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Posts posted by chilli

  1. fresh off the press ref SXSW

    Glasser and Tune-Yards at SXSW 2011 - review | Culture | guardian.co.uk

    Glasser and Tune-Yards at SXSW 2011 - review

    Hard to describe, outlandish and powerful - the music of Glasser and Tune-Yards leaves Tim Jonze scraping his jaw off the floor

    There comes a time during everyone's SXSW trip when it all gets to be a bit too much. Your eyelids start to close, your belly rejects the 213th piece of fried chicken, and your brain threatens to go loco if it takes in another white 20-something in a plaid shirt discussing The King of Limbs. With this in mind, I probably wasn't well placed when my own personal crash came at the Pitchfork showcase surrounded by, well, you guessed it. It's testament, then, to the music at Central Presbyterian Church that the two shows I caught became my highlights of the whole week.

    Glasser - AKA LA's Cameron Mesirow - didn't so much stand at the altar as sway and pirouette there. On record, this music is hard to pin down, so much so that even party hosts Pitchfork struggled, settling for "tropical pop, tribal percussion, and a couple of different strains of electronic music." Her influences span the globe, but watching her deliver the finished product with such crystal clarity is enough to shake any knackered music hack out of a chicken-induced slumber.

    Another girl with a penchant for global pop is Tune-Yards but, again, this music - a combination of vocal loops, colliding polyrhythms, and traditional string strumming - feels like nothing but her own unique creation. Glance around the church and you can tell who hasn't caught the Merrill Garbus live experience before; their faces are awestruck.Garbus certainly has a charming presence on stage. "You deserve better than that," she says at one point after the giddy combination of rhythms she's constructed to open a song doesn't quite sync. These tiny errors help make the show - proving that this is a human, not a machine, at work. Another mistake occurs during the intro to My Country, the opening track on forthcoming album Whokill, but the song is such an exercise in dragging art out of cacophony - I especially like the skronking TV on the Radio-style horns - that you're left amazed she ever got it up and running at all. Perhaps the highlight of the whole thing was when Garbus falsettoed into such outlandish Minnie Riperton-esque territory that the crowd whooped and broke out into delirious rounds of applause. The audience played its part in the rhythm section too, as each song ended with a well-timed thud. This thud was the sound of a churchload of jaws hitting the floor. A truly religious experience.


    Ridgewood, New Jersey's Big Troubles play a loud and dreamy strain of guitar-pop, whose releases for labels like Olde English Spelling Bee and Underwater Peoples have been desribed as a dreamy, head spinning blast of fuzzed-out bliss. ...totally damaged and beautiful, Big Troubles grab the reverbed-out U.S. underground and rip it a new one. gotta be heard to be understood. - Rough Trade

  3. the simple fact is Avalanche & 1UP are like all record shops that remain open, that they are struggling & if we don't consciously decide to use them for our music related purchases etc they will be gone.

    Interest rates will probably be going up this year which is going to add extra costs to overdrafts.

    As idol_wild said the coffee situation sound crap as there's FOUR coffee shops & the wild thingy within 30yards of 1UP's front door.

    So next time you think you are going to buy music product use 1UP

    all said & done "use them or loose them"

  4. Get the bar staff to smack folk round the head who stand by the bar yapping to each other at an acoustic gig.

    Apart from that, and the bar running out of 5am Saint, I have no complaints. Think the venue could really work well for some low key gigs in future and will result in some very special gigs.

    It was a very good night, no doubts but I think Chris has hit the nail on the head "some low key gigs" could be very special. The venue doesn't lend itself for 70+. The shape isn't correct & i'm sure people upstairs (not at the front) would have struggled with it

  5. Sorry to barge in on your forum like this but I run a website called Glasgow Podcart and it's an arts/music website with weekly podcast. You can find us here: Glasgow PodcArt - Music news, reviews, podcast, live events, culture and art in Scotland - Glasgow PodcART

    We are looking for musicians/bands etc to play/feature/review on our site and podcast.

    If you are interested then please submit your tracks to www.soundcloud.com/glasgow-podcart or email music@glasgowpodcart.com

    Additionally, we are looking for events/gigs to recommend as well on our site and podcast so please email us if you are a promoter or putting on something so we can get it whored a bit for you!

    Thanks for reading

    Halina x

    well worth a listen, well worth contacting....

    obviously run by passionate diy music people who want to help with exposure for NE artists

  6. LoSt & FoUnD brings in the New Year by teaming up with IMP for this in February -

    A one off chance to catch the incredible Panda Su, stripped back and in a ridiculously intimate environment at Project Slogan.

    2010 was a brilliant year for Fife based duo Panda Su, with them playing a string of festivals including Fence Collectives Homegame Festival for the second consecutive year, Secret Garden Party, Belladrum, Wickerman and Hinterland festival too. Their EP "Sticks & Bricks" brought in rave reviews across the country, "After several intense, gorgeous shows, this debut EP confirms Su and her cohorts as one of the most promising new bands around at the moment." - is this music?

    If 2010 was anything to go by, i suggest you catch them now before these guys make it big!!

    17th February

    Project Slogan


    6 on door - Spaces are very limited

    Support to be confirmed.

  7. Destructive, brilliant and utterly thrilling, this is your very last chance to see these jazz punk legends live.

    There will also be rare and exclusive merchandise for sale, and a free download of Ruths Gratitude remix available during the tour.


    Pink Mobile Phones

    wise up, they were supposed to play here on Saturday PAST but pulled their two Scottish dates owing to road conditions north of Leeds.

    We have been told their Scottish dates will be rescheduled.

    The two remaing bands that played Battery Face & Min Diesel were fabulous :up:

  8. Here's a review from earlier this week from one the four night stints @ The Vortex London

    This is one of only two Scottish dates on the farewell tour.

    Acoustic Ladyland review

    Vortex, London

    John Fordham

    guardian.co.uk, Tuesday 14 December 2010 22.45 GMT

    The bad news is that Acoustic Ladyland, the London band that burst out of the jazz box a decade ago with a mix of paint-stripping free-sax blasting and insolently punky rock'n'roll, is playing its final gigs. The good news is that this innovative, virtuosic and popular quartet's present lineup is staying together, with a new name and angle.

    The band's popularity has been founded on a jazz awareness that embraces 1960s free-improv energies updated with a youthful relish for volume, pop hooks, and grime and garage-influenced rhythmic momentum. Technical glitches delayed the start of the Living with a Tiger set, which led to barside banter: if they didn't start, they wouldn't have to finish. Then Pete Wareham split the hum with a multiphonic tenor-sax squeal, and the group's familiar onrush of percussive sax figures, the potent Chris Sharkey's whooping guitar sounds, Ruth Goller's churning electric basslines and Seb Rochford's remarkable drumming followed. The band is a rhythm machine.

    The set developed through shuddering rock riffs with farmyard-clucking sax themes, Pharoah Sanders-like banshee sounds over hammer-drill noises and chugging dance grooves for prolonged wah-wah rhythm-guitar trances. This volcanic lineup is certain to keep the heat up, whatever its next move.

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