with Delicate AWOL & NoahJohn (Charlamange@ Drakes 2/6)

    will testify.

    this is a buzz gig with our full 5* recommendation.

    pass the word


    hope to see you @ kasule/frogpocket/chevron/electric tibet,

    two days b4. We are very proud of achieving such a great line

    up of artists who will make this one another memorable night .....

  11. contributors play

    Dr Drakes

    Monday 17th May 04

    Doors 8pm

    Door tax 5


    Puerto Muerto

    + special guests


    Puerto Muerto

    Fucked-up alt.country, which cuts Kurt Weill with Tom Waits

    and the Handsome Family, mixing mazurkas with sea shanties,

    polskas with noir-ish, cinematic sweeps and Spanish folk with

    post punky fury as it goes. Marvelous, mad and mordacious stuff.

    See them live a totally fantastic experience. One of their songs

    The Hangman's Song was used on the blockbuster film Dawn of the Dead.


    Formerly known as Khaya, who recorded three albums records and

    recorded two sessions for John Peel. Out of theses ashes, Desc have formed

    & are inspired by many things but to put their songs into context they have

    been said to sound like an acoustic Sonic Youth or Ennio Morricone on speed.

    Another Interesting Music night of eclectica................

  12. Originally posted by ragudave:

    just realised that this gig was not on the last Int Music flyer I got

    yes thats right, just like the Thomas Truax event this is a late booking, weve

    decided just to put this gig out by word of mouth. Believe the hype from those that

    saw Puerto Muerto last time, thet were pretty damn fantastic, believe the description I

    put out for them above.

    They are a very SPECIAL live act, come see.

  13. Originally posted by Alan Cynic:

    Another brilliant Drakes night in prospect then. Maybe if I took a sleeping bag Jim & Sharon would let me move in, seeing as I'm there so often. (I'd try not to fart a lot during the night)

    Aye & get there sharpish coz its going to start sharp 8.30pm.

    Just a thought if you sleep over from the fantastic Puerto Muerto on Monday night,

    you can guarantee your early open mic appearance on Tuesday.

  14. Mr Cynic, u were @ NN9, GS & Future PIlot, which was part of Triptych

    The Mute night was a brave attempt @ doing something innovative @ the LT,

    ie an upstairs downstairs leftfield night, however for me it just didn't gel, Wire & Pan Sonic were fine, but just too throbby at times, Pink Grease were a joke, Liars were influenced by too much Birhday Party but were okay, Irmin Schmidt not playing live was poor, T Raumschmiere being ill was a miss. the much maligned Komputer (window tinkles aside) were okay & Tim Wright's set which most people missed was excellent.


    Trans Am just wonderful, where was everybody?


    Tigerbeat 6 Night

    1st two acts okay, main two urghhhh too late for this old chap, Kid 606 drill & bass

    far-too intense. Dav'e Kung Fu arm dancing was a delight.


    NN9, GS & Future Pilot

    FP shambolic, disjointed & full of loveliness, GS lots of variety, NN9

    three or 4 songs of genuine class, not enough meshy trademark guitars,

    set too short


    Space is the Place

    turned up @ 5 delay for 1.5hours, directors cut not available, went home

    a big dissapointment


    Moog night

    shambolic but likeable old people


    triptych this year


    ps Paragon Ensemble tonight will be special, be there...

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