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Jim Stax

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Posts posted by Jim Stax

  1. Great poster. Reminds me of a JSBX one I have in the house. WoS could be in bigger font though ;)

    JSBX are in no way an influence on anything we do ;) Andy Bass, a graphic designer by trade, likes his clean lines and big fonts! and all things retro.

    Although JSBX feel was more apparent some time ago but we have now, unwittingly, taken a heavier sonic route than one first sought, apart from the flashes of surftastic riffology that creep in:up:

    TTA's debut ep should be available too

    A fun night to be had!

  2. Amy has gone blonde. Thought she was looking nae to shabby on telly last week and would certainly be worth a rummage. More attractive than I thought she was. Would require a gag just though in case she's a squealer.

    As for Sandy 'Fat Face' Thom... She has a column in the Evening depressed, need anymore be said?

    Holland welcome to both. Maybe we can trade for Green Pony?

  3. quite a fan of Killzone 2 online. Long game play and a great deal more equality than COD games, I suck at COD 4 is all.


    Go into Playstation home sometime walk up to someone and cut some shapes in their face! It's a hoot, for a few minutes!

    Found myself moving a vase around my lounge. I logged out!

    I'm a fully paid up convert from xbox now.

    Oh and blu ray is a whole other world of movie watching as I have discovered

  4. Theres only a few venues in aberdeen and not THAT many people go to them... why would they build another?

    Because the council planners in this town get an idea into their badly laid out heads and they never let it go. There has been talk of a mid sized venue, 800 capacity, for a few years now. Even through the evidence suggests that we don't need one just now, and certainly not at there.

  5. Was just thinking about this and speaking about it last week. Sorry, another one of those messages that suggest the offer of services but then at the last minutes states the opposite. Much like those 'I would be at the gig if it wasn't for the fact that I wont' pointless messages you see on the boards.

    Right up my, non trash blues, street yer stuff but time and budget constraints prevent me for jumping in feet first.

    Hope you get the right folk though. Best of luck :up:


  6. I don't think BSP need money chucking at them, they're not doing too badly! Who wouldn't want to remix a fantastic band like the Manics? Anyway what's all this about leg - rubbing? Must have missed that particular post1

    They are maybe wanting to do some remixes in an attempt to inject the Manic Street Preachers with something that is even a little interesting! Drummer wears gloves for feck sake!

  7. Seen: Jim Stax

    Where: Union Street outside a mobile phone shop

    When: Wednesday afternoon

    Doing: Chatting to young child, possibly about pocket money/mobile phones.

    I was in a mega rush so didn't have the chance to say hello. Apologies for that.

    That just reads really bad. It was MY SON!!!!!

  8. Lovely music. Maybe I should went nearer the front and engaged a little more as I felt a smidge on the outside io it all til the last song.

    I don't think PA in Rrm 2 in the Tunnels is really up to this sort of thing. It needs more head room so that it can be pushed a little further to put across the larger parts of the music. For me there were points where it shoulda been 'far more' but was restricted by the PA. Not being critical of the venue but a notch up on the sound system for room two would give them a great deal more flexibility. The bass drum was simply a back ground prap and started to annoy me a little.

    Technical moan aside it was a good gig and well done to all for bringing them here.:up:

  9. i'm sure you all did. but you didn't :p

    ha ha!

    good shit though, top stuff! and i have the perfect final band for the line-up in that case...

    p.s. you're headlining! so you can do extended jams and just howl into mics and shit. it'll be great. seriously, please do that. everyone'll be drunk by then anyway...

    I would say you may regret saying that but I reckon you wouldn't...

    I wonder if I can persuade Phil and Andy to let rip with some fine wigging out! More than able:up:

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